I am starting this just to get things going. I know September hasn't been started yet, but I know we won't be doing anything then. You can see my story in my signature, but I am excited to be moving on to our next step. We decided on Donor Eggs after 2 rounds of IVF with my own eggs at 42 & 43 yrs old *TRIGGER WARNING* (all abnormal and 1 chemical pg).
Now at 45, we really have no other options. My friend (who I met on this site by the way) and I are doing a shared cycle with a clinic in Utah and are SO excited to hopefully be making babies with the same donor and grow our families with 1/2 sibling babies. This is a blessing for us both. We look pretty similar and share similar desires for our kids, so it was pretty easy for us to decide on a donor and our husbands will be headed to Utah next week to start the process!! Our donor is a proven donor with a child of her own and has so far been able to produce good numbers and quality.
We expect our donor to start stimming again in about 3 weeks for a retrieval around mid September. At that point, with fertilization, the wait for embryos and then PGS testing, we should be transferring our chosen embryo's sometime in October!
Please share below if you will be joining the October group and your story!! Looking forward to chatting with all of you!!
Me: 45yo, DH: 47yo
3 Daughters (singleton
@27yo, ID Di/Di Twins
@34yo)Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer:
November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor ProcessJune 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic -
CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
Re: OCT 2020 FET
Then, I lost two more within a few years after (wasn't preventing or trying so I was not taking the medication). When I decided to try one more time, I started taking the medication and had a successful twin pregnancy.
Then when I got remarried and started IVF, I have been on meds, but now that I am older, my issue is egg quality. Now, the plan is to start the lovenox the week of my transfer. I however take baby asprin every day of my life now anyway just to help prevent clotting in normal life even outside of trying to have a baby.
I had a bad scare with my first born because they had me stop the meds at 32 weeks, and by 36 weeks she stopped growing. By 38 weeks they decided to induce me and when she was born (healthy thank God), they took the placenta out and told me it had died from deoxygenation from clotting. So basically, had we let me go to 40 weeks, my daughter would have died from lack of blood flow through the placenta!!! So with my twins, I stayed on the blood thinners longer and had them healthy at 37wks 2 days with no issues. However, i DID develop a subchorionic hematoma early in my pregnancy which caused bleeding until week 16, so no lack of drama anywhere.
Good luck to you! Now that you know, things should be better. I also take a powder supplement of L-Arginine in my water once a day too which helps with blood thinning.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
@emilynoel810 I'm so glad you are here and feeling hopeful for your next transfer.
@ladyp0tter That's quite a story! You have certainly had your fair share of drama. I hope this next cycle goes smoothly for you.
My detailed story is in spoiler because its long but now I'm 45 and trying for a 2nd. We have had a few failed transfers and looking to do another one this fall. My next step is blood work next week with extra labs for recurring MC.
We moved to DE IVF in 2017 and our rockstar donor (anonymous) produced something like 30 eggs. 19 fertilized and we ended up with 9 embryos. We did a fresh transfer in Dec 2017 and he will be 2 in a couple of weeks. We froze the remaining 8 embryos and chose not to test them since our donor was young and likely most of them would be normal. Spoiler alert...I regret that decision.
We began trying for a 2nd in Nov of 2019. The first transfer was a BFP but we miscarried at almost 10 weeks. Prior to the MC an ultrasound at 8 weeks showed 2 heartbeats indicating that the embryo split and I was carrying ID twins but by the next ultrasound they were gone. Testing showed that the embryo had trisomy 13 which caused it to split and ultimately it didn't survive. That was devastating but we were ready to try again in the spring and were delayed thanks to Covid. We did another cycle in May which was a BFN and went right into another cycle in July. I had a late BFP but it turned out to be a chemical. We also lost an embryo that didn't survive the thaw that cycle so now we are down from 8 to 4.
Currently I'm waiting for my hCG to get back to 0 so we can focus on prepping for a new cycle. My RE has ordered recurring MC labs with next weeks blood work to see if there is anything we should know about. I'm pretty confident we just haven't transferred the right embryo yet but its better to be safe than sorry. I really don't want to test the remaining embryos now because it is risky to thaw them, biopsy, refreeze and then potentially thaw for transfer. I would rather transfer them one by one and suffer an MC than lose a good embryo to testing. That's a very personal decision but until the RE can convince be otherwise (so far he agrees it is too risky to test) I stand by it.
