July 2020 Moms

PGAL Check In 1/13

rachelredheadrachelredhead member
edited January 2020 in July 2020 Moms

Kids/losses if you care to share:

Upcoming milestones/appt:

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Re: PGAL Check In 1/13

  • EDD: July 11/14w2

    Kiddos/losses: 2 MC (Mar 2019, Sept 2019)

    Upcoming milestones: well beyond previous milestones, next appt is Feb 7

    How ya doing?
    Physically, good. But since some of my nastier symptoms have waned AND tons more people know now, I feel really vulnerable and emotional. On the one hand, I know getting to the second trimester is an excellent indicator of a healthy pregnancy and I’ve had nothing but good news so far. But I still just feel like I’m in the process of jumping off a cliff with no net, and everyone is watching. 
  • EDD/weeks: 16 wks, 7/1

    Kids/losses if you care to share: loss in July 19, no kids

    Upcoming milestones/appt: see OB late today

    How y’a doing? I told my work today and that was fine. I always get really anxious before the dr's appt and convince myself something is going to be wrong.  This time so far, it's been good all the way so I know it's partly just waiting for shoe to drop mentally.  We had our holiday weekend with our best friends over the weekend and that was fun.  My work should pick up a lot next week so enjoying the relative quiet for now.

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  • EDD/weeks: July 16/ 13 weeks 4 days

    Kids/losses if you care to share:
    4 kids (DD14, DS13, DS10, DS7) MC September 2019

    Upcoming milestones/appt:
     I had an appointment on Friday that went very well, listened to the heartbeat and saw baby moving a ton in the ultrasound. That ultrasound moved the due date 9 days earlier in the month!

    How ya doing?
    I'm ok. Sleeping better since the appointment on Friday. I think actually seeing and hearing a viable baby really helped with some of my anxiety. We did a mini session with our photographer after the appointment on Friday, and she said she would get me sneak peeks today so hopefully we can actually announce today or tomorrow!
  • EDD/weeks: 12 weeks 1 day- July 27

    Kids/losses if you care to share: 2 DD( 4 and 7), miscarried in 2014, April 2019, and CP in August 2019.

    Upcoming milestones/appt: Passed all of the miles stones. Appointment with RE on Wednesday 

    How ya doing? I still really struggle with trusting this pregnancy, even thought all is well and my NIPT result came back normal. I still am not sure when I am going to announce to everyone. We have told a few people, but not like we normally do ( big Facebook announcement etc). I am not really sure if I am going to do a Facebook announcement or let people find out when I start showing. Is that weird? I just still have a hard time believing I am pregnant ( like saying it out loud) and things are going okay. 
  • @Mamaof2beautifulgirls I don’t think we’ll announce on Facebook. I’m just telling folks as we see them and letting the grapevine do the rest. At some point I assume I’ll have a shower or there’ll be other pictures posted and then I’ll confirm. But I just don’t feel the desire to make a Facebook post. So, self-serving, but I don’t think it’s weird at all. 😁

    You may wake up in a few weeks and decide you want the whole world to know and you may want to post the cutest announcement ever. I’m letting myself stay open to that. We’re always allowed to change our minds! 
  • EDD/weeks:
    7/27, 12w

    Kids/losses if you care to share:
    3 losses, DD1 is 5y and DD2 is 16m

    Upcoming milestones/appt:
    NT scan today

    How ya doing?
    Feeling anxious about the scan today. Mentally I feel like we're at as risky/not risky a place as we can be because we had a good ultrasound at 9-1/2 weeks, and we're past all our milestones, etc. I'm still getting worried about not seeing a heartbeat today or something being terribly wrong though.

    MH and I are both carriers for a genetic condition that we *think* causes very early losses, but they don't know enough about it to really say for sure. Only that the combo we have has never resulted in a (known) live birth.

    Plus, we've told a few people about this baby (and at least one has a big mouth and has told several more people), but not MH's family or our daughter. They'll probably find out today at long as all goes well, so I'm feeling worried that it won't go well after all.
    2/13 Blighted ovum, D&C -- 6/13 MC -- 8/14 DD born -- 3/17 MC -- 9/18 DD2 born
    Expecting again -- EDD 7/27/20
  • EDD/weeks: July 2, 15w4d

    Kids/losses if you care to share: 2 kids at home, 3 losses

    Upcoming milestones/appt:I hit 16 weeks Thursday, which is when we lost our son Sebastian. The 16 week mark is like the 1st tri mark for other people. I mean I feel good coming out of the first tri, BUT after having a 2nd trimester loss, I feel a lot of relief after 16 weeks. I have an appt Friday with the NP and an ultrasound to check my cervix, so fx it's all good news. 

