April 2021 Moms

Healthy Habits/Fitness Check in week of 8/17

What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?

How's everything going?

What has you motivated or struggling this week?

What's a "small win" you have from last week?

Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

Re: Healthy Habits/Fitness Check in week of 8/17

  • Thanks for posting all these boards @kvh22 !

    What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?
    Getting enough calories. I'm on a low sodium diet, some days it is hard to stay within my sodium allotment and get enough calories. If it were up to me i'd eat watermelon all day long... unfortunately it doesn't have very many calories haha 

    How's everything going? Good, i've changed my workout routine to include prenatal yoga and more stretching which is helping with my stiff back.

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? I miss the ease of processed food. Super thankful i'm working from home so I have a little extra time and my kitchen to make food for lunch.

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? My blood pressure has been pretty good the past few days. It's definitely a win I needed as it makes me so nervous!! 
  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week? Continuing work our regimen that I have had in place pre-pregnancy. 

    How's everything going? Good! Some days are easier. Yesterday, I ran/walk 2 miles, I felt so good! 

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? Struggling because my US is tomorrow and it will determine viability. 

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? My 2 mile walk/run! Some days I can get up to 5 miles, but I haven’t been feeling it lately.

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  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?
    My goal is to eat less sugar (no dessert every day like I was getting used to) and to exercise 4 times.  

    How's everything going?  I am really tired so I'm having trouble motivating myself to move, even though I know I'll feel better if I do.

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? We didn't have a lot of sugary stuff in the house until my husband went shopping today.  Now there are three kinds of cookies.

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? I jogged 2.5 miles yesterday, nice and slow.  It felt good.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • *No morning sickness yet* 

    What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?

    Just getting the workout done, or a walk if no workout. 

    How's everything going?
    I think I'm in a bit of a bump in the road, but hoping to workout in a few minutes and keep it up for the rest of the week. 

    What has you motivated or struggling this week?
    I have struggled with overeating since having my son 20 months ago. (He'd finally let me put him down... I'd eat past being full. Not sure if people can relate, but it's a challenge). I thought this would magically go away, but I'm still struggling a bit, at least today. 

    What's a "small win" you have from last week?
    I've been doing emkfit HIIT hop videos for a little while, but last week I felt a bit cramping doing them. I swapped to pilates or yoga instead some days. I'm glad I didn't just do nothing, but found what worked for my body. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyyh I can totally relate to overeating issues. I've struggled with it for a long time. Snacking get's me!
  • @cagncoo12 <3. I felt like I had "overcome" some of my eating struggles pre-motherhood. But it came flooding back and then some postpartum for sure.

    Snacking is such a beast! So great for blood sugar / blood pressure dips & curbing getting over-hungry - but too easy to finish all the treats lol. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?

    Making healthy meal choices, not eating all my kids’ leftovers, running at least 3 days

    How's everything going?

    Lol good so far but it’s only Monday.

    What has you motivated or struggling this week?

    Motivated because I still feel okay and I am trying to stick with my normal routine as much as possible. Struggling because I quit all my antidepressants cold turkey when I got the BFP and it is fucking me UP.

    What's a "small win" you have from last week?

    Ran 5 miles pushing my 2 kids in the jogger on Sunday. 💪
  • kvh22kvh22 member
    edited August 2020
    @juliebird6 so impressed by the double stroller. We only have a single and I refuse to buy another stroller (we have SO many between a single and double for regular use and travel PLUS the jogger and a little foldable wagon).

    What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week? I'm trying to get my cardio in (between hiit and jogging) plus a few days of core exercises and/or yoga.

    How's everything going? I have to really slow down to be able to feel like I could "carry on a conversation" while I run. I'm checking my HR on my fitbit and when it gets above 160 for too long, I start to get a bit concerned. I know the 140 thing is debunked but 160 just seems like my normal "max" and I'm hitting it with way less exertion already. If I wasn't checking my HR, I don't think I would even realize it so idk if I'm overthinking it.

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? I'm trying to get in whatever I can until I become one with my couch at 6 weeks (in a week and a half).

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? Lots of runs and some good hiit and core work. I've been so good about running I'd been neglecting the other body work and it felt good to be a tiny bit sore again.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kvhh22 What core exercises do you do? I probably believe some pregnancy myths about core exercises, but I'd love to be reassured and shown some things I can do. It would also definitely help with labour aha. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyhh I purchased a program called One Strong Mama last pregnancy b/c I wasn't allowed to do anything high intensity from 9 weeks on due to a subchorionic hematoma. Like...literally wasn't allowed to do chaturanga from 9-21 weeks and then still wasn't allowed to run. I needed something I knew was super gentle and pregnancy specific. They have a sister program called Restore Your Core which I also purchased which is for postpartum...but can be used for years. It's focused on women's health and how everything is tied together. There's some good tips on her youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHFM22VxtAt4Nq2j0z5z2g). I'll keep doing this until I'm about 12 weeks and then I'll switch to the prenatal program. I also have really bad SPD (symphis pubic dysfunction) starting pretty early and there are moves in these programs that help me build muscles to compensate. It goes away immediately after delivery for me.
    For something a bit more accessible/active: on days when I don't run, I'll do a BodyFit by Amy regular or prenatal workout and usually add on her first trimester core workout right now. Highly recommend for something a bit more "traditional" to add on. The Restore Your Core and One Strong Mama stuff is almost the equivalent of doing yoga or pilates (the creator taught pilates for years). I had basically no DR with my first but a 3 finger gap towards the end of my second pregnancy. At 6 weeks, it was still a bit there but by 12 weeks doing some of this stuff super gently for about a month, I had no DR (small 1 finger gap). I also saw a women's health PT about 34 weeks pregnant and 12 weeks postpartum. Sorry for the novel. I have feelings about women's health and core work  :D

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kvh22 Girl, I hear you on the stroller over kill. Our garage is seriously a graveyard of strollers, wagons, bikes, ride ons, etc. I can't wait to get past this stage!
  • @kvhh22 You are absolutely not long-winded! Your message is super helpful. I'm not as in shape as you at all from what it sounds like lol. But, I have been trying very hard to be active and keep my body strong. I wish I pushed myself harder sooner after DS (20 months). Weight is not everything, but it'd be nice to be closer to what I was pre-motherhood for this pregnancy lol. 

    Sorry to hear about your SPD! My friend & MIL both experienced that - especially with their third babies. So uncomfortable!! 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyyh Ha I am not as in shape as all of this makes me sound. After DD1, I got back into working out pretty quickly/easily but she was a unicorn sleeper. DD2 was not the same so for the first almost year postpartum, I did very little. I legitimately started really working out again in May around her first birthday. When I get in a good routine, I'm golden. But this morning I probably did barely 2 miles in 30 minutes. I'm trying to squeeze in as much as I can in the next 1.5 weeks and then I'll do nothing until around 14 weeks most likely.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kelseyyh I'm going to echo a bit of what @kvh22 has already said but with my previous pregnancies I've always followed a prenatal pilates program and loved it! Linking for you, in case you're curious. I've been doing this pilates program for over 5 years (I think?) and she's awesome. She does have a paid membership BUT tons of free stuff too, especially the prenatal stuff. 
    Link: https://thebalancedlifeonline.com/category/prenatal-pilates-series/
    I've had major DR issues after every kid so I have to be super aware of not making it worse when I'm doing pilates, but truly overall it helps a TON. Like @kvh22, I've always found that the first few weeks I can still be super into my regular workouts and then I literally just cant for the rest of first tri LOL - but then I do manage to get back into it and can normally do the prenatal stuff all the way until the end. LOTS of helpful pelvic floor strengthening and it totally helps with delivery too.
  • @juliebird6 I'm down with not eating the kid's leftovers goal.... it's just so easy to finish off that mac & cheese! 

    @kvh22 "become one with the couch" made me laugh out loud. I hit 6 weeks today, and feel like i've been hit by a bus. I was feeling so great, and today i've worked from my bed most of the day  :|
  • @cagncoo12 oh man, working from the bed will be totally acceptable (when I don't have to parent). That might have to be my plan.

