Last cycle AF showed up early at 9DPO & only last 3.5 days (short for me, usually 5 days). I know for sure that I ovulated last cycle on Sunday 02/02 (We were working with a fertility clinic last cycle & they confirmed ovulation on that day via scans & blood tests). So, we were bummed by an early period, but started preparing for the next cycle. Today (Cycle Day 7) I got blazing positive OPKs on 3 different ovulation strips & a positive on the Clearblue Digital Ovulation test. I’m not experiencing any of other ovulation symptoms & I haven’t taken BBT this cycle.
I’m SO confused by this because it’s only CD 7 and I have only ever ovulated/peaked on CD 11-12 before. I took also took different 4 pregnancy tests to confirm that I wasn’t somehow possibly pregnant & they were all negative. Any thoughts, comments, recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
PS- I’m not able to inseminate tonight, but I’m going to tomorrow (even though I know it may be too late 😔)
Re: Positive OPK at CD 7???
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17