I am so grateful that our first transfer was successful. I don't know how I could manage the disappoint we have had this go around otherwise.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
@ladyp0tter I had no idea that happened during your pregnancy with your first daughter! How crazy! But luckily knowledge is power and you know what you need to have a successful pregnancy so you can advocate for yourself to make sure you get what you need for the next pregnancy.
@emilynoel810 I think seeing other women, who have had clotting issues like you, might help you see that it is possible and hopefully you have success as well.
@laurad75. Hopefully we will be transfer buddies!
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
@emilynoel810 I agree that 9 times out of 10 I know as much as the dr. and nurses do!! haha...As for my Hematoma, likely it was due to the deficiency. Don't be surprised though....it is pretty common for IVF ladies to get them. They usually don't hurt anything (they CAN though if they grow faster than the baby). It is just scary seeing blood every day. ugh.
@andreamm31 You are my soul sister!!!
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
Testing is tricky if the embryos are already frozen. It's risky to thaw them for testing, do the biopsy, refreeze and then thaw again when/ if they are transferred. I am personally choosing not to test my remaining frozen embryos unless my doctor can convince me otherwise.
So, if I were you I would go ahead with the ERA and hold off on the testing. @andreamm31 had a good point about the cost of the transfers and if you have a limit on how many transfers you can do. If that is a factor you may want to test. The waiting is unfortunate but if you transfer another embryo either with incorrect timing or one that is abnormal, another failed transfer is going to cause a longer delay.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
39 years old DH 41. Sperm looks great. We live in San Diego
Me: ****TW loss mentioned***
MTHFR Homozygous 677TT (dx 2016)
8/2018 Off birth control
11/29/2018 CP
2/10/2019. CP
3/8/2019 Saw fertility doctor, AFC 5, labs drawn
3/14/2019 Pregnant
4/18/2019 9 week ultrasound MM , stopped growing at 6 weeks, no HB. D&C
5/2/2019 Return to fertility doctor, labs show AMH 0.27. Diminished Ovarian Reserve
1st of 3 Egg retrievals planned tentatively for July
6/29/2019 started Antagonist Protocol
7/12/2019 First egg retrieval, only retrieved one egg and fell apart immediately, poor quality.
8/7/2019. Second cycle (follicular antagonist) canceled on day 5 of stims when a very large lead follicle grew out of nowhere.
11/8/2019. Second Egg retrieval with Lupron Flare Protocol. 2 eggs retrieved, fertilized with ICSI but no reaction occurred at all. Told I will never have my own babies with my eggs.
12/20/2019 ERA - pre-receptive. Needed 24 hours more of progesterone
2/2020 CP
3/2/2020 Egg donor cycle in Prague at Unica Clinic, 2 AA embryos, 1 transfer, 1 on ice. BFN. Due to pandemic, we could not return to Prague and will abandon our remaining embryo.
4/20/2020. BFP trying on our own!
06/04/2020 After HBs at 7 and 9 weeks, MM at 10 weeks 3 days. D&C, Hemorrhaged out 1 liter of blood from uterine artery rupture during procedure. Spent 1 night in the hospital with a balloon tamponade in my uterus. Baby was mosaic Trisomy 21.
8/2020. Moving forward with Donor Egg cycle at Utah Fertility Center and sharing a cycle with ladypOtter (Gina) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague but couldn't.
9/26/2020 Donor retrieval of 26 eggs, 24 mature. Split cycle so I have 12 eggs with all 12 fertilizing. 6 PGS normal 3 boys, 3 girls
10/29/2020 Transfer day of girl donor egg embryo. BFP! First HCG 92.9. Then inappropriate rise, plateau and falling. Possibly ectopic pregnancy. ER visit with diagnosis of "pregnancy location unknown". CP
1/19/2021 Embryos shipped from Utah to my local clinic, starting prednisone for anti-histamine protocol.
