2nd Trimester

Vertigo in second trimester?

hayhay8888hayhay8888 member
edited February 2020 in 2nd Trimester
Hi there! First, I hope this is OK to ask here. And let me preface by saying, I’ve already talked to my doctor about this and her plan is just to keep an eye on things. She wasn’t so concerned, so I know I shouldn’t be either. But I’d love to hear if anyone has experienced this. 

I’ve had some dizziness in the second trimester, as well as a high heart rate (especially during certain exercises). But today at work, I suddenly was hit with the strongest vertigo I’ve ever experienced, with shakiness. It lasted several minutes and I ended up on the floor of my cube waiting for it to pass. I’d just eaten but probably could be drinking more water. 

Anyway, like I said. My doctor isn’t super worried right now. She might refer me to a heart specialist if it keeps happening, but she thinks it’s just a normal pregnancy symptom. But this is my first pregnancy, and I’m anxious about every symptom. I keep worrying what if this happens when I’m on the highway for my commute. Has anyone else experienced something like this? And was there anything that helped you?

thanks in advance! 


Re: Vertigo in second trimester?

  • I'm prone to vertigo anyway but yes this has happened to me in the 2nd trimester. For like a week or so, my morning sickness was replaced with feeling dizzy first thing in the morning. And sometimes I get those waves of vertigo you described. The waves of vertigo during the day, for me, are definitely caused by my coffee consumption. I drink less than one cup a day now, but from previous experience I know I don't get those waves of vertigo if I avoid caffeine 100%. 
    But also the dizziness I found was caused by not drinking enough water. There's something about how we need a higher blood volume to account for the growing baby, but we haven't quite developed that supply yet so we end up feeling dizzy. Drinking lots of water seems to help keep blood pressure up and dizziness at bay. 

    For me, this helps a lot. Avoid caffeine if you can. Drink lots of water, especially during the night if you happen to wake up so you're not too dehydrated first thing in the morning. 

    Good luck! For me, this is already a passing symptom so here's hoping it passes quickly for you. 
  • Oh shoot. I just noticed you posted this in February so this is probably not at all helpful for you. Sorry! 
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