This weeks product spotlight is all about breast pumps and accessories!! Feel free to use the prompts or just type away! Links/photos welcome.
I snagged a schedule that's been used I think by a few BMBs now, but if you guys want to add/change anything let me know!!
This is a place for FTMs to ask questions about, S+TMs to share their prior experience with, and everyone to share what they're eyeing in the world of maternity, baby and postpartum products. Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product to help streamline and make it easier to look back and reference!
To view past Product Spotlights or the upcoming schedule, see here:
For S+TMs (or FTMs that already have said item):
- Individual (e.g., lifestyle) factors that might influence your choice:
- Favorite breast pump:
- Link/picture:
- Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
- Did you buy or rent through insurance?
- What you like and don't like about it:
- Any special features? (comfort, convenience, efficiency, etc)
- Is there a breast pump you don’t have but are considering? Why?:
- Is there a breast pump you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?:
- What were your favorite or must have accessories?
- What cleaning products do you use?
- Additional thoughts on breast pumps/accessories?:
For FTMs:
Breast pump(s) you’re currently interested in:
- Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
- Any questions for S+TMs?:
(template taken from August 2020)
Re: Product Spotlight 2/23: Breast Pumps & Accessories
We went and picked up the avent which is kind of middle of the road as far as breast pumps go. It's served me well although I don't respond spectacularly. I think taxes in it was something like $270 and was basically our biggest purchase after he was born. The biggest problem I've had is the fact that they don't sell the replacement parts in stores here so I have to order them
I also have a manual hand pump which was great for the times when we were out and not able to get back for me to pump. I also went on a roadtrip with my folks when DS was 8 weeks old and I used it quite a bit then.
I think I'll probably invest in a proper pumping bra this time lol. I just took an old bra and cut slits in them last time 😂
I'm also going to be getting a haaka which is technically a pump, but can be used to just catch excess milk during feedings. It broke my heart how much milk went to waste during those early feedings
W born September 2020
#3 due November 2022
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
If I'm feeling rich this time around I'm going to get the willow lol...I like the idea of being able to pump while I'm sleeping.
Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)
Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI
Question: for those of you who used insurance, what process did you take? Did you use a company like Aeroflow to order? How far in advance did you? I’ve seen comments on their page saying that it took a long time to get a pump.
also worried about having to wash my parts after every pump if I can’t store them in a fridge either. I just should probably not go back to this job. Sounds like a headache if I want to pump.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
With DS my most recent baby 2019, I got a Spectra S2, just plug in no battery pack as I was only staying at home. He was bottle fed the first month because he was a late term preemie and had IUGR so he wasn't able to nurse due to his jaw size. I pumped every two hours, 24 hours a day. I liked the Spectra much better than the Medela PISA. Much faster at getting the same amount of milk. I still a have the Medela from 2010 and it still works.
I got the Spectra through It was free with my health insurance. The process was super easy but shipping took a long time. Approx 3 weeks so if you are going to order through them, request your pump around 30 weeks or so.
Question: is it possible and feasible for the breast pump to be stored after each kid and reused? What methods of storage would be best? I don't like the idea of throwing mine out after use, and I'm hesitant at the thought of donating because of what people using it after would think (germ-wise and whatnot, the stigma of 'who knows where that's been' and all that). Thoughts?
W born September 2020
#3 due November 2022
If you have good insurance, it might be worth it to get a free pump to have on hand in case things don't go as planned (or baby doesn't like nipple, etc). As another option, you can actually rent pumps if you don't want to own one. I did that with a hospital grade pump (better than my PISA), but you still need to buy some parts.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)
Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI
Also got a Haakaa at one point, but never leaked or produced enough for it to be useful. Great in theory though!
ETA: with the freemies you do have tubing to deal with. Initially the tubing was a PITA but after I got used to it I realized I could roll it up and stick it in my pocket or waistband so it wasn't visible. The first few public pumping sessions were funny because I had like 3 ft of tubing at the side of my leg lol.
Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)
Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI
I could freeze it and then keep it at my desk for hours until it would start to melt. You'll just want to keep it inside something that can get wet as when it starts to unfreeze it can form small pools of condensation.
Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)
Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI