

Hi everyone! My husband and I had been trying for a few months then my period decided to stop all together.  After months of testing I was diagnosed with androgen dominant PCOS. My doctor recommended us to a fertility specialist.  Several more months of testing we agreed to do an egg retrieval then a few months later do an FET.  Our first FET was in nov and ended with a BFN. Our second one is scheduled today.  Every single symptom I had leading up to the first transfer is completely different so hoping for the best! 

We tried to keep all of this very quiet through the first FET but I quickly found it was too hard so we have told our family members but it is still hard to explain to people who have not been through it before. I was super excited when I found this thread! I’m excited to meet some people and be able to connect.  Good luck to everyone! 

Re: Introduction!

  • Good luck on your transfer today! Hopefully the two week wait goes quickly for you!
  • Good luck! Hopefully second FET will do the trick!
    My story in signature spoiler. Children mentioned.
    Me: 37 DH: 45
    I don't produce FSH, so no natural menstrual cycle. DH has reduced morphology.
    Summer 2014 IUI (with first husband): cancelled after almost a month of stims due to too many follicles
    Time off to divorce, get back on my feet, find a new hubby and get married again 💑
    March 2017 IVF#1: ~70 follicles, 13R, 10M, 7F, 3B = 2 PGS Normal (both XY) - no transfer due to ohss
    Sept 2017 FET#1: BFP, Beta#1 (10dpt) - 253, Beta#2 (12dpt) - 528, DS born 05/31/2018 👨‍👩‍👦
    Dec 2019 FET#2: BFN
    Changed clinic, planning March 2020 IVF#2 - postponed due to the pandemic
    April 2020 IVF #2: ~30 follicles, 24R, 12M, 8F, 4B = 2XY & 2XX, all normal  <3
    Sept 2020 FET#3: one XX embryo, BFP, Beta#1 (9dpt) - 161, Beta#2 (11dpt) - 519, Beta#3 (19dpt) - 7174, Due date 05/30/2021
    DD born 05/23/2021 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - My family is now complete <3
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  • I’m hoping! It was a much easier process this time and I actually had a few symptoms the first few days after. I had zero last time but they have since vanished w the exception of being fairly dizzy which is probably the progesterone. So fingers crossed. 
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