December 2020 Moms

First time Mom... 2 miscarriages, excited we are pregnant again.... 7 week ad 3 days and lite spotti

Hi everyone... I am hoping to gain some insight from some "veteran moms" on here and those that are experiencing things along with me. Being a first time mom there are so many questions / concerns/ etc... my EDD is December 20th. I just called my OBGYN to set up our first appt earlier today.  I am experiencing some spotting very light pink in color with very minor pains in the groin area, especially focusing on my right side. Is this common? So many questions and so hard to get answers from doctors. 

Re: First time Mom... 2 miscarriages, excited we are pregnant again.... 7 week ad 3 days and lite spotti

  • @babykoz2020. Hello. I know how scary that can be.  I would check out the Spotting and PGAL threads.  People have been posting their stories and results on those threads.  For other questions for previous moms, ask the BTDT (been there down that) thread.  Wishing you the best and congrats!
  • @babykoz2020 we have the same story.  First time mom with 2 miscarriages and also due on Dec 20. I also have been spotting since last week.  I had an ultrasound and the baby's fine with a strong heartbeat. Dr said not to worry it's implantation bleeding and to go to ER if it becomes more( saturating 1 normal pad in 1 hr or so) and if I have lot of pain. 
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