Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling?
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby?
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Re: April 13th Group Ticker Change
Upcoming appointments: Not until May 6th for 36 weeks, GB test and making sure he is still head down. Kaiser doesn't start biweekly appointments until 36 weeks.
How are you feeling? Tired. My legs seem to be hurting all the time.
Rave: Dh has been awesome in making sure I'm getting a nap when I need it. L is loving evening walks and taking the dogs but I just didnt have the energy to go with them last night. So he took L and both dogs 💙 Additionally I so loved getting to see baby S on Saturday. This ultrasound experience was much more like my 20 week with L. My 20 week with S I wasnt allowed to see anything until the very end and the tech didnt talk at all. This time I got to watch the whole thing. It was awesome.
Rant: "Spring Break" is over tomorrow. I now have to figure out how I'm going to work my new required office hours into our schedule. I had 8-9, and 1-2 and was doing my required video lessons/q and a on M/W during the afternoon hours because I could do it during nap time. Now they've changed everything and are requiring science to do T/Th between 10-12. So now I have to work that all out and I'm frustrated. At least this is DHs furlough week and he can help me figure out what's going work or be manageable.
Questions: none
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? I bought him a blanket that is very similar to Ls favorite one. Its super cute with dinosaurs so I'm excited about that.
Upcoming appointments: Supposed to have a midwife appointment on the 24th- let’s see!
How are you feeling? Okay. Starting to get a lot more braxton hicks and it feels like the baby is crowding all my organs! But pretty normal 3rd trimester stuff
Raves/Rants: I have literally my 5th yeast infection of my pregnancy. My doctor said it’s just how it is for some unfortunate women and I just have to keep trying to medicine. UCH
Questions: Anyone else not decided on a name yet? DH are not going a good job of preparing for this baby...
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? Similar to @erikandafton i bought the baby a really cute blanket. It has seals on it and is super soft. I also got a Pink newborn Baby carrier for a great price on Facebook marketplace. But most of her clothes so far are hand me downs! Which I feel a bit bad about
Upcoming appointments: Thursday I'm doing my glucose test and rhogam shot at my 30 wk appt
How are you feeling? Tired. So freaking tired. BH are becoming more frequent.
Raves/Rants: We got the swingset up this weekend for my DS and he loves it! I'm so glad we got it in time for his birthday, which is next week.
For a rant, I am just so over my job. I'm sick of working. I'm tired and uncomfortable and just don't want to do it anymore. I wish I could take more time off and not affect Mat leave.
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or received for baby? Probably all the cute girl clothes lol. Also got a great bassinet on the FB marketplace. And my DS got her a little Minnie Mouse lovey. He keeps putting it in secret places in his room and the playroom to keep it safe for her
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
@hanshotfirst77 Your Ds hiding the lovie is so sweet ❤
Upcoming appointments: April 29th, regular checkup
How are you feeling? overall pretty great still. Sometimes when I walk for a while my lower back start to hurts. Usually by the end of the day, I start feeling like my belly is stretching so much.
Raves/Rants: I always had a very small chest and didn’t think it would grow so much. No bras fit me that I own. My friend gave me 3 size small nursing bras. The cup part fits fine, but by the end of the day it starts to feel tight around the band. I saw on amazon you can buy some bra extenders so I’ll get those and see how that goes without having to buy all new bras.
Questions: Are any other FTMs starting to feel like this is coming so soon and getting nervous and not feeling prepared? I’m starting to worry about labor and delivery and being in the hospital and what the heck I do with a newborn once I’m home!
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? hmmmmm. I think the diaper bag. It’s black and quilted with gold accents. Should arrive this week! As soon as it does I’ll start packing baby’s stuff for the hospital.
Upcoming appointments: Canceling my OB this week. Should be seeing midwife this week via telehealth
How are you feeling? Somehow me and DD seem to have picked up a cold even though we never leave house. and only two trips out in two weeks total have happened from household members. And they took ridiculous amount of precautions.
