December 2020 Moms

Week 3 (12/15-12/21) Check-In 4/26/2020

Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:


Team Green/Pink/Blue:

Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe?

Re: Week 3 (12/15-12/21) Check-In 4/26/2020

  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: Dec 18; 6W2D


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: we will probably find out.  Haven't specifically discussed it yet, but I think from friend's pregnancies, we would have a difficult time being Team Green.  

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A dried corn kernel (some of these facts are less than helpful...something about the end of a match?)

    Upcoming appointments:. Monday for first prenatal and U/S.  They wanted to check things out after some spotting all week.  

    How are you feeling?:.  Food is both the best thing I have eaten and then like 30 minutes later a huge regret.  I was crazy nauseous and tired yesterday, but hoping for an easier day today.  

    Rants/Raves:. I am a little annoyed with the DH right now.  Our dog keeps waking up at 5am.  I get up with him and handle all the morning stuff.  Then the dog goes back into our bedroom and I normally sleep on the couch for a couple more hours.  (Normally I have a snack and it takes me a while to go back to sleep, so I feel bad going back to bed and disturbing DH's sleep.). But he just asked if I was awake and could take the dog again.  I was like not really as I am stuck on the couch again feeling gross.  I am trying to remember that he handles the dog in the evenings when I go to bed early, but still annoyed.  The cat and dog fight while I am trying to sleep and it just doesn't really work.  Okay...rant over!  


    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe?
    My great grandmother's homemade spaghetti sauce recipe and my FILs Christmas seafood pasta (he passed away right after we got married.  We make a version of his meal, but it just isn't the same).  
  • willashbabywillashbaby member
    edited April 2020
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/18 6+2 @dobiemom11 same DD!

    FTM/STM/STM+: STM, DS is 4 I was in J16

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: I don't know yet but we're planning to find out. Hopefully I'll have NIPT since I'll be 35 by delivery. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: "pea" this week. Currently Carnegie stage 13. So far this pregnancy I am REALLY enjoying spicy! Sriracha has been going on everything, even my eggs n waffles. 

    Upcoming appointments: 5/11 for a scan and to see the doc for the first time. I've only met her once before, when she took out my BC in December. 

    How are you feeling?: Honestly, good! Funky dreams and sleepiness continue to be my main symptoms. 

    Rants/Raves: Nothing really, I am def looking forward to making sure this pregnancy is viable to I can really settle into it. I hate waiting for a scan, last time I was able to get one around now. 

    Questions: Neh, I'm good.
    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? My Mom's Chicken Francese. She makes it for my birthday every year. 
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  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/18 6+2 - also the same due date @willashbaby and @dobiemom11!

    FTM/STM/STM+: STM, DD is 8.5mos 

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: we're planning on finding out; I did last time and it helped me bond with DD throughout the pregnancy.  I'm doing the NIPT since I just turned 39 (and I'm way too type A to not find out)

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a corn kernel today/green pea or ladybug this week

    Upcoming appointments: my intake appointment will be 5/7 (over the phone), and my first in-person appointment will be 5/21. The wait feels like SO LONG since I'd already had an ultrasound by now the last time.  

    How are you feeling?: better after getting some sleep the past 2 nights, but the morning (let's be real, all day) sickness is starting to gear up.  I'm taking it as a silver lining though, since it reassures me that things are on track.

    Rants/Raves: my husband got up with the baby the past 2 mornings - he's a great dad and a very supportive partner....and on the rant side, I'm *NOT* looking forward to another work week.  Trying to simultaneously parent and work full time is next-level exhausting.

    Questions: none currently

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? my MILs stuffing - she only makes it for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the recipe is a closely guarded secret!
  • @willashbaby and @luckypenny11. Yay for same DDs.  

    @willashbaby. My husband loves spicy food and I do not.  Almost daily he asks me if the baby wants something spicy.  At the moment, nope!  

