August 2020 Moms

Product Spotlight: Toys

This is a place for FTMs to ask questions about, S+TMs to share their prior experience with, and everyone to share what they're eyeing in the world of maternity, baby and postpartum products. Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product to help streamline and make it easier to refer back. This week we are discussing toys! Since there isn't a separate spotlight for play mats, activity centers/mats, stroller toys, etc. we can include thoughts on those here too!

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Re: Product Spotlight: Toys

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    @coldlife2 we have hardwood floors so we needed something soft for her to lay and roll on. We have a gathre mat, too, that’s very photogenic but not that padded, but she was a bit older when we got it. If we had carpeting, just a blanket would have been perfect. And same, most of her favorite “toys” now are just normal household items. 

    I just remembered there are also some Montessori toy subscriptions that are pretty popular but we haven’t tried them. If this were my first I would consider doing one because those toys are supposed to hold up really well. But since it’s our last and we already have so much stuff, I don’t think we’d get as much value out of it. 
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    I don't think my DD cared about toys at all until we hit about 3 months. She's actually really recently went through some of her toys and picked out some that she wants to put away for baby sister so I have a good handful of soft toys and such for this little one set aside.  I've picked out a play mat for the little girl on the way but otherwise I just want some new board books and crinkly books because those were the big things I remember that my DD got on with early. I figure by Christmas this baby will be ready for some toys and at that point I won't be able to stop family from sending them.

    I never got any teething toys for DD though... honestly I just did for her what my momma did for me and froze whole wheat bagels for her to gnaw on when she started reaching to chew things.  I do acknowledge I got pretty lucky with my big girl though, she never was one to stick things in her mouth besides her binky, the bagels I gave her, or her hand. 
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    Which play mats did you guys like best
    Married July 2014
    DD born June 2016
    Second due August 2020 (team green!)
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    @roo_baby are you thinking of the Lovevery kits? I have them on my babylist registry. They are quite pricey, but I like the idea of getting toy updates occasionally and then not needing to think about it much outside of that. I am also registered for their play gym. It looks pretty and I like that it converts into a mini tent once they are a little older. 

    I'm also curious about play mats. I have hardwood floors and have rugs in most of the rooms, but there is one room w/o a rug and so I'm thinking down the line of getting a play mat for that space so would love something both pretty and with a bit of cushion. 

    Also, any tips for dealing with family members who like to give lots of gifts for holidays and birthdays? I don't want to come off too demanding, but I don't like having a lot of extra stuff around. I think birthdays might be easier, but holidays can be tough when grandparents want to make it seem like everyone got an equal amount of gifts. 
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    @rivercitynik yes lovevery is one of them! Also montikids. The lovevery playmat is supposed to be awesome. There are also some cute skiphop ones. And ikea has just the thing that hangs over if anyone wants to use a blanket or mat they already have (ikea also has a plain mat but I can’t remember what it looks like). 

    You can do an amazon wishlist as well for holidays and birthdays. When they are a little older, you can suggest larger gifts like zoo memberships to grandparents so they aren’t just buying crap. And set up a 529 they can donate to instead of physical gifts. But it’s still a struggle for us. I’m trying to use quarantine to get rid of stuff and the grandparents are sending us random toys so we don’t get bored. 
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    We have the same playmat as @riatortillaxo and it's worked great for us! The lovevery playmat got popular right as DS was born and I was a liiiitle bit jealous of everyone who had it, but this one was really all we ever needed. When DS outgrew it, we got a foam playmat from tokimats that served us well for another 9-12 months or so.

    For the true baby stage, our favorite toys were the noggin stik and winkel. Most things those two companies make for babies are really solid, but these I cannot recommend highly enough. My mom also sewed us a ribbon blanket that made a delightful crinkling sound and that was a big hit early on, too. Plus sophie the giraffe. I don't get it, but babies love her.

    For around 6 months I also highly recommend some sort of activity toy that you can suction to the table at restaurants and keep them busy. The window where you can go out to eat with baby before they grab everything and cause a ruckus is so very short, and this toy can really help extend it!
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    Yes the winkel!!! It was a favorite of my other BMB. All the babies loved them! Once they were a little older and actually able to hold on to a toy.
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