March 2020 Moms

Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-in w/o 1/6


Team pink/blue/green: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 


Upcoming appts: 


GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies?

Re: Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-in w/o 1/6

  • EDD/W+D: 3/20, 29w3d

    Team pink/blue/green: Boy #3

    Baby is the size of a(n): Barbie Convertible

    Cravings/Aversions: No specific aversions anymore, though I still just want all the bagels with cream cheese.  I could eat them for every meal of the day.  Overall I'm generally not hungry and when I'm distracted, I totally miss meal times sometimes - I assume because of baby taking up all the space in there.

    Upcoming appts: Midwife checkup on Friday

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I haven't checked in in a while so I figured I should!  Honestly, the main rave for me right now is that my month long cold is finally going away.  I caught my kids cold early December and it was almost gone by Christmas then decided to have a resurgence over the holidays - no fun!  Main reason I've been mostly MIA for a while.

    GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies? All my pregnancies, including this one, have been mostly uneventful for the majority.  The main difference with this pregnancy is that I got a nasty cold this time - I didn't get any bad illnesses during my other two.  There are little things, like I think my back pain started earlier with this one, a little stronger morning sickness, took a little longer to feel movements due to an anterior placenta (other two were posterior), but nothing overwhelmingly different from the others.

    What I am nervous about is now that we are approaching late pregnancy, with my other two I had some weird symptoms close to my due date.  I would have a traveling numbness in one arm with blurry vision, episodes would last maybe 30-60 mins then I'd be fine.  It happened 2-3 times before delivery with both DS1 and DS2.  My midwives had no idea what was going on, and the times I would come in for monitoring the episode would be over and they wouldn't see anything amiss with my BP or baby.  They said I'd need to see a neurologist about it if it happened outside of pregnancy, but I've only ever had it happen late pregnancy.  We shall see if it happens again with this one.
    DS1 07/2015
    DS2 10/2017
    DS3 due 03/2020
  • @kailanae I feel pretty much full all the time after I first eat breakfast and/or lunch but then get hungry again really quickly, or even though I feel full, am STILL hungry. It sucks. We are about the same along (~1 day) so I wonder why that is! I am pretty short, so I feel like there's no room at all for my stomach, is my guess. I hope you don't get the same late pregnancy symptoms this time! 
    EDD/W+D: 3/21 / 29w2d

    Team pink/blue/green:! <3

    Baby is the size of a(n): acorn squash

    Cravings/Aversions: I want all the apple juice, all the apples, and all the ice cream. I'm still avoiding spicy and garlicky foods because the tastes linger.

    Upcoming appts: Tomorrow! I feel like I keep forgetting? Then another in ~3 weeks, then we go every 2, then every 1--I feel like once we start going every two weeks, everything is going to feel so real! I think I am going to try to schedule them all either tomorrow or at the 32w one--IDK when my dissertation defense date is? I haven't heard annyyttthinnggg from my dissertation director, sooo I don't want to schedule them until that's set. But like, I feel like my 32 week appointment, which I will have to schedule tomorrow, will be around when my defense is supposed to be sooooooo. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: DH got home yesterday & we unpacked the car this morning and now I am SO TIRED. I have a lot to do between now and next week, as my interview is next week aaand my online classes/the semester starts, but I am REALLY trying to be good to myself & take it easy when possible. The Eagles lost yesterday =( BUT the Patriots lost Saturday =) sooo I'm okay with that. I am debating whether or not to have an Oscars party? I haven't seen many of the films, but it would give me motivation to, and... going to the movies seems like a thing someone in their third trimester who doesn't have to Be At work might want to do to get out of the house? Plus I can stream a lot of them... I *always* want to have an Oscars party and then rarely do haha. But now that Eagles football is over, that's the next thing I look forward to. Then... March Madness. Which starts around my due date. 😭

    GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies? I suppose I didn't have many expectations going into this thing since I knew I was new at it? But I definitely am that person who had & continues to have a lot of bad symptoms--not a low of glowing, lol, more complaining. And while I didn't think being pregnant would be FUN, I am surprised people don't talk about the negative symptoms more outside of with other PG women? I'm surprised we got a lot of the "big" stuff from our registry, so that's unexpected and soooo appreciated. I am surprised how many appointments we have had and how few ultrasounds--I guess from what I know from pop culture, it seems like you'd get one every time.
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  • EDD/W+D: 3/23, 29 weeks!

    Team pink/blue/green: Pink💗

    Baby is the size of a(n): Acorn Squash

    Cravings/Aversions: Nothing. Kind of boring at the moment. Haha!

    Upcoming appts: Today. OB check up. I'm every 2 weeks now😲

    Rants/Raves/Questions: RAVE: My friends are throwing me a sprinkle next month which was totally unexpected. I'm excited for a very laid back version of my baby shower 3 years ago. Haha! We're just going to brunch. My 2nd RAVE is that setting up for baby #2 is much easier. We have everything we need and it's already set up and ready to go. Now we just wait! RANT: My DS caught a chest cold so I'm keeping my FX it skips me this round. I had a bad chest cold over Thanksgiving. Blah.

    GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies? I was actually just talking about this earlier with a friend! I have noticed some differences between my 1st pregnancy and my 2nd pregnancy. I'm not sure if it's because my first was a boy and this time it's a girl? With my DS, my pregnancy was so easy from the moment I POAS to the moment I went into labor. This time around not so much. I had all day nausea and dry heaving from weeks 5-15, followed by 2 nasty colds, followed by a bought of tonsil stones (DO NOT GOOGLE), followed by a nasty rash, followed by feeling extra stretched by 25 weeks and most recently I have noticed the start of a varicose vein 😭. I had anterior placenta with my DS, but posterior with this pregnancy. I'm still working out daily and