    @luckypenny11. I love your attitude about symptoms.  I try to remember that when I am not feeling well.  I then completely freak out when everything subsides.  Can't have it both ways girlfriend!  What is in this stuffing recipe (in general, since we know it is a secret).  I love StoveTop but all the inlaws love this fancy sausage stuffing.  So I just make stovetop with my leftovers.  
  • @dobiemom11 I make stovetop too  :D I add all of the extra pan drippings that I don't use for gravy and it's pretty dang good. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:
    I forgot my due date! :lol: STM problems. I’m pretty sure it December 16th. I’m 6+4 today. 

    @luckypenny11 so happy to see another mama on here with a similar gap between kids :smile:

    Team Green/Pink/Blue:
    We are definitely finding out the sex. Since we already have a boy we would love to have a girl. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: a sweet pea! 

    Upcoming appointments:
    I have a phone appointment for my OB history on Wednesday and then she will set up my ultrasound and also tell me what the plan is. 

    How are you feeling?:
    I am so emotional. Like all over the place. I’m very cranky and sassy and everything my partner does annoys me. I’m also really tired. I’ve been taking a nap with my son around 2. The great ironic pregnancy thing though is that I toss, turn, and wake up all through the night so I never get real rest. I’m starting to feel a little queasy in the morning and at night. Thank goodness it isn’t like my pregnancy with my son where I was sick all day and threw up until 28 weeks. I’m also loving hot sauce and salty things taste way too salty. 

    Somehow the forums disappeared when The Bump app updated on my phone. Also, as I mentioned before my partner is driving me crazy. Poor guy :lol: 

    Not really a question. I’ve just been asking myself and freaking out about how I’m going to do this with two kids. Working full time from home and trying to do everything as a parent is impossible and stressing me out. Solidarity @luckypenny11

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? 
    Our ravioli we make every Christmas. 
  • @willashbaby the first trimester can be scary. I hope it flies by for you and you can settle into the second trimester. 

    @luckypenny11 I feel the same way about symptoms. I actually was happy to start feeling nauseous :lol:

  • Sorry for double posting. got cut off!

    @dobiemom11 I would be annoyed too. It’s hard to do anything when you feel so sick. I hope your US goes well tomorrow! 
  • @antera23. I would love to hear more about the ravioli.  What do you put in then?  We started making homemade gnocchi instead of pasta for our seafood pasta during the holidays.  I bought a pasta maker and need to try it out.  
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/21 5w6d

    FTM/STM/STM+: this will be baby # 4!

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: I'll be happy with whatever it is...maybe leaning a little more toward team PINK because we have 2 boys and a girl right now

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: an apple sead?

    Upcoming appointments: Tuesday first appointment

    How are you feeling?: tired but otherwise good

    Rants/Raves: Just super anxious in the beginning first trimester stage so I'm ready to see this LO and hear a heartbeat soon.

    Questions: Anyone else having their 4th???

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? Either Chicken tetrazzini or my creamy tomato sausage tortellini soup
  • @antera23 - yay for solidarity! My sister and I are 13mos apart and MH and SIL are almost exactly 2 years apart.  We've both been close with our siblings lifelong, so I'm hoping nugget #1 and nugget #2 also end up being close.  I'm also having trouble sleeping at night and just want to nap when DD does!

    @dobiemom11 - I know that it has milk crackers ( rather than bread and a *lot* of butter.  MH's cousin asked for the recipe for several years in a row and was finally gifted it for his birthday last year  :D.  I also love StoveTop - honestly, stuffing > turkey any day!   Wishing you a cute blob with good heartbeat tomorrow  <3
  • @dobiemom11 we do a basic but delicious ricotta filling. Ricotta, egg, parsley, and a tiny bit of cinnamon. My sister, who is lactose intolerant, makes her own sautéed mushroom filling. I’m allergic to mushrooms so I never pay attention to what seasonings she uses :lol: i LOVE gnocchi!! My grandmother made such good gnocchi. I tried to make it once and it was gross. What all goes Into your seafood pasta? We do the feast of the seven fishes for Christmas Eve. 
  • @antera23. We make the gnocchi  out of ricotta cheese.  It is so good.  We do a modified version of the seven fish with normally shrimp, scallops, and either crab or mussels.  I am actually not a fan of shrimp, so everyone fights to sit next to me and eat my shrimp.  Normally it is a garlic,a tomato, and cream sauce.  I am also lactose intolerant, but normally just take extra lactose pills in order to survive that meal.  Either version of your ravioli sounds amazing!
  • Guys I’m such a dork. I didn’t even realize that the weekly check-ins were divided up by DD so I posted on another one. Oops! 