2/26/2021 FET girl embryo BFP. Betas 62, 139, 386! HB at 6 weeks, then baby stopped growing at 8 week check up with weak HB measuring 6 weeks 4 days. MM at 9 weeks. D&C 4/15/21
7/13/2021 FET boy and girl embryos. First beta 10dp5dt 177, 14dp5dt 1631, 16dp5dt 6809. Pregnant with Identical triplets. At 9 weeks, Baby C no longer had a heart beat. Identical Twin Girls. Pregnancy complicated by TRAP Sequence with baby C an Acardiac fetus still receiving blood flow being pumped to it by other girls. Referred to UCSF at 18 weeks for consultation. No intervention needed at this time
2/18/22 After a failed NST, at 34 weeks 1 day, Charlotte born 4lb 4oz and Lily born 4lbs 10 oz. Our hearts are complete. Baby girls in NICU to grow and learn to eat.
Did you ask the RE about L-Arginine? I have been pretty good about taking that. And start taking Coq-10 (ubiquinol version) if you haven't already. It helps with cell quality.
AFM: our Donor has started BCP as of yesterday and will be on them for 3 weeks to rest from her previous cycle. So she should start stimming September 5th roughly. She has stimmed for 10 days both of her last rounds, so likely no more than 11 days from then, we should be having a retrieval (around September 16-17th)!!
@andreamm31 and I are so excited because our coordinator has talked with one of the other dr.'s in the practice who is known for going after EVERY egg possible and is good at it. They said they may stim her an extra day just to give us the best possibility for a high yield. She ended up with 17 eggs and 10 embryos (ALL 10 came back NORMAL with PGS!!!). Even if she repeats this cycle, we would likely end up with 4-5 normal embryos each. We are hoping for a few extra just in case, but for me only wanting 1. I should be ok so long as my hubby and I get 4-5 normies.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
I have to fax or scan all my paperwork from previous RE, which I will do some time this week...oh boy it’s a lot of pages...
Anyway, I’m glad I’m back in the race .
Edit- Im in the military and currently in school. One of the orders is we are not allowed to travel more than 40miles from the base, so I’m going to be doing it all secretly as my RE is 132 miles away
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
Do you plan on doing PGS testing so that you can put in a "normal" embryo?
@dukie001 - WELCOME! And Good Luck! I am prior Air Force, so thank you for your service! If you haven't researched supplements yet...my suggestions for improving egg quality would be CoQ10 (Ubiquinol version), Zinc & L-Arginine (along with the normal prenatal vitamins).
AFM: Andrea and I had our guys in Utah since Wednesday through tomorrow. They had their first sample done yesterday and provide one more tomorrow morning before coming home. Looking forward to the NEXT step which is our Donor to start meds and get her baseline U/S (should be in about 2 weeks).
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
My history is in my bio
Really hoping to stick around this thread and support all you wonderful ladies through your journeys!
I just turned 39 in July and have two kids age 8 and 4, conceived naturally with no issues. Started having problems when I got my IUD out and started trying for baby #3 in April 2018. Tried for a year and finally went in for diagnostic testing, where we found my left tube was blocked. I started seeing an RE in Aug 2019. We did two IUIs and conceived in Oct 2019, but sadly miscarried at 11 weeks in Dec 2019 a few days before the holidays. I tried a first round of IVF in Feb 2020, which resulted in 5R, 3F and 2 made it to blast. Unfortunately, both were PGS abnormal. My protocol was BC for 2 weeks, 150IU Menopur, 225 of Gonal-F and Cetrocide starting around day 5. I stimmed for around 10 days.
After a COVID break and much contemplation over what to do, I switched clinics to try out a new protocol, which i started in July after repeating diagnostic testing. Learned my AMH is just over 1.0 and had dropped from over 2 a year prior. My new protocol was priming with Estrogen for two weeks, Human Growth Hormone (Omnitrope) starting a week prior to stims, and then 150IU Menopur, continued HGH every other day, plus Dexamethasone, 100mg Clomid and 300 IU Gonal-F. I triggered with Lupron and 10K of Pregnyl. The doctor called it a “gunshot of triggers”. The goal was to retrieve 10 eggs initially, but I didn’t respond as well as the Dr. would have hoped. We ended up getting 7 eggs, 6 were mature and 4 fertilized. Thus far, 1 has been biopsied and we are waiting until tomorrow to see if any of the remaining 3 make it. My husband and I cut out all caffeine and alcohol during stims, so HOPING that made a difference in egg quality, along with the HGH.
END TW********
Together since 2007, married since 2010
Baby girl born: 7/12
Baby boy born: 10/15
IUD removed 3/2018, TTC naturally until Summer 2019. Seeing RE since 8/2019.