Raves/Rants: Raves - yeah I'm not good at that right now. The weather this weekend wasn't so bad so kids got outside time. It's miserable again though and going to stay that way all week. Rant - everything. Ugh. Just so much pain all day. It's been worsening lightning crotch since 7 weeks (lightning crotch is a symptom my my SPD) and being disabled from it for months and now with this continued shelter in place with the rest of my family stuck in....it's been too much for too long for me. And getting a cold on top of it is just insulting to me.
Questions: I got nothing. Just feeling way tired and icky and whiny today.
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or received for baby? Someone gifted us tie dye diaper flats and wipes. Plus we bought just one newborn outfit for baby. We like each kid to have one new first outfit.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Raves -- our neighborhood friends gave us a trio of new baby / big brother board books for DS. We wiped them down and kept them in the garage for a week, then let him open them this weekend. He's SO excited about being a big brother. We are so lucky to have such a sweet kid.
Upcoming appointments:. Growth ultrasound on Thursday, meeting with midwife on Friday via Telehealth.
How are you feeling? This kid uses my bladder as a pillow and I'm over it. I can't wait to not pee a thousand times a day!
Raves/Rants: rave: DH and I tried so hard to make Easter feel special for the kids yesterday, and it worked. Our son said it's the best Easter he ever had. Even though we can sense how different and unnatural this all is, I'm so glad that the kids are resilient and are taking this all in stride. Rant:. The weather is supposed to be crummy and cold here all week, so I'm bummed we won't get outside much.
Questions: for those that are using disposable diapers: what brand are you using? We used Pampers swaddlers for our first two kids, but want to save some $$ this time and try something less expensive. Any recommendations? ( Not interested in clothes diapering, sorry!)
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? We haven't bought much since it's a 3rd kid and we have basically everything. But I did buy a new diaper bag that I'm excited to use!
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
Upcoming appointments: next week I should have my 34 week unless they cancel again.
How are you feeling? Mostly feel like I don't have time to think about how I'm feeling. I don't even think about being pregnant the majority of the time. My hips and lower are killing me, my feet are super swollen. I'm exhausted
Raves/Rants: dh is still on quarantine. Day 17 I think? So two and a half weeks of solo parenting while working from home, while keeping the pets alive, while also leaving food and drinks outside the bedroom door for my husband. His fever needs to just go away already. The nursery is still plywood subfloor. We need to lay carpet so we can start building the crib and the dresser gets delivered tomorrow.
The to do list is nauseatingly long. I'm so glad I started Lexapro a few weeks back. I think it's really helping me because life is a complete sh!t show right now. Our garage is full of our kitchen cabinets for that renovation. We did not account for all of this insanity or dh getting sick in our rehab timelines.
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? I bought a happy baby carrier and an onbuhimo that I am excited for. I figure I will be wearing her more often than not to keep her safe from big brother and am glad to have something light and comfy.
EDD/weeks+days: June 25th, 29+4
Upcoming appointments: April 21st for a growth ultrasound
How are you feeling? Uncomfortable, especially when I am trying to lay down or sleep.
Raves/Rants: Rant- Weather is super crummy today so we can’t go outside and play in the yard. I feel as though I am very whiny in general lately though I am trying not to be cause at least we are all healthy. Rave: My school is on spring break so I don’t have to post lessons this week.
Questions: None that I can think of
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? Like many others, I feel I have not prepared much and we are mostly using hand-me-downs. Third boy, so there isn’t a lot we need. Did buy some cute rompers though cause we had given away all of the baby clothes size newborn through 6 months and this baby was a surprise.
Upcoming appointments: Next week for 34 weeks
How are you feeling? For the most part ok. Lately I've been having some lower back pain and that is no good. I had horrible back labor with both of my previous pregnancies and I'm hoping this is not an indication of that again.
Raves/Rants: DH FINALLY started on the loft bed in our oldest's room so that the two older boys can shack up. Hopefully he'll be able to finish it sometime this week. He had to go to Lowe's today to get the final things and I'm getting tired of people complaining about all home projects being non essential and you shouldn't be at Lowe's, etc. We have a kid coming in less than 8 weeks - it's pretty essential.