    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/16 6w3 or 4d

    FTM/STM/STM+: 4th time mom

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: no preference 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Baby is as tall as a Reese’s pb cup

    Upcoming appointments: None until I can get my referral from my pcp 

    How are you feeling?: Meh. Lots of indigestion. The queasiness hits at night right now. I feel like with #3 my morning sickness didn’t fully hit until week 8 so I’m dreading this. 

    Rants/Raves: rant: Pregnancy during allergy season. Yuck. 


    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? I recently made my grandma’s chocolate sheet cake recipe that I haven’t had in like 20 years. I didn’t even realize that my older kids had never had it before and they loved it. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/19. 6w2d

    FTM/STM/STM+: Third time mom

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: We'll definitely find out. I'm guessing it's a boy.

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A blueberry

    Upcoming appointments: I just had my first teledoc visit today. Ultrasound on May 26th, when I'll also have all my bloodwork done (including for the NIPT). Hoping for good news from the NIPT, since that's where things went badly last time.

    How are you feeling?: Mostly ok. A little queasy sometimes, but nothing too bad yet. Tired. And my boobs are sore. And grouchy.

    Rants/Raves: It's a nice sunny day here, so I may go for a run today. I guess that's a rave? I don't have anything else.


    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? I think I make a pretty good chili.
  • @BmcD2016 hello due date twin! :smiley:
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/20, 6w/2d

    FTM/STM/STM+: first time parents

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: green for now, but we’ll probably find out due to testing I’m likely to have. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: according to my other app, the size of a pearl from Audrey Hepburn’s pearl necklace in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!

    Upcoming appointments: Initial appointment is 5/13. 

    How are you feeling?: I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping well because of the quarantine and not having a schedule. I’ve also been having intense dizziness. 

    Rants/Raves: None at the moment. 

    Questions: Why can’t I sleep?

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? My meatballs. The recipe is extremely simple, but my mom and grandma made them. 
    Me: 36 | DH: 35 | Married: 9.17.16
    Diminished ovarian reserve
    BFP: 4/14/2020 EDD: 12/20/2020
  • @dreamscapes_ pregnancy insomnia :) check with your doc if you want but you can try unisom. I buy the generic from Costco and cut them in half when need be. 
  • Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days: 12/19  6+3

    FTM/STM/STM+: STM, DD is 25 months 

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: We will definitely be finding out! Last time I was convinced I was carrying a boy and now I love being a girl mom. So.. trying to be excited either way. 

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: A chocolate chip 

    Upcoming appointments: May 11 for check-up and initial ultrasound. 

    How are you feeling?: Tired. Crabby. 

    Rants/Raves: who on earth thinks parents get anything done while working from home? I don’t know how to respond to co-workers who complain about being bored, lol. 

    Questions: Anyone else considering getting a medical letter as a “special population” or “high risk” so they can keep working from home their entire pregnancy?