Current DX: blocked fallopian tube.
IUI #1 (9/19): 50 mg clomid + Ovidrel --> BFN
IUI #2 (10/19): 50 mg clomid + Ovidrel --> BFP
Missed miscarriage and D&C: 12/19
IVF #1 + PGS: March 2020 [5R, 4M, 3F, 2B, 0 PGS normal]
IUI #3 (6/20): 50 mg clomid + Ovidrel —> BFN
IVF #2 (8/20): changed clinics to try new protocol [7R, 6M, 4F, 1 biopsied so far, waiting on PGS results]
Linking to my intro post
TTC since 2014
Unexplained infertility
ER #1 Nov 2019, ER #2 Feb 2020, ER #3 July 2020
3 normal embryos
Update for us: Talked to RE today to plan out the cycle. She requested the sonogram so we will have to figure out if that messes up my October timeline. Otherwise, all on track. Our donor has baseline on 9/11 and starts stimming 9/14. This puts the retrieval (based on her stimming 10 days last two times) on 9/25 or 9/26. With PGS, that puts us at Oct 1 for day 5 results and Oct 11 for PGS results (roughly giving them 10 days). IF we can get away with Sonogram and still do October transfer, we will likely plan for it around the week of October 19th. Otherwise, early November If my saline sonogram pushes me back I guess... I should know more once I talk to the coordinator again hopefully tomorrow.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
Sonogram messed up my timing last year. We were planning Sept FET, but with added test and clinic wait times it ended up in December😖 delays suck!
My story in signature spoiler. Children mentioned.
I don't produce FSH, so no natural menstrual cycle. DH has reduced morphology.
Summer 2014 IUI (with first husband): cancelled after almost a month of stims due to too many follicles
Time off to divorce, get back on my feet, find a new hubby and get married again 💑
March 2017 IVF#1: ~70 follicles, 13R, 10M, 7F, 3B = 2 PGS Normal (both XY) - no transfer due to ohss
Sept 2017 FET#1: BFP, Beta#1 (10dpt) - 253, Beta#2 (12dpt) - 528, DS born 05/31/2018 👨👩👦
Dec 2019 FET#2: BFN
Changed clinic, planning March 2020 IVF#2 - postponed due to the pandemic
April 2020 IVF #2: ~30 follicles, 24R, 12M, 8F, 4B = 2XY & 2XX, all normal
Sept 2020 FET#3: one XX embryo, BFP, Beta#1 (9dpt) - 161, Beta#2 (11dpt) - 519, Beta#3 (19dpt) - 7174, Due date 05/30/2021
DD born 05/23/2021 👨👩👧👦 - My family is now complete
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
@laurad75 looks like a lot of us will be moving to NOV
No word from the coordinator yet, so may not have any more info until after the financial call tomorrow.
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
@emilynoel810 4 normals! That’s awesome! I hear your struggle with deciding on finding out the sex at this stage. So far, we’ve asked to not know but if we have success with our FET, I think I’ll ask to know then. I know it’s irrational but I’d love to have a baby girl and I’m not ready to know if the door is closed on that possibility.
AFM, I had my SIS today. I was a bit nervous but heard it’s not as bad as the HSG so I only took a Tylenol beforehand. It was a bit crampy when they inflated the balloon but otherwise OK. Everything looks good and my RE cleared me to call back on CD1 to start prepping for an Oct FET (Yay yay yay, cue little dance).
I’m doing a natural transfer. Any of you ladies have experience with that? I’m just feeling lucky to not have to do the PIO shots (which I’m very terrified of because, despite doing the stims I’m still iffy with needles).
This is going to be my first FET so once she cleared me I felt so emotional. I ended up ugly crying in the car. Every stage brings it closer to an answer. It’s exhilarating and terrifying.
TTC since 2014
Unexplained infertility
ER #1 Nov 2019, ER #2 Feb 2020, ER #3 July 2020
3 normal embryos
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
My story in signature spoiler. Children mentioned.
I don't produce FSH, so no natural menstrual cycle. DH has reduced morphology.
