May 2020 Moms

PG Discussion

Ok so I have a few questions before I go to The Bump Gods for a PG. I am posing some questions/thoughts below, feel free to discuss at any length and bring your ideas to the table as well.

What should we name the group? Since the process of creating it is new, I'm not sure if I will have the ability to rename it later. We can maybe have a poll next week or something.

What is our criteria for the initial add? @shamrocandroll suggested a new thread here where people request to join and we add them based on recognizing their username and/or their participation. It sounds like in the beginning it would be up to me. I think we can come up with some basic guidelines and timelines here as a group before I get the group started. My first thought is maybe checking to see if they participated in the Role Call thread or if they have been active in some of our monthly/weekly threads like Randoms, Appointments, Symptoms, etc.

At what point after the initial add should vetting start? It seems like with the process of the initial add we may not want to start divulging personal details right away until the group is more settled. How long after the initial adds do we start requiring the vetting process? The process itself can be discussed here and finalized in the PG if needed. Will there be a point in time where we do not add/vet any new members or will we make exceptions?

Moderators (now called Leaders). It looks like TB calls them Leaders now. From my experience you cannot do polls in PG (even though they are available), so if we vote on moderators in the PG we will have to find a different way (love-tits, external means, etc). I think we can start coming up with people now and decide at a later date. I would say you can be nominated by others or put yourself in the running too. Moderators have the ability to close, delete, and announce threads, I think they may possibly be able to add and remove people from the group as well. @shamrocandroll has been nominated and @sunshinesea22 may be open to the job too?

Also let me be clear, decisions will not be solely based off liking someone or not (i.e the girls on the current season of The Bachelor). We are all adults, not everyone is going to get along all the time. Obviously if there are issues that arise (catfish, being hateful, non-participation, etc.) those are factors that can play a roll. It seems like we are going to try and do a majority vote sort of thing, but that may not always work for every situation. I think sometimes that is why PG implode. I do think the moderators/leaders (together) will ultimately have the final say for the health of the group as a whole. We seem to have a smaller group overall so hopefully it will not have to come to any of that.
TTC#1 July 2015 
  • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
  • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019 
  • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20


Re: PG Discussion

  • I totally want to respond to this because these are great questions and points, but I have to go teach for 3 more hours, so I will come back here this evening.
  • I think initial add would be up to the collective group leaders, as far as whom to add. Then yes, a thread here to request entry. I would think vetting starts about 2 weeks after initial add. And maybe close to new members at 3-4 weeks, giving everyone a chance to be vetted, and them we'll know that sharing more is more safe by then? 

    I think proposing new members to group in the PG itself as a thread works, and they need a 2/3 majority by love tit to get accepted, and that is where people who have concerns to air. And then once concensus has been reached, the thread with concerns can be deleted before member is added.  Because it's totally OK if not everyone loves everyone else for sure, but if you instance someone had gotten a really weird vibe, or off-color private message from someone or knew them from a previous group and had concerns, that should be aired, but if maybe someone just stated "hey, I don't love that person" but the rest of group voted them in anyway, no reason for those these comments to stick around?

    That's how we did the admission into both my prior private groups. 

    Also, for inspiration, names were "You Can't Sit With Us" and "The Parlor" two very different groups of women obviously.

    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

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  • Thanks for being our fearless leader @m6agua.  I don't have many strong opinions on this since I've never been on a PG, but here are some thoughts.

    Group name - does this need to be something fun and flashy or can it just be like "May 2020 Moms PG"?

    Initial Add - I agree that we have a thread where you comment if you want added and then the first few should be up to you.  Hopefully there are at least a few easily recognizable names that you have no doubt have participated in several threads and can help kick off the PG.  I think once you get the first few in the PG we could discuss more there or use the lovetit approach to determine who else can join.

    Vetting - I don't have any thoughts on when to start vetting. 

    Leaders - how many is a good number to have for a group this size?
  • When you say 2/3 majority for love-tits. Does that mean 2/3 of the leaders or 2/3 of the whole group? How long does each person have to get those love tits? Is this a stupid question?

    My concern with this is that there are days when I can check into TB multiple times a day, and then there are times when I don’t get on for a few days. I don’t know how that affects things when you’re trying to get a majority vote. 

    Or maybe because of this I don’t participate enough to even be considered for the PG
  • I agree with @ruby696 re: participation. We can't be on all day every day, and sometimes I don't have anything to contribute to a topic so I don't post. But I think if 2/3 of the people already in the PG say yes to a person we can assume they've had enough meaningful interactions. I also think 1-2 weeks for the vetting is a good call, otherwise we're all just in the PG still being vague about ourselves.
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
  • I don't have much of an opinion and most of what's been said sounds good enough to me. I do think the vetting should be done fairly quickly if the group won't get started until mid-March since some members might start having their babies in mid to late April. 
  • No idea on a name my may 2018 one was knottiesnumbersforever and we had a bunch of knotties try to join it 😂

    I think there should be 5 leaders and they should do the first round of adds before the love tit process starts perhaps do batches to make it easier and to figure out what 2/3 is and how many days needed to give everyone a chance to love tit.

