
Introduction (child mentioned)

Lippert1Lippert1 member
edited January 2020 in Infertility
I have always read through different boards while trying to conceive. So many stories have given me hope or answered burning questions I may have had. I’ve been perusing boards like these since 2011 when we first started trying for kids. 9 months of trying on our own plus 11 months of Clomid (yes I know now that this is not normal protocol but didn’t at the time) we got pregnant with my son who was born in 2013.  We then tried for our second child and went straight to the Clomid. 6 months of Clomid and 3 months of Letrozole gave us our beautiful baby girl in early 2017. I’m 35 and don’t feel our family is quite complete yet... my husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years with different combinations of medications and HCG shots and timed intercourse. I was burnt out and upset at how hard this time around has been... we finally decided to go for IVF. My cycle is set for a late-January egg retrieval and I’m so excited and hopeful that this is our answer. I know my situation is different as I already have children and am told constantly to be grateful for the kids I have and just take this struggle as a sign I should be done (I think they mean well) but it still hurts that something to basic and seemingly simple as getting pregnant comes so hard for us. I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS and my husband has been tested and thankfully nothing is wrong with him... the tough part means it all comes down to me. Our endocrinologist said we wouldn’t be with him long but the 1 year mark is approaching.  I’m hoping IVF is successful on the first attempt!
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