December 2020 Moms

Week 2 (12/8-12/14) Check-In 5/3/2020

sierra2020sierra2020 member
edited May 2020 in December 2020 Moms
Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:


Team Green/Pink/Blue:

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to?

Re: Week 2 (12/8-12/14) Check-In 5/3/2020

  • jbal918jbal918 member

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 8 + 3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Team Green if I can hold out 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a small strawberry

    Upcoming appointments: May 11

    How are you feeling?: Good but so nervous. I felt better after the ultrasound and saw the heartbeat but I start worrying again a few days later, especially with these disappearing symptoms.

    Rants/Raves: None yet 

    Questions: None yet 

    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? - The 50’s/60’s - I love the music!
    DS born 2016
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Dec 10, 8+3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Team Green!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: As wide as a penny

    Upcoming appointments: May 11th is our big appointment and next ultrasound

    How are you feeling?: Much better these days. I’ve had three ultrasounds due to spotting issues. The last one showed a great size peanut and a strong heartbeat. Nausea comes and goes, yesterday was rough but ok today.

    Rants/Raves: I’m a big huge Parks and Rec fan and I loved their reunion so so much. 

    Questions: Not really!

    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? I don’t think I’d go back too far, honestly. Maybe either the 90s or just 2008-2016 😂
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  • cassafrass15cassafrass15 member
    edited May 2020
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Dec 11, 8+2
    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Finding out!
    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Raspberry 
    Upcoming appointments: Weekly U/S with my RE tomorrow, first OB appointment 5/6.
    How are you feeling?: Mostly fine. Bloated and fatigued today, always very nervous the day before an ultrasound because of my history of RPL.
    Rants/Raves: DD has been extremely whiny lately and I don’t know what to do about it, if anything. Hoping it’s just a phase.
    Questions: Nada 
    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? To the time of Queen Elizabeth I to see her in action, or to the beginning stages of Rome to witness their architectural and engineering genius.

    @jbal918 I haven’t had hardly any symptoms at all, if that makes you feel better about yours disappearing! 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/11/2020 - 8 weeks 3 days


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Team finding out!

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Raspberry

    Upcoming appointments: I have a phone call intake appointment with my OB's office this friday, and my nuchal translucency ultrasound and appointment with the PA is scheduled for May 28th! 

    How are you feeling?: Great! We had our 8 week ultrasound this past Friday and it was amazing to see how much the baby has grown! Heart rate had increased to 169 and could see their arms and legs! We finally told parents, siblings, and best friends this weekend! 

    Rants/Raves: I wish my "morning sickness" would at least happen at the same time everyday! I never know when to expect it, so it's hard to plan on doing anything at a certain time. So so grateful to be working from home right now. 

    Questions: I don't even know what questions I'm supposed to be asking my OB's office! Any online resources with a good list of questions I can reference?

    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? Probably ancient Egypt! I was obsessed as a little kid, and I'd love to see it all with my own eyes!

  • jchpgjchpg member
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Dec 8th,  8+6


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: finding out! We will do an NIPT at my next check. I didn’t do this with my first but I’m excited to know about the sex, a little earlier. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Popcorn!

    Upcoming appointments: 3.5 weeks for my NT scan at 12 weeks. 

    How are you feeling?: ok for now. I always feel great after a positive US. I have had a few MCs so I know this feeling will go away and my nerves will ramp us as the next appointment approaches. I’m doing my best to stay positive. 

    Rants/Raves: I’m just so tired. I can’t wait for the second trimester and a bit more energy back. Rave- we have had much more success with bedtime lately. We’ve been spending hours getting DD down at night. We finally decided to just put her in bed after reading and let her cry it out. The first two night she literally just put her head down and feel asleep. We were in total shock. It’s not always so easy but she’s been able to sleep within about 10 minutes now- I call that a win! 

    Questions: Nope none now. 

    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? I love any period films. So maybe sometime back then. 
  • sejicasejica member
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/11 8w3d

    FTM/STM/STM+: + DD~3, DS~1

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: team any

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: rasberry

    Upcoming appointments: next isn't 'til 6/3

    How are you feeling?: like I'm holding my breath/waiting for the other shoe to drop, basically until I get the results of our genetic testing back around 14w.

    Rants/Raves: Rant: all I want to do is eat pizza alone and binge read fiction. Rave: got to see a good heart rate single baby today.


    I do have 2 small SCH which need to be monitored though, which explains the bleeds in March and Weds night. And now I qualify as a threatened loss along with my already geriatric uterus (38 soon).

    Questions: none right now

    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? Like @laurenspdx probably early 90's, but mostly to not 'borrow' and lose my mom's ring. She still doesn't know, and I can't bear to tell her.

    @jchpg glad bedtime is going more smoothly so far, it's one of the things I think about when I allow myself to think that far.

    @feather_heather and @cassafrass15 yay due date buddies! Now that my doc has suggested I 'adjust' my lmp so we're not scheduling my rcs for a Saturday. To be fair, I've been using a made up day (3/7) anyway because I charted and it was otherwise a 50 day cycle. (Actual lmp was 2/21 !)
    BabyName Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/11/20, 8+4

    FTM/STM/STM+: Third pregnancy/baby

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Will remain green for the first time, we have 1 girl and 1 boy

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: bike spoke head

    Upcoming appointments: 1st appointment isn't until June 1st, where I'll have an ultrasound. I'm so jealous of everyone's ultrasounds but also trying to remain grateful that I don't *need* one and that's good news. 4 weeks to go! 

    How are you feeling?: Mostly normal, very few symptoms. I feel more hungry than normal and light headed when I stand up sometimes, that's about it. 

    Rants/Raves: Just stressing about my job, that's all the detail I can muster right now. 


    GTKY: If you could go back in time, what period would you travel to? Yikes, I'm so bad at history knowledge I don't even know enough to pick a time frame. I'd like to see my parents/grandparents when they were young. But I'd probably be more interested to see how much things will change in the future! Like 200 years from now or something. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: May 2008
    DD Born: March 2018
    DS Born: April 2019
    Due with #3 December 2020!
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