    @goldpolkadot I'm going to check out that prenatal pilates stuff. It sounds awesome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @goldpolkadot I LOVE Robin Long! I did some of her videos last week when I wasn't feeling my HIIT workouts. Robin's arm work outs are my favourite right now. I only discovered her recently, perhaps a membership is in my future. It's nice hearing from such a loyal follower of hers that you still love it after all these years. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyyh YES!!! I love just about all her workouts 🙌🏻 And yep, I started following her back in 2015 pre-first-baby and have stuck with her through all pregnancies, post-partum, & in between! The membership is awesome - the full access to ALL workouts make it totally worth it IMO :)
  • @goldpolkadot
    I'll talk to hubby about it! I was looking at BeachBody - but I love the look of the community Robin has created. And Pilates is more me than a lot of the BeachBody vibe lol. I remember doing Insanity when I was 19 and crying after a month and quitting. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • I just did two of the Robin Long pilates videos last night -- thanks for sharing that link @goldpolkadot!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kadeephd @goldpolkadot haha I did a prenatal core one this morning! I like her. It'll be fun to have a new workout person to follow.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kadeephd @kvh22 YES!!!!! Yall it makes me so happy to have pilates buddies! I did one this morning too!!
    @kelseyyh haha yes i get that! Her community is awesome, Robin is fun and peppy but totally real/genuine & I like that she's a busy momma so she gets it - like her mantra is "just do 10 minutes a day just to do SOMETHING" - usually I'm like yea okay, I can do that!
  • @goldpolkadot
    I just did her prenatal core workout & the upper body one that I did the other day. Love it! 
    DS was watching Wiggles while I did so lol. 

    Ladies, do you track your exercise / eating? I am the worst at recording my habits... I do like having the data though so I actually know if I'm progressing. 
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyyh I don't record it but fitbit tracks my workouts in theory. I don't think I'll get "credit" for this morning, though, since it was just the core pilates workout and a bit of a yoga flow from my other program.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kelseyh I do track my exercise! I use the apple activity app - mainly just so i can meet my goals every day so my watch won't keep telling me to move LOL. I log it as a pilates workout so it does count even if I'm not moving a ton (like in an ab workout). The Balanced Life program also has a way you can track (in their membership site) - I use their calendar too & can see at a glance how many days of the month I've done pilates.

    I'm not currently tracking eating, but when I did I used myfitnesspal

    I really like being able to see the data too!
  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week? We have been super sick for almost 3 weeks now so just trying to survive. Would like to get in some yoga at some point but running out of days this week!

    How's everything going? Was able to get on the Peloton Tuesday for the first time since getting sick but still coughing like crazy. 

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? Definitely struggling. So tired of coughing.

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? Getting back on the bike this week felt great. 
  • @kelseyyh I use myfitnesspal to track what I eat, mainly to keep my sodium in check, but it helps keep me from using my pregnancy as a reason to eat whatever I want. 

    @MandersX YES! Another peloton user! (sorry you have been sick) but i'm excited to know which workouts you are doing once you feel better!
  • Sounds like I need to do what pre - DS me did ladies lol! I was avid with wearing fitbit & tracking on myfitnesspal.

    Okay ladies, by Monday I’ll have those set up again! Goal set!
    Hubby & Me: Born 1993
    Married: August 2013
    Son: December 2018
    Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept

  • @kelseyyh you got this!!!! Let us know how next week goes 🙌🏻
  • @cagncoo12 Lately I have been doing 30 min rides with Alex, Cody, Dennis or Jess. Pre pandemic when I worked at home without everyone else here, I was managing almost 5 times a week. Lately, I am lucky to get in 2 or 3 rides a week. I did manage a 10 min yoga this week and DS climbed on me like a jungle gym the whole time so it wasn't quite the calming experience I was going for! What workouts do you do? If you have other kids, have you tried the new family content? We did 2 or 3 and they were super fun. I want to start doing 10 min core classes at least twice a week while I still can. 
  • @mandersX I was really into power zones before i got pregnant, so i was mostly doing 30 or 45 minutes PZ classes. They made me cramp though recently, so i've been doing low impact 20 minute rides mixed with the prenatal yoga. Haha my daughter crawled back and forth under me during downward dog yesterday. 

    I tried doing one of the family ones, but I think DD is too young to understand it. Sometimes i can get her to imitate the easy stretching poses from yoga. 

    My LB name is cagn112 if you want to follow each other! 
  • cagncoo12 I just tried to find out but couldn't for some reason. Mine is mandersx
  • What habits, goals, or resolutions are you focusing on this week?
    Completing my rides on my Peloton for a challenge I’m in and continuing to track my food in MFP.

    How's everything going? Ok so far. I usually get sick around 6 or 7 week mark, so I’m waiting for that to settle in.

    What has you motivated or struggling this week? I fit back into my wedding dress today. We got married almost 8 years ago and then got pregnant a few months later. I never thought it would fit again. I’ve been doing a macro tracking program for 9 weeks and it has been great. I hate to be sad about gaining the weight back, but I am. My goal is to try not to be too hard on myself.

    What's a "small win" you have from last week? Didn’t spiral and eat whatever I wanted when I got the big surprise.
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