September 2020 Moms

Product Spotlight 2/23: Breast Pumps & Accessories

This weeks product spotlight is all about breast pumps and accessories!! Feel free to use the prompts or just type away! Links/photos welcome.
I snagged a schedule that's been used I think by a few BMBs now, but if you guys want to add/change anything let me know!!

This is a place for FTMs to ask questions about, S+TMs to share their prior experience with, and everyone to share what they're eyeing in the world of maternity, baby and postpartum products. Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product to help streamline and make it easier to look back and reference!

To view past Product Spotlights or the upcoming schedule, see here:

For S+TMs (or FTMs that already have said item): 

  • Individual (e.g., lifestyle) factors that might influence your choice:
  • Favorite breast pump:
  • Link/picture:
  • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
  • Did you buy or rent through insurance?
  • What you like and don't like about it:
  • Any special features? (comfort, convenience, efficiency, etc)
  • Is there a breast pump you don’t have but are considering? Why?:
  • Is there a breast pump you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?: 
  • What were your favorite or must have accessories?
  • What cleaning products do you use?
  • Additional thoughts on breast pumps/accessories?:

For FTMs:

Breast pump(s) you’re currently interested in:

  • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
  • Any questions for S+TMs?:

(template taken from August 2020)

Re: Product Spotlight 2/23: Breast Pumps & Accessories

  • I have the avent double electric pump. I had trouble with my supply when DS was born. They let me use the medela they had in the hospital but when I got home I had a medela swing, which is only a single pump. I had to feed DS every 3 hours and then pump for at least 20 minutes on each breast so I wasn't getting much sleep at all.
    We went and picked up the avent which is kind of middle of the road as far as breast pumps go. It's served me well although I don't respond spectacularly. I think taxes in it was something like $270 and was basically our biggest purchase after he was born. The biggest problem I've had is the fact that they don't sell the replacement parts in stores here so I have to order them
    I also have a manual hand pump which was great for the times when we were out and not able to get back for me to pump. I also went on a roadtrip with my folks when DS was 8 weeks old and I used it quite a bit then.
    I think I'll probably invest in a proper pumping bra this time lol. I just took an old bra and cut slits in them last time 😂
    I'm also going to be getting a haaka which is technically a pump, but can be used to just catch excess milk during feedings. It broke my heart how much milk went to waste during those early feedings
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
  • I have had both the Medela Pump in Style Advanced and the Spectra S2. In addition I had the Freemie cups that I used with both machines. Comparing the Medela and Spectra is like comparing an economy car with a luxury car. They will both get you where you are going, but one will do it faster and more comfortably with more options to make your experience the best it can be. Hands down the Spectra is the better machine IMO. Freemie cups are great! I did notice less extraction, but being able to pump with clothes on was wonderful for so many scenarios. The only option through my hospital was the Medela, so I ordered the Spectra online the second time around from one of the online place. I can’t remember which. Byram Heathcare, Aeroflow, and Edgepark all sound familiar. Both machines were free through insurance, so I do not know their prices. I purchased the Freemie cups from Amazon for $60. Cleaning breast pump parts is soul sucking, so I kept them in a ziplock in the fridge between uses and washed them once at night. I don’t think I will BF this time, so I likely won’t order another beast pump this go, but if I do it will be a Spectra. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Loading the player...
    • Individual (e.g., lifestyle) factors that might influence your choice: With DD I almost exclusively BF, so I didn’t pump often. Only when I went to work for a few hours a couple days a week
    • Favorite breast pump: I had Medela pump in style which worked just fine. I plan to try another one this time around if my insurance covers a different brand- hopefully spectra since I’ve heard good things 
    • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.): Free through insurance 
    • What were your favorite or must have accessories? Hakka! Silicone “pump” you put on one side and catches the excess milk that drips out the other side as you nurse. Plus it pulls a little more out due to the suction. Such an easy way to help add a little milk to your stash instead of just soaking your shirt. 
    • What cleaning products do you use? Just plain soap and water 
  • My spectra was a blessing especially with my freemie cups. I also had the freemie liberty pump when I was working which was good but wasn't as efficient as my spectra.

    If I'm feeling rich this time around I'm going to get the willow lol...I like the idea of being able to pump while I'm sleeping.

    Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

    Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker
  • Pumping sucks, literally!  Hated doing it at work!
    • Individual (e.g., lifestyle) factors that might influence your choice: DS was exclusively breastfed and 100% refused a bottle (like not once did he drink more than an ounce that way. And trust me we tried) but I over produced so much that I had to pump occasionally or the flow was way to strong and he couldn’t latch. Praying for a kiddo who will at least occasional take a bottle this time. 
    • Favorite breast pump: Spectra s2
    • Link/picture:
    • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.): I honestly don’t remember. I paid $25 after insurance because I opted for the fancier one.
    • Did you buy or rent through insurance? Insurance mostly
    • What you like and don't like about it: I thought it was really easy and as comfortable as it could be.
    • Any special features? (comfort, convenience, efficiency, etc) Very efficient.
    • Is there a breast pump you don’t have but are considering? Why?: Not Really
    • Is there a breast pump you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?: Nope
    • What were your favorite or must have accessories? Haakaa silicone hand pump is the real MVP if you over produce. It didn’t originally occur to me to get a pumping bra and once I got one my pumping experience was sooooo much better!
    • What cleaning products do you use? Just soap and water
    • Additional thoughts on breast pumps/accessories?: I keep seeing these little fridges that are technically for cold storing skin care products that I bet would be nice on the bedside table if you had to pump at night.
  • I definitely am interested in the spectra I’ve heard great things about it! Apparently I am able to get a pump through insurance I just don’t know the best way to go about that?
    Question: for those of you who used insurance, what process did you take? Did you use a company like Aeroflow to order? How far in advance did you? I’ve seen comments on their page saying that it took a long time to get a pump. 

    I’d probably get the haaka too since everyone seems to recommend it! @beaandthebabes I’ve seen those fridges too! I want one for work! Well, if I’m still in food then I’ll need to figure something out like that because I won’t be able to store my bodily fluid in the walk in or anything and we don’t have a fridge for employees 😢

    also worried about having to wash my parts after every pump if I can’t store them in a fridge either. I just should probably not go back to this job. Sounds like a headache if I want to pump. 
  • @greyl Our hospital has a medical supply office that I can take a prescription to and get a pump, but in 2015 they only carried the Medela. In 2017 I used one of the online supply places (can't remember which, but I feel like it was Byram Medical or Edgepark) and it was SUPER easy. I just went through their website steps, picked out what I wanted, and they shipped it to me. It was covered by insurance and I didn't deal with anything regarding payment. I think I did it about a month in advance, but I cannot remember exactly.
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @greyl We have this really great place in town called Milk Works that helps with the insurance/ ordering process plus sells replacement parts and nursing accessories. They have free classes and support groups and consultants plus they have a baby weigh station. 
    I wish there was one everywhere because it was such a valuable resource in our nursing/pumping journey.
  • @greyl I also have the Medela that I got free though insurance from ACA and it was super easy, I think I just called my insurance company and asked? (sorry to be no help, this was almost 4 yrs ago). But speaking of, does anybody know if the free pump is once in a lifetime? Or one per kid? 
  • @jennfier_louise thanks! I think I’ll call them and ask before going through a company. I know for mine I can get a pump once per year 
  • I used Aeroflow for my last pump and it was easy. 
  • robyn2201robyn2201 member
    edited March 2020
    I’ve used the Medela Pump in Style advanced, with a battery pack and plug, when I worked full time with my first two kids. It lasted through two kids and approx 24 months of pumping everyday. It’s a good pump. They didn’t have the Spectra then and Medela used to be considered the best the best of the best. My first was born in 2010. 

    With DS my most recent baby 2019, I got a Spectra S2, just plug in no battery pack as I was only staying at home. He was bottle fed the first month because he was a late term preemie and had IUGR so he wasn't able to nurse due to his jaw size. I pumped every two hours, 24 hours a day. I liked the Spectra much better than the Medela PISA. Much faster at getting the same amount of milk. I still a have the Medela from 2010 and it still works.

    I got the Spectra through It was free with my health insurance. The process was super easy but shipping took a long time. Approx 3 weeks so if you are going to order through them, request your pump around 30 weeks or so. 

    ETA: Aeroflow contacted my insurance for coverage and then the dr for the prescription. I didn’t have to do anything.  
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • I'm definitely looking at the Spectra for pumping, it's the best of the best from what I've gathered online and now through here, and I'm willing to pay full price if it means I won't have to spend half a fortune on formula. 

