I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mandy and I am 37 and I have been TTC for 7 months. I have one son who is 5 years old and lost identical twin girls at 20 weeks before I was pregnant with my son. After the very difficult time I had with both of my previous pregnancies I never thought I would be TTC again however DH and I realized late last year we really want to have another baby. The last 2 times I got pregnant fairly quickly (4 months or so) and so this time being older we decided to head to the doctor when we hit the 6 month mark. I had my HSG done today and learned that one of my tubes is blocked and the other may be partially obstructed as well. I was more than a little disheartened to learn this. We get DH’s test results later this week and are just hoping that his results are better than mine. Has anyone had experience with obstructed tubes and proceeding from here? Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Re: Hello (loss mentioned / child mentioned)