History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 prior MC, both in 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: Physically feel largely fine which definitely messes with my head. I kinda have a bump but I’m overweight so sometimes I really just feel chubby, not bumpy. Emotionally I waver between happiness and terror.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: Next OB is Feb 7, which feels so far away. We’ll schedule the 20 week scan for sometime later in Feb.
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? Is buying a fetal Doppler a coping strategy? I told myself I wouldn’t buy one but I did anyway and it should arrive in the next several days. I don’t want to use it often but it’s so hard when I’m not really feeling movement, etc. I just want to know he’s okay. Aside from dubious purchases my coping strategy is just trying to eat well, get sleep, and remind myself I’ve had zero indication anything is wrong.
@rachelredhead I have been debating a home dopplar since the beginning. I’m curious to know how that works to mitigate your anxiety. I haven’t gotten one yet because I’m afraid of not finding a heartbeat reliably, and/or overusing it.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 MC in 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: Emotionally I feel pretty strong these days. I worry a little, but am mostly able to let go of my fears. Physically I feel like a beached whale, and am pretty insulted when someone tells me I don’t really look pregnant. I have gained about 10 pounds and am much larger around my midsection.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: I have an appointment next week where I think we’ll hear baby’s heartbeat on a dopplar for the first time! I’m pretty excited for that.
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I’m only having mild anxiety, so I just look at my growing belly and tell myself that baby is fine.
@rachelredhead I'm feeling 100% the same way. I have an appointment tonight just for a check up but I've been waiting to hear the heartbeat for 4 weeks and I'm so anxious. I've been debating getting a Doppler too.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): DD (almost 3), MMC August 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: Eh I'm doing okay, I hate that I have to wait 4 weeks between appointments at this point. Emotionally I'm up and down, today I'm anxious for my appointment, 7pm can't come soon enough. I've had no indication that there's any issues but there was none last time either, very different because MMC was found at 8 weeks. Physically the same I've started to get a little energy, even did a low intensity workout last night. I don't see much of a bump and people will even point that out which I absolutely hate.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: 16 week check tonight! I can't wait!
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? Just trying to eat right and get back into exercising. My family/friends are super supportive but I still have this feeling that maybe something isn't right. I think I'm just scarred and hoping this doesn't keep up. I'm considering the Doppler because I need something for reassurance !
@jmcpool88 I hope your appointment went well tonight (I’m sure it did!). I can totally relate - I get the same anxiety when I have an appointment coming up too. Also, I feel the same way when people tell me I don’t look pregnant it both gives me anxiety, and makes me feel shitty because I am so much bigger now than I was before I got pregnant and how could they not possibly notice that?! I get pretty upset about it, even though maybe I don’t look super prego yet to someone who doesn’t really know me. 🤷♀️
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 DD, miscarriages 2014, April 2019, CP August 2019.
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: I have good days and bad days. I am used to going to the RE every two weeks, but graduated a few weeks ago. I don’t have an OB appointment until next week and it’s killing me.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: Next Wednesday
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I try not to think about being pregnant unless I have to because thinking he is not okay is a horrible feeling. I also think with each passing week I am closer to getting my THB. Also I had a Doppler with my second daughter and it was great!!! I let my friend borrow it and she has not returned it which is probably a good thing. With the Doppler I worry I woouldn’t find a HB because I am not far enough along.
How are you doing? I had food poisoning on the way home from work conference and that set off some anxiety. Overall, doing better I try to look at that online statistical tool that rationally tells me my loss risk is extremely low now. However, it works better some days than others. My bump still feels like fat and so I wish there were more visible signs.
Appointments: Anatomy scan 2/11 3rd Ob 2/13
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? Mostly distraction and staying busy. I also try to stick with rational data and sometimes it helps and other times it does not.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): MC Feb 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: I got to hear the heartbeat at my OB appt two weeks ago, which was awesome. It's definitely hard going a month between appointments...I have a little baby bump now, but I can't feel the baby yet.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: AS 2/6...so looking forward to this!!!
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I think I'm just trying to stay positive and tell myself that all of my appointments and tests have been positive, so there's nothing to worry about. Easier said than done though! I can't wait until I can start to feel the baby kicking, then I think this will get a lot easier.
Re: PGAL Check-In 1/28/2020
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 prior MC, both in 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: Physically feel largely fine which definitely messes with my head. I kinda have a bump but I’m overweight so sometimes I really just feel chubby, not bumpy. Emotionally I waver between happiness and terror.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: Next OB is Feb 7, which feels so far away. We’ll schedule the 20 week scan for sometime later in Feb.
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? Is buying a fetal Doppler a coping strategy? I told myself I wouldn’t buy one but I did anyway and it should arrive in the next several days. I don’t want to use it often but it’s so hard when I’m not really feeling movement, etc. I just want to know he’s okay. Aside from dubious purchases my coping strategy is just trying to eat well, get sleep, and remind myself I’ve had zero indication anything is wrong.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 MC in 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: Emotionally I feel pretty strong these days. I worry a little, but am mostly able to let go of my fears. Physically I feel like a beached whale, and am pretty insulted when someone tells me I don’t really look pregnant. I have gained about 10 pounds and am much larger around my midsection.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: I have an appointment next week where I think we’ll hear baby’s heartbeat on a dopplar for the first time! I’m pretty excited for that.
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I’m only having mild anxiety, so I just look at my growing belly and tell myself that baby is fine.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): DD (almost 3), MMC August 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?:
Eh I'm doing okay, I hate that I have to wait 4 weeks between appointments at this point. Emotionally I'm up and down, today I'm anxious for my appointment, 7pm can't come soon enough. I've had no indication that there's any issues but there was none last time either, very different because MMC was found at 8 weeks. Physically the same I've started to get a little energy, even did a low intensity workout last night. I don't see much of a bump and people will even point that out which I absolutely hate.
Upcoming milestones/appointments:
16 week check tonight! I can't wait!
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety?
Just trying to eat right and get back into exercising. My family/friends are super supportive but I still have this feeling that maybe something isn't right. I think I'm just scarred and hoping this doesn't keep up. I'm considering the Doppler because I need something for reassurance !
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): 2 DD, miscarriages 2014, April 2019, CP August 2019.
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: I have good days and bad days. I am used to going to the RE every two weeks, but graduated a few weeks ago. I don’t have an OB appointment until next week and it’s killing me.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: Next Wednesday
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I try not to think about being pregnant unless I have to because thinking he is not okay is a horrible feeling. I also think with each passing week I am closer to getting my THB. Also I had a Doppler with my second daughter and it was great!!! I let my friend borrow it and she has not returned it which is probably a good thing. With the Doppler I worry I woouldn’t find a HB because I am not far enough along.
History (kiddos, past pregnancies, share what you’d like): MC Feb 2019
How are you doing emotionally/physically?: I got to hear the heartbeat at my OB appt two weeks ago, which was awesome. It's definitely hard going a month between appointments...I have a little baby bump now, but I can't feel the baby yet.
Upcoming milestones/appointments: AS 2/6...so looking forward to this!!!
What coping strategies are you using to manage anxiety? I think I'm just trying to stay positive and tell myself that all of my appointments and tests have been positive, so there's nothing to worry about. Easier said than done though! I can't wait until I can start to feel the baby kicking, then I think this will get a lot easier.