We are going to the Wisconsin Dells this weekend and I cannot wait for DH to spend the day skiing and snowboarding with the kids while I am lazy in our cabin all day because I have the perfect excuse not to go out in the cold. I hate the snow and winter, and this year I don't even have to pretend to want to ski. #pregnancyperk
@blaf322 Do you have a team you regularly cheer for? My team (Steelers) isnt in the superbowl, and I'm REALLY happy that the Packers aren't in it. That's my husbands team and most of our friend group, and all of my inlaws, and I was quiet about their loss to the 49'ers for a full 24 hours before I started sending DH memes about it. 😂😂
@pocketrose we're currently catching up on that now! We're at the part where (see spoiler)
Chidi figured out that they're in the bad place and the other guy was about to apologize, but the experiment ended and Janice handed Eleanor the margarita pitcher.... so I assume we're relatively close to the finale at that point.
@modoodles I mean, I cheer for the Panthers, by default... b/c NC. But I have no clue how they did this season. I'm in it for the festivities and not being able to partake this season really impacted my level of caring
@blaf322 I'm a pretty big football fan in recent years. But, I'm really for both teams as Mahomes is a Texas native and I have met one of the 49ers when he was a college player and am rooting for his guys on spec.
No drinking and football is just wrong on so many levels.
I find football sooo boring. Luckily in my circle of people it isn't popular. I will watching curling instead while sewing some receiving blankets. Once that is over, I am watching Picard and Sabrina
Also, it isn't really a FFFC, but I just want to tell somebody. I just ordered some superhero prints for the nursery and I am super pumped. I got six individual Justice League watercolours (8.5 x 11) and it was $75 total. I am so happy. I am going to have them properly framed and everything. The nursery is no where near ready, but it was such a good deal.
@modoodles I am with you on winter sucking (apart from the above mentioned curling). I do want to try skiing at some point.
@stlbuckeye132 we’re lucky if we squeeze 2 baths a week. Lots of sponge baths to keep his bum clean 😂
not a fan of football, but my FFFC is that DH and I have been sleeping in separate beds for the past few weeks because pregnancy, and I’m not hating it.
@coffeeandcookies84 I looove sleeping in separate beds Like, if we go on vacation and there's a room with two full or queen beds in one room, we absolutely each have our own bed. If it weren't so taboo, we'd probably happily have separate beds in our room and just invite the other over to DTD
@coffeeandcookies84 my husband and I have been doing the same on and off. We usually watch tv before bed. But I fall asleep way before he does. And he hates going to sleep when the bed is super warm. So he usually leaves when he goes to sleep. I don’t like it all the time. But every so often it’s super nice.
Speaking of DTD, have not done anything remotely sexual since our last scheduled day of sex trying to make this baby. Infertility, meds, scheduled sex- it has ruined my sex drive. And now I’ve felt so crappy this pregnancy that I literally could not even stomach the thought of cuddling most nights. I feel like I should suck it up at least once sometime soon...
@kc0711 we have only dtd like 5 times since getting our positive. And last night I lied about having terrible heartburn so I didn't hurt my husband's feelings when I turned him down 🙈 I love him, I think he is sexy AF, but I'm tired man.
@coffeeandcookies84@meanjellybean don't get me wrong, DD normally gets 2-3 baths/week tops. I felt a little bad not bathing her at all until Thursday though. Oh well, I'm over it haha
H and I have maybe DTD 3 or 4 times since getting pregnant and I don't even have a kiddo to blame lol. We were really getting it on when TTC and between being tired all the time and just generally not having a high sex drive I've been happy for this once monthly business and H hasn't complained (out loud/too much). As for snuggling I've become a bit clingier in pregnancy and have been very cuddly with H/would freak out if we had separate beds because back in the day H drove late nights for uber and when I'd reach over for him in bed at 3am and he wouldn't be there I'd get startled.
My children probably get 2 baths a month. I pretty much base it on if they smell bad, are super sticky, or if it seems like fun (it usually doesn’t). They do get a lot of washcloths to the butt though.. 🤷♀️
We are weirdos and do a bath every single night. It's just part of his routine I guess. We'll see if that continues with 2 kids haha.
We have not dtd since I got the BFP. I am so so tired and have no desire but I probably need to do it this weekend.
My FFC: I'm glad DS being sick is my reason to get out of us going to dinner with MIL and SIL tonight. They are driving me UP. THE. WALL. with baby stuff. They want to unload all this stuff on me I don't want/need/have a place for and don't understand my asking for them to wait a little while so I can clean out the baby's room.
We’ve DTD a couple times since the positive. But mainly due to my lady parts NOT liking changing hormones. And TMI but I’ve had one form of infection after another. But finally thinking’s it’s getting under control and hopefully for DH’s sake that and more often feeling better things will change 😅 the TTC time was the best sex life we’ve had since we first moved in together 6-7 years ago 🙈
my FFFC. My sister has been a major mooch her adult life. Often asking for money from my dad, and now my demented grandmother. She’s mid 30s ruined multiple long term relationships and a marriage. Because she’s now a “free spirit” on a year+ long vacation to Australia (started out moving there for a guy) she can’t work. And now just posted a gofundme page for 3grand + for a “mentor ship” on how to build her online business to reach the world in her tarot card, moon reading, tea lead thing to help people live free.