    I'm good with the process that has been laid out. 
  • @jhysmath I love that group name I just laughed so hard  :D 

    As far as the other points I am good with whatever the group wants to do. I am fine with the vetting with a picture but the random object part, how do we make sure it is random BUT also that people have it? 
  • Group name - I’m all for getting creative on this, but suggest that we preface any group name with May20 to try to dissuade random joiners (or maybe that problem has lessoned with the new PG process). 

    Initial Add - a thread to comment on joining and be preliminarily reviewed/approved by leaders sounds good to me.

    Vetting - I’m good with whatever the group decides. Intrigued by what the “random object” may be. 

    Leaders - it depends on how big the group ends up being, but I think 4-5 will probably be reasonable. 
  • This is all brand new to me, but here are my thoughts

    What should we name the group? Can we take a few good options and do a poll? I'm not creative but I'll vote!

    What is our criteria for the initial add? @shamrocandroll and @m6agua suggestions work for me and then the love titing after that. Maybe like a threshold number as I think figuring out 2/3 or whatever would be challenging.

    At what point after the initial add should vetting start? I'm cool with whatever other people think is best for this timing wise. I'm not super private personally but happy to give others the time they need.

    Moderators: probably like 4? I think people can offer to be one if they are interested and also nominate others and see if they would be up for it. We could solidify it in this group still as I doubt there will be that many to choose from since we're a pretty small group.
  • @queenklau OMG I looooove that name suggestion! 💯 👏 
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • Name: naming things is not my strong suit - but I do think May20 or M20 should be in there somewhere 

    Criteria: I agree with a few people saying to just figure out a set number (this may or may not equal 2/3) of lovetits you need to get in order to get through the first round and I like the idea of moderators checking out those who don't get the number to see if they're actually contributing members or not. 

    Vetting: I don't really have an opinion on how it's done - but I do agree, the earlier the better. We've been on this board for a few months now, so I don't see any point in waiting once we move to the PG 

    Leaders: Those nominated sound good to me! I feel like 4-5 is plenty - especially with how small our group is! 
  • Love @queenklau ‘s name suggestion. 

    Maybe a dumb question, I was in an N15 board and now this one but what’s a lovetit???? I follow and support everything else that has been said but I don’t understand what we are getting lovetits for? Sorry :( 
  • catem07catem07 member
    edited February 2020
    @JStill0603 it's just the "love it" heart you can click below a post, like a "like" on facebook. usually means "I agree" or "good point" or "thanks" but it can also be used for voting-type things
    DD #1: April 2017
    DD #2: May 2020
    Baby #3: EDD May 2023; MC October 2022

  • I've never been a "moderator" Leader before, but if there are no other people volunteering I'd be happy to step up I. Like @shamrocandroll I participate more during the work day when I have a desktop than I do on the weekends though. I usually pull it up on my phone to check out the new info at night when I'm putting DD to bed as well. 
  • @m6agua I like the sounds of that timeline!  I think that *should* be more than enough time to get TBGs to open it up for us.  Let me know if you want some help getting the initial threads/announcements set up/stickied so you don't have to do it all yourself.  You guys can always boot me as a mod/leader later if the group doesn't vote me in as one.  I won't take it personally.
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @m6agua that timeline sounds fine. I would still have preferred a little earlier because I'd like to be on facebook before the babies are born, but it's not a hill I'm willing to die on.
  • That timeline sounds great to me! And if you're still willing to do it @sunshinesea22 I'll nominate you to represent the FTM contingent!
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
  • I just want to chime in and say I'm interested in a PG, but I don't really have strong feelings on the logistics of it, I just like that it's not open to the entire internet world to view every detail of our lives and like that it's going to be limited to active participants only.  I'm fine with whatever gets sorted in terms of timing, vetting, mods, etc.
  • @pirateduck I feel that same way. I'm good with whatever the group decides, I'll just keep my eyes peeled for the PG invite.
    Me: 28  DH: 29
    BFP 08/25/19, EDD 05/04/20
  • @ieles2531 I think one of the criteria to be added to the PG should be name reference :wink: I love it
    Me: 28  DH: 29
    BFP 08/25/19, EDD 05/04/20
  • So I looked back through the thread and we've only had 2 name suggestions so far. There were people who mentioned their previous BMB PG group names.
    May 2020 Moms PG
    It's gonna be May (2020)

    This is the last call for any more name suggestions, I think I will post a poll tomorrow evening or Saturday morning.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • Now the song is stuck in my head haha
  • For the name, I love a good pun and I'm trying to think of something with "Mayhem" but it's not coming together for me
  • @soprano19 I’m guessing then that this suggestion is somehow linked to Justin Timberlake  :D I had no idea!
  • Awww failed...
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    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
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