Summer 2014 IUI (with first husband): cancelled after almost a month of stims due to too many follicles
Time off to divorce, get back on my feet, find a new hubby and get married again 💑
March 2017 IVF#1: ~70 follicles, 13R, 10M, 7F, 3B = 2 PGS Normal (both XY) - no transfer due to ohss
Sept 2017 FET#1: BFP, Beta#1 (10dpt) - 253, Beta#2 (12dpt) - 528, DS born 05/31/2018 👨👩👦
Dec 2019 FET#2: BFN
Changed clinic, planning March 2020 IVF#2 - postponed due to the pandemic
April 2020 IVF #2: ~30 follicles, 24R, 12M, 8F, 4B = 2XY & 2XX, all normal
Sept 2020 FET#3: one XX embryo, BFP, Beta#1 (9dpt) - 161, Beta#2 (11dpt) - 519, Beta#3 (19dpt) - 7174, Due date 05/30/2021
DD born 05/23/2021 👨👩👧👦 - My family is now complete
@late_bloomer!! So good to see you! Welcome back!
@emilynoel810 - I see you made your decision on sex. I will tell you in one of my previous m/c's when I had seen a heartbeat that went away by week 9, I TOLD them when they did the testing, I didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl and when they called with the results they said it was a genetically normal BOY!! ugh. I was so mad. It definitely made a difference for me in how I reacted because I was really hoping (and still am) for a boy.
@MooDaly - Thanks! I got some updated news so still on target for October transfer now! As for natural cycle. I discussed this with the dr. and she said that a natural one can be helpful to keep the estrogen levels lower but that it requires a LOT more ultrasounds. Since I am out of state, I can't afford to go to my local clinic and spend $200 every time. Bad enough I just had to book 3 flights for my Sonogram, the baseline and the 10 day which cost me $550 to go up to Utah (better than $600 to the shitty clinic here in Houston which we DO NOT want to give any more money to)!!
@milanjayla - WELCOME to the Crazy Train!! WOOWOOOO.......
AFM: I talked with finance on Wednesday. A little more total cost than we were hoping for but still A LOT less than here in Houston. I spoke to the coordinator on Thursday and got the whole calendar ready!! She sent in my prescription for BCP's and I started those 3 nights ago. My H20 Ultrasound is next Friday (9/11) in which I am flying in and out of Salt Lake for the day to do it. Then my Baseline is 10/6 (again, flying in and out same day), and 10 day on 10/16. Our transfer is scheduled for 10/29 at 2pm!! So long as nothing changes with the sonogram on Friday and my bloodwork (and that the donor's cycle goes well)...everything is SET!!! SO EXCITED!!
3 Daughters (singleton @27yo, ID Di/Di Twins @34yo)
Protein S Deficiency (Blood Clotting Disorder), MTHFR & VIT D issue
5 MC's: Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; Natural MC @ 7wks; Blighted Ovum-D&C @ 9wks; MC boy-D&C @ 9wks & Chem PG in 2019
Tubes were tied after my Twins (and now I am old). Remarried and want to give my DH a baby!
IVF#1 OE June 2019 - ER 6/15/19, 24R, 21M, 20F, 7 6DBlasts Frozen for PGS Testing,
RESULTS of PGS 4 abnormal girls, 2 abnormal boys, 1 indeterminate girl
FET#1 OE August 23, 2019 (transferring 1 indeterminate girl & 1 abnormal boy) - BFN
IVF#2 November 15, 2019 - ER 9R, 9M, 6F, 2 5dBlasts (fresh transfer) and 1 6DBlast frozen for PGS Testing,
FRESH Transfer: November 20, 2019, 2 5-day blasts transferred!!
BFP 8dp5dt on 11/27 - 12/2 on FRER, BETA #1 12/2 - 11.93. BETA #2 12/4: 4.41 ~CHEMICAL PG
******************Starting Donor Process
June 2020: Egg Donor Cycle and Fresh Transfer of 1 embryo in Czech Republic - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
October 2020. Split Cycle at UFC with a friend (Andrea) I met on the Bump who was also supposed to go to Prague too
DE Retrieval 9/26/2020, 26R, 24M, 12 split Cycle, 9 Fertilized + 1 "questionable", PRAYING FOR AT LEAST 5 BLASTS
10/1/2020: 4 5DBlasts (AA, BB, BC, BC), 10/2/2020: 3 6DBlasts (BB, BB, BC) FOR A TOTAL OF: 7 BLASTS!! THANK YOU GOD!!
DE FET November 16th, 2020 (transferring an PGS normal Hatching AA Boy)