I called her out. I felt a little bad at first. But in general I don’t feel bad. I’m 7 years younger than you, pregnant, starting graduate school in April. And you’re asking me for money because you aren’t working. It REALLY grinds my gears. And while I love her. I don’t feel guilty for finally calling her out.
@JessDG we did nightly baths as part of DD's routine too... until she got into a really good routine and we didn't feel like we'd screw it up. She just goes to bed so early (at the time 7pm at the latest) that we had so little time with her and didn't want to waste it with baths.
OH yeah! and there was a stint where she haaaated baths. Like, refused to sit so we bathed her standing while lost her entire mind the whole time. It was miserable for everyone so we cut back then too. Thank goodness she stopped that shit lol
@nursejenn5 sex is pretty painful for me when I'm KU, for whatever reason. I can't figure out how to make it enjoyable. It must be the hormones, like you said.... but we haven't had sex much since my BFP b/c I was feeling like garbage in the beginning and then, when I was finally feeling good again, it hurt soooo I'm not exactly begging for it lol
I'm on the no DTD bus. I guess it's the hormones but I have zero desire to do so and things are painful in that area. I noticed a pretty drastic change just on the meds for fertility treatement. I was never certain which drug was doing it but it changed how I felt pretty drastically.
We DTD once a week, roughly. There have definitely been weeks we didn’t at all and one crazy Saturday I was hormonally nuts and we DTD three times. That was not a good plan because, ouch the next day. I feel a lot less inclined to initiate, I’d be fine not doing it for weeks probably. But I’ve also found that if I muscle through the apathy feeling, I get happy about the connection quickly. I’m definitely more sensitive down there though, sometimes good sometimes bad. So I can TOTALLY see our activity going down more if that sensitivity increases or changes in an uncomfortable way.
My FFFC is that I’m super thankful two different friends offered to throw showers because I have one friend who has some drama-inducing relationships with our mutual friends. I can just invite her to one shower and not the other and limit my exposure to ladyfriend drama. I just have zero tolerance for that BS right now.
@blaf322 I noticed that as well when we've DTD. I told H not to take it personally, but using outside source of lube has been needed, and beneficial to decrease the pain. But overall just not feeling it, which makes sense because when I was on hormonal birth control I never wanted it.. and the same types of hormones as when KU. so who knows. Glad others can commiserate with this type of stuff though
@nursejenn5 OMG your sister sounds so annyoing. i haaaaate when people do that crap. like, your inability to get your crap together isn't a good enough reason for me to just give you money....cause its not like you have shown that you can be responsible with it. my in-laws do that occasionally and it frustrates me beyond belief. so sorry you have to deal with that!
DH and I barely DTD at all in the first trimester....i was just way too sick and not feeling it at all. since moving into the second trimester we have a couple times. it hurts more than non-pregnant sex but the last time we did it it was really nice after the initial uncomfortableness....i think everything is just a little swollen and sensitive down there. but then like 20 minutes later i threw up hahaha....i think the motion was not great for my nausea im definitely not in the mood as much being pregnant as i was pre-pregnancy, so i think its normal for people to have not DTD while pregnant! especially since we are all fairly recently out of the first tri.
married to DH on March 15, 2018 TTC since May 2018 dx: PCOS, hypothroidism tx: timed intercourse with meds (dexa, clomid, letrozole, metformin, trigger shots)
First TTGP: 5/9/19 BFN, 6/21/19 BFN, 7/29/19 BFN, 8/1/19 started a break from tx, 11/16/19 surprised with a BFP! LO born 7/7/20 Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
@stlbuckeye132 seriously I just looked at my husband and was like. We all know the type of people that generally set up gofundme accounts.. (other than the occasional good ones of helping a family who had a horrific accident or a medical crisis or something, because I can see the benefit in those) She didn't reply to me for the longest time, then told me she's only asked for money once in the entire decade+ she's been away from home. But then "shared her journey" online of all these new challenges shes facing, and her tea leaves a year ago told her she'd have these struggles and she'd have to make sacrifices. (I get fired up about this easily probably because once upon a time she was like my best friend and "cool" big sister.)
@nursejenn5 ugh. I would have definitely called hour out on it too. My sister is an absolute user. She can be so fun to be around, but then she disappears for a few months- not actually disappear, but doesnt call/text/talk like usual, and the she will out of the blue be back but it always comes out that she needs something. A new car, help finding a new place to live, someone to help with her kids- it gets old very fast.
I guess my confession (unpopular opinion???) is that I really like pregnant sex. Things are more sensitive in a good way, it is a good stress relief since it's a stressful/emotionally difficult time for me, and TMI even my nipples are more sensitive in a very good way. I'm enjoying it until 3rd trimester huge belly and inability to breathe takes over.