Questions: I don't think so
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or received for baby? Um, 3rd boy - haven't really purchased much or been given anything (probably more due to the pandemic). My mom has been working on a new blankie for the baby since my 2nd is attached to his still
Upcoming appointments: I canceled my routine checkup today and have another scheduled April 28th. I’ll be 32 weeks by then...is that when they normally do a growth scan?
How are you feeling? Pretty good. Heartburn has started but not yet to the point where I keep Tums on me 24/7. Last time I mistakenly thought that meant baby would have a head full of hair, but I’m here to tell you, that old wives’ tale is false! My son is just now starting to get enough hair to be combed.
Raves/Rants: Walmart pickup has been screwed up the past few days and my order got canceled, so I have to actually go inside the store later today 😭😭 and from what I understand there is absolutely no chance I’ll get Charmin to replenish my toilet paper supply (we didn’t panic buy, we’re Costco shoppers so already had a lot on hand)...I know that SUCH a trivial complaint in times like these, but I pee a lot and I hate the cheap stuff!
Questions: Anyone else suspect they may have already had the virus before we knew what was going on? Back in January we all had terrible coughs that drug on forever and felt a little puny but but didn’t run a fever, so we attributed it to prolonged allergies. Just wondering if there’s any chance we’re immune now...not because I want to resume normal life before it’s time, but just curious.
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or recieved for baby? This is my first girl so my sister bought me a ton of baby girl clothes in sizes NB through 12 months when Baby Gap was having a big sale. They are absolutely adorable and it was the first time I got really excited about having a little girl since I always pictured myself as a boy mom. And this week my mom surprised me with a new diaper bag I’ve been eying but haven’t wanted to splurge on.
Team pink
Baby is the size of: asparagus I think
Upcoming appointments: follow up growth scan for GD specialist on the 23.
Raves/rants: my manager is amazing and got me transferred to a non covid unit since my unit became covid. I’m so grateful. And my hospital just sent out an e-mail that they are testing every admission for covid which is amazing.
Questions: what are the essentials to pack in your hospital bag? I’m scared of taking too much and I’m scared of not taking enough.
@kjack86 I have talked about this topic a bit because I remember in Januaryish someone asked if the flu was bad this year (I’m a nurse) and I said kindof but there is a lot of pneumonia. Like a lot. Also, my significant other was sick with a crazy cough for a while, I got sick for a while, and his 17 year old son randomly got pneumonia. He’s an otherwise healthy kid. I don’t know what to think. I just want it to be over soon
Upcoming appointments: I moved into 2 weeks appointments and had the dreaded 3 hr glucose last week but passed! Next one up is next Tues.
How are you feeling? Anxious and in pain. 3rd time with SPD and you'd think I'd get used to barely being able to walk but nope, I think it gets worse each time. Stupid pubic bone.
Raves/Rants: Rave: For now, we are allowed to have a support person in the hospital. They aren't allowed to leave during the stay but at least I can have DH. That's my positive for now. I am unsure if our numbers go up, if that will change.
Rant: I went online to Lucie's List last night after I had a minor panic attack about what the hell to put Tres in. No more Rock n Play and my first two lived in that thing for months!
Questions: none off the top of my head
GYKY: I haven't bought or received anything. #3 and team green, so you know...
@kakesworld.... Maybe I'm the worst mom ever, but I 100% plan to use my rock n play. It was a godsend for my first two and I use it appropriately and under my supervision, so I feel confident in using it haha. I've researched other options but can't bring myself to spend money on something new when I have something that works perfectly fine 😂
Upcoming appointments: 30 week + TDAP (DTAP?) shot on Friday, telehealth every other week after that.
How are you feeling? OK. I've been going for walks in the nicer weather and my pelvis is sore when I'm done and sleeping isn't great, but by this point in both my others pregnancies my joints were separating and baby was low so I could barely walk. This baby has stayed belly button level. I appreciate being able to breathe and walk.
Raves/Rants: We were just given an absolute ton of gear by a friend who had her first baby 18 months ago. This was also a first grandchild so there was lots of stuff. I feel like we have more things for this kid than for the other two combined...and I had showers for those kids! Seriously this has been a lifesaver.
GYKY: What is your favorite thing you've bought or received for baby?