    How ya doing? doing pretty good. pretty sure I'm feeling some movement which is reassuring, but still ready to *know* it is actually movement and that baby is looking good. 
  • EDD/weeks: July 26, 12w1d

    Kids/losses if you care to share: 1 5yo son, 3 losses

    Upcoming milestones/appt: I have my 12 week appt tomorrow.  

    How ya doing? Ok.  Really looking forward to hearing a heartbeat again tomorrow.  I feel constantly worried that something is wrong.  
  • edited January 2020
    @treeofcheem I hope things go well at the appointment today!!! I know how it feels about someone with a mouth telling everyone... that person in my life would be my mother... she has told more people than I have... it’s really made me upset with her. 

    @rachelredhead I totally understand about the feeling of more people knowing the more vulnerable you feel. I think that is why I am not ready for a  lot of people to know yet.

    @modoodles I am glad you had a good appointment!!!

    @LaurenAsh23 I am sorry for the upcoming milestone and I can’t wait until you are passed it!!!

    @mischief-managed I hope your appointment goes well!!!

  • @LaurenAsh23 Sending you positive energy about passing your milestone.  It's such a bittersweet process to have things going well.
    @mischief-managed hope this appointment goes really well.  I did hear the heartbeat again yesterday and it seemed to give me short-term relief on the worry train.  Hoping you get that same relief.
    @treeofcheem my Mom is also the one who has told way more people than I thought she would. 

    My update: 2nd OB appointment was slightly less annoying.  The OB completely contradicted herself on a med she was against last time (Benadryl) when I challenged her on it being the same ingredient as Unisom.  She had said no Benadryl only Unisom last time.  She prescribed Fiorcet (sp?) for the severe headaches I continue to have but I haven't decided if I'm comfortable taking them.

  • The NT scan went well. We don't get the "official" first tri screening results until we get the combined info from my doctor from bloodwork and scan, but the US tech said everything looked great on the scan.

    @bluguitarhannah FWIW, there are at least two different types of Unisom. My OB office says Benadryl is fine, but my OB made a point that the Unisom to take with B6 for morning sickness has a different main ingredient than Benadryl. Frustrating that you got conflicting info from your OB.
    2/13 Blighted ovum, D&C -- 6/13 MC -- 8/14 DD born -- 3/17 MC -- 9/18 DD2 born
    Expecting again -- EDD 7/27/20
  • @treeofchem I had wondered if they meant the tabs vs. gel caps.  I can see there's a difference in that composition.  I like data so it just gives on my pregnant nerves.
  • EDD/weeks: July 2/15W+5D

    Kids/losses if you care to share: MC in Feb 2019

    Upcoming milestones/appt: OB appt tomorrow morning...get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. 2nd trimester detailed anatomy scan on 2/6.

    How ya doing? @r@rachelredhead you perfectly described how I am feeling, and I agree with everyone else's comments as well. It makes me feel better to know that this is a normal way to be feeling, so thank you to all of you ladies. I think the feeling is similar actually to what I went through 5 years ago with a cancer diagnosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma). I was clear of the cancer really quickly due to the chemo, but every time I had to go in for follow-up scans after treatment was over, the whole week before that I would stress out thinking about "what if the worst case scenario comes true?". I think it's our way of coping with all of the things that could happen and the fact that it's pretty much out of our control. I really can't wait to hear the heartbeat tomorrow, to know that things are still going well.
  • EDD/weeks: July 22 / 13 weeks

    Kids/losses if you care to share: 2 MC - May 2019, and Sept 2019

    Upcoming milestones/appt: Looking forward to my next appointment in early February so I can hopefully hear the heartbeat (we’ve only seen it on US so far).

    How ya doing? Even though I have had 4 positive US, and am feeling pregnant, I still have a fair amount of anxiety. Every day there is at least one time I question if the baby is okay. We haven’t done an announcement yet either, even though we are so excited and this will be our first baby to make it earthside. I want to have a fun announcement, but I am so scared of having to take it back later, and I feel bad for that.
  • @angemtn I can completely understand your hesitation.  I have an online announcement prepared but still have not pushed the go button b/c of anxiety primarily.  I was very quiet IRL about my loss.  I'm often pretty reserved in person (shy and just don't like to share a lot of my personal business).  It's such a complicated heart/mind process.  Glad you are here with this group.
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