@zande2016 yes! I was going to pop in to say the same. I cant say we’re having a ton of sex, like once a week, but pregnancy sex is some of my favourite for all the same reasons you mentioned. My growing boobs also make me feel super sexy right now that I turn myself on sometimes 🤷♀️
phew glad I'm not the only one! Our problem has been H is always afraid to come on to me because he thinks his pregnant tired cranky wife will reject him, and I am too lazy to initiate myself, but I am hoping one of us starts making the moves soon.
@zande2016 I'm so jealous! I feel like it's more painful earlier on this time than last time... which blows b/c, towards the end last time, I just had to say no b/c I couldn't handle the pain. Like, it was 0% enjoyable.
@nursejenn5 and this is TMI, so just don't read if it'll weird you out but..... even with lube it's painful. It's like there's just too much in there lol. Too deep, too much... I just can't handle it after a certain point. Poor DH. I'm not totally devastated or anything b/c, vibrator
@blaf322 as a nurse. Literally NOTHING weirds me out. Half the time I feel like I need to censor myself because I don’t know what is TMI and what’s not 😂
@footdrbritt@pocketrose I love the good place!!! DH and I were a MESS watching last night, I was legitimately bawling.
As a New Englander and a Patriot's fan, it's odd to not see them in the super bowl this year (being on the eye rolls! I feed on your hate!! Jk) but I'm excited for the ritual of getting together with friends and watching!
As for DTD, extremely few times here as well. I'm just tired, and I don't feel sexy. DH is great and both respects that, and tries to reassure me, but I feel bad about withholding 😕
I can go either way when pregnant... when pregnant with DD2 I scared my husband and honestly myself because my drive was out of control. This time around he said he was trying to get in shape to “get ready” for that and I was like, don’t get your hopes up, dude. It didn’t happen at all with DD1, and it’s not trending that way this time!
Re: FFFC 1/31/2020
@modoodles I mean, I cheer for the Panthers, by default... b/c NC. But I have no clue how they did this season. I'm in it for the festivities and not being able to partake this season really impacted my level of caring
Also, it isn't really a FFFC, but I just want to tell somebody. I just ordered some superhero prints for the nursery and I am super pumped. I got six individual Justice League watercolours (8.5 x 11) and it was $75 total. I am so happy. I am going to have them properly framed and everything. The nursery is no where near ready, but it was such a good deal.
@modoodles I am with you on winter sucking (apart from the above mentioned curling). I do want to try skiing at some point.
not a fan of football, but my FFFC is that DH and I have been sleeping in separate beds for the past few weeks because pregnancy, and I’m not hating it.
We have not dtd since I got the BFP. I am so so tired and have no desire but I probably need to do it this weekend.
My FFC: I'm glad DS being sick is my reason to get out of us going to dinner with MIL and SIL tonight. They are driving me UP. THE. WALL. with baby stuff. They want to unload all this stuff on me I don't want/need/have a place for and don't understand my asking for them to wait a little while so I can clean out the baby's room.
the TTC time was the best sex life we’ve had since we first moved in together 6-7 years ago 🙈
my FFFC. My sister has been a major mooch her adult life. Often asking for money from my dad, and now my demented grandmother. She’s mid 30s ruined multiple long term relationships and a marriage. Because she’s now a “free spirit” on a year+ long vacation to Australia (started out moving there for a guy) she can’t work. And now just posted a gofundme page for 3grand + for a “mentor ship” on how to build her online business to reach the world in her tarot card, moon reading, tea lead thing to help people live free.
OH yeah! and there was a stint where she haaaated baths. Like, refused to sit so we bathed her standing while lost her entire mind the whole time. It was miserable for everyone so we cut back then too. Thank goodness she stopped that shit lol
Oh man. The screaming sounds horrible. The only time we get that is when he has some kind of diaper rash.
Glad others can commiserate with this type of stuff though
DH and I barely DTD at all in the first trimester....i was just way too sick and not feeling it at all. since moving into the second trimester we have a couple times. it hurts more than non-pregnant sex but the last time we did it it was really nice after the initial uncomfortableness....i think everything is just a little swollen and sensitive down there. but then like 20 minutes later i threw up hahaha....i think the motion was not great for my nausea
dx: PCOS, hypothroidism
Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
She didn't reply to me for the longest time, then told me she's only asked for money once in the entire decade+ she's been away from home. But then "shared her journey" online of all these new challenges shes facing, and her tea leaves a year ago told her she'd have these struggles and she'd have to make sacrifices. (I get fired up about this easily
@nursejenn5 and this is TMI, so just don't read if it'll weird you out but..... even with lube it's painful. It's like there's just too much in there lol. Too deep, too much... I just can't handle it after a certain point. Poor DH. I'm not totally devastated or anything b/c, vibrator
As a New Englander and a Patriot's fan, it's odd to not see them in the super bowl this year (being on the eye rolls! I feed on your hate!! Jk) but I'm excited for the ritual of getting together with friends and watching!
As for DTD, extremely few times here as well. I'm just tired, and I don't feel sexy. DH is great and both respects that, and tries to reassure me, but I feel bad about withholding 😕