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe? - DH makes a great bagel these days. 
  • willashbabywillashbaby member
    edited April 2020
    I wish I could keep working from home. Once schools do re-open I'll be in ground zero. That I'm actually worried about but there's not much I can do about it. I'm hoping that maybe I'll be provided with some PPE but I doubt it. And I see the entire school so that's 70 kids and nearly 30 adults I see daily. I honestly feel like there's no way I won't get this virus eventually. 
  • @willashbaby. I am also unable to work from home.  I will let my supervisor know what is happening, so maybe some extra precautions can be taken.  I have currently been laid off temporarily until my work reopens.  My husband was told he could work from home as long as he wanted, so he is planning to stay home as long as possible.  Best of luck to you!  
  • I didn’t even know such a letter existed! I’m waiting until my appointment tomorrow to ask if I am especially at risk. I’ve heard conflicting reports about pregnant women being higher risk and then not. So I will follow the advice of my doctor. I’m a home visitor and my work has been great about following our governors recommendations and having us work from home. I’m sure they will be flexible with me. At least I hope so. I will probably think more about all this until after the first trimester :smile:
  • @willashbaby it’s not so much that I can’t sleep at all, it’s just that my sleep schedule is so crazy 😂 I didn’t fall asleep until almost 7:30am, and if we hadn’t had to take our cat to the vet at 11:30, I probably would’ve just woken up not too long ago 🤷‍♀️ I also have chronic fatigue, so it’s really just the timing of my sleep that’s annoying. 
    Me: 36 | DH: 35 | Married: 9.17.16
    Diminished ovarian reserve
    BFP: 4/14/2020 EDD: 12/20/2020
  • From what I can tell, pregnant people aren’t at any higher risk for getting infected. There’s just concern about the risk of complications if they do - like how they recommend getting the flu shot while pregnant. 

    The CDC designated pregnant people as a “special population.” So I’m hoping that holds. 
  • bkinn26bkinn26 member
    Estimated Due Date/Weeks + Days:12/17 7+0

    FTM/STM/STM+: STM+ (5th pregnancy, and hopefully 3rd and final baby!)

    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Team Healthy

    Interesting Baby Fact/Baby is the size of: Hmm..I'm not sure, 9mm according to Ultrasound this morning! 

    Upcoming appointments: in 4 weeks, I just had an ultrasound today 1 week earlier than planned to confirm viability.

    How are you feeling?: I'm feeling a LOT of things emotionally, but also tender breasts, nausea, heartburn, SO extremely tired but also trouble sleeping! I feel ready to be through the first trimester so I can relax a little more!

    Rants/Raves: ....My doctor is amazing and I trust him so much!

    Questions: Have you had a VBAC? Have you gone through labor and delivery without drugs/epidural?? How did it go, I am considering it for this time around!

    GTKY: What is your favorite family recipe - Nothing sounds yummy right now except pasta salad lol which isn't a secret recipe!

    Hello all 💕
  • @bkinn26 regarding labor: I labored without an epidural for 18 hours. After all of that I was exhausted and knew I needed rest. I got the epidural, they broke my water, and then things progressed quickly. I'm glad I had it too because I was 2 minutes from needing a crash c section. Since I had the epidural they would have been able to just crank it up and get to work. If I hadn't had it I would have needed general anesthesia. After that, I'm team epidural. 
  • bkinn26bkinn26 member
    @willashbaby thank you so much for sharing your experience and why :) I appreciate it!
  • hham10hham10 member
    @willashbaby im not sure your position with the schools but I’m a teacher and I know things will look much differently next year. We’ve already heard some of the possible ideas. I’m not overly worried about it and actually look fwd to going back. This summer will tell us a lot of what to expect. Hopefully your district will put some different restrictions in place. 
  • @hham10 I work in Brooklyn, almost the hardest hit area in the country. I teach "Reading Through the Arts" in a strictly special education school housed within a gen ed building. From 3K-3rd grade. I travel from room to room so I see all of the kids. The NYC school system is the largest in the country. It's incredibly difficult to ever get anything consistent since the system is so large and we do have a LOT of uninvolved parents. We struggle on a regular basis to have enough soap and toilet paper, let alone sanitizer, gloves, and masks. The children I work with also NEED "hands on" help, there's really no way to maintain safe "social distancing". 
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