    Question: is it possible and feasible for the breast pump to be stored after each kid and reused? What methods of storage would be best? I don't like the idea of throwing mine out after use, and I'm hesitant at the thought of donating because of what people using it after would think (germ-wise and whatnot, the stigma of 'who knows where that's been' and all that). Thoughts?
  • @raesky1111 I think most pumps have replacement parts. For mine, I actually just stopped using it a couple of months ago so I'm going to open it up as much as possible to clean and replace what's replaceable. As long as the suction is still good (which would be a motor issue) I don't see why you couldn't use it for multiple children
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
  • @raesky1111 I stored the pump motor in the closet and it was fine. My Medela is almost ten years old and still working! And my Spectra is almost a year and still working. You will want to replace parts like the valves every couple of months. Tubing can last longer and I would probably replace between kids or earlier if milk got into it. Here is what Spectra recommends for their pumps: 
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • You both are absolute angels, thank you so much for the info!!! 💗💗
  • I’m wondering for any of you that don’t work outside the home but plan to do some pumping- would it be best to just have a hand pump? And what are the best hand pumps out there? I don’t plan to pump often but would like to some so baby can occasionally have a bottle from dad or Grammy in case I need a mommy break or need to catch up on sleep some night DH could do a night feed. I am fully prepared to possibly struggle with some postpartum mental health due to my mental health history plus loss history soo I’m trying to be prepared to take care of myself so I can be a better momma to my two little boys! I’ve been warned that exclusively breastfeeding can really wear on you 
  • edited May 2020
    @momofmiracles31889 I got the Medela Harmony hand pump ($30 on as a hand-me-down. I must admit that I didn't use it much since I got a free Medela PISA through insurance. However - I did use it a few times when weaning and once when traveling. I personally think it might be tiring to hand pump a full bottle but I never actually tried.

    If you have good insurance, it might be worth it to get a free pump to have on hand in case things don't go as planned (or baby doesn't like nipple, etc). As another option, you can actually rent pumps if you don't want to own one. I did that with a hospital grade pump (better than my PISA), but you still need to buy some parts. 
  • @momofmiracles31889 If you have insurance that will cover it I would go straight to a double pump. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • megsmcpmegsmcp member
    edited May 2020
    @momofmiracles31889 I exclusively pumped for 6 months for my first because he couldn't effectively transfer my milk. I swear by the Spectra S2 ... it's portable, you can get additional parts off Amazon, and it fits multiple styles of bottles. I did have a Medela hand pump to help empty but it was so much work; I couldn't imagine having to pump whole bottles with it 
  • Thanks ladies this is all good to know!! 
  • Ughh. Pumps... I have a crummy one from our second kiddo. That’s the last time insurance allowed me to get one and I didn’t do any researching really, just randomly chose and that was that. Since then, our insurance changed and only covers some of a manual pump, it’s ridiculous. I’m going back and forth on whether I want to buy a Spectra or not. Our last two kids 110% refused bottles. We tried every single bottle under the sun— nothing. It probably didn’t help that I’m a SAHM so I didn’t press it a TON, but I did try to start offering a daily bottle around 6 weeks just to give myself a break and to allow DH and the kids to be involved.... so... the question is do I even bother paying that kind of money if A. I’m a SAHM and B. My kids are known for refusing bottles? I don’t know, I just know they were also horrible sleepers and the idea of letting DH have the night shift OR at least a feed or two sounds absolutely wonderful in my dreams.......... ha 
  • @chasingroygbiv my insurance covers a pump so I think I might get a spectra this time. I barely pumped for my son it was mostly for relief or for when he refused to nurse on a side. I want to try to get this little guy to take a few bottles so I don’t feel so tied down too. So I say it’s worth looking into!
  • Has anyone tried the Haakaa? I’m really intrigued by it. I didn’t pump a lot with my oldest because he exclusively nursed. 
    • Individual (e.g., lifestyle) factors that might influence your choice: I travel for work a LOT - lots of windshield time! 
    • Favorite breast pump: Spectra S1
    • Link/picture:
    • Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.): $200 but I think my insurance covered the cost of the S2 so I just had to pay the difference 
    • Did you buy or rent through insurance? Bought via insurance 
    • What you like and don't like about it: Loved that it was battery powered (I didn’t need that all the time but man did it come in handy!), better and more comfortable suction than the Medela PISA (I had a used one from a friend)
    • Any special features? (comfort, convenience, efficiency, etc): I love that it’s a closed system (easier cleaning) and fun fact, the avent bottles can be screwed into the flanges if you produce more than what the spectra bottles will hold (ran into this with my first pump of the day). 
    • Is there a breast pump you don’t have but are considering? Why?: I’ve thought about the Spectra S9 for it’s smaller size because I often have to pump in the truck while there’s other people with me, but I’d still have the bottles/flanges to deal with. I’ve thought about Willow and Freemie too but I’m really large chested (cup size G/H) so idk if that would really work for me and if things go like last time, I’ll produce more in a pumping session than either of those can hold. 
    • Is there a breast pump you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?: Madela PISA. It’ll get the job done but it’s not very comfortable, it’s loud and I don’t like an open system. 
    • What were your favorite or must have accessories? Pumping bras! Ain’t got no time to be holding pump parts on me with my hands! A yeti roadie for when I’m traveling - does an excellent job keeping milk cool even in a hot car. Also, mason jars are great for travel- no worries about bags leaking! 
    • What cleaning products do you use? Parts go in a zip lock bag in the cooler/fridge and after then last pump of the night they get washed with dish soap and water if I’m on the road/dishwasher if I’m at home. 
    • Additional thoughts on breast pumps/accessories?: Work Pump Repeat is a great book - it helped me get my pumping game plan together before heading back to work. Will likely invest in some reusable ziplock bags this time for daily pump storage. I went through a lot of plastic bags with the last kiddo. 
  • @corngirl I’m thinking I’ll get a spectra this time too. I don’t pump a lot but I do get a free one with insurance. I was also going to buy a Haakaa or two. 
  • @ktholysz do it! If you don’t pump a lot, I’d go with the S2 if insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of the S1. I never tried the haakaa but one of my friends loved hers so I’ve got one bought. 
  • linz36linz36 member
    @corngirl I just want to throw out there that when I'm not pregnant I'm an F (breast feeding I'm huge lol)...and I used the freemie. You just have to get a bra a little larger and the cups fit in just fine. It looked a little strange since the cups were so much smaller than my boobs but I didn't care because the convenience was awesome! I pumped at the movies, at work, at the pool etc...I did not care lol. This time around I'm going to spring for the willow.

    Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

    Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker
  • @linz36 that's great to know! So if you knew you were going to the mall and might not be back in time for your next pumping, did you just wear them in your bra and push the "start pumping" button just whenever you were ready? Or do you go put the cups on and comeback to resume your activity?
  • DD came before I was prepared on the pump front, so I used the hospital-supplied Medela pump. Ended up with a PISA, but used the hospital grade pump when in the NICU and rented one for a month when I was having supply issues. Based on all my prior research, I really wanted a Spectra since I had heard great things. I was given an S2 and expected to love it, but it just never really worked for me. I wasn't comfortable with the settings, but think I may have just been used to the Medela at that point. That said, I also had 2 PISAs fail on me and had to get replacements (great customer service though). My body also just decided to quit responding to pumping at some point and nursing was never super easy, so I think I was just on the struggle bus in general. 

    Also got a Haakaa at one point, but never leaked or produced enough for it to be useful. Great in theory though!
  • @linz36 do you have a cold milk storage container that you recommend? How long does it usually last for? I won't have access to a fridge when i'm pumping at work and I would hate to have to throw away my first pump of the work day. 
  • linz36linz36 member
    edited June 2020
    @greyl sorry I just now saw this. I used this bag and loved it.

    I could freeze it and then keep it at my desk for hours until it would start to melt. You'll just want to keep it inside something that can get wet as when it starts to unfreeze it can form small pools of condensation.

    Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

    Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker
  • @linz36 thank you! that helps :)
  • @corngirl and @linz36 Do you have pumping bra recommendations? I'm a G pre-pregnancy and will have to go back to work after 8 weeks. I have a private office so I won't have to hide in the bathroom or my car to pump but is a pumping bra something I can wear all the time or do you change into it for the task? What level of support can I expect from one? 
  • megsmcpmegsmcp member
    edited July 2020
    @hammersandpearls part of that will depend on the pump you're using so make sure you purchase the right bra (medela you can take the flanges off to fit through a small hole, whereas spectra the flange is connected to the bottle top and requires a different hole). My boobs are definitely not as big as yours but they make 2 kinds of pumping bras - one you can put on just for pumping that are more like bralettes, and actual bras you can wear all day that have a clip (like a nursing bra) or extra fabric over the hole. I purchased many through my pumping journey, all through Amazon. You can definitely get ones to wear all day if that's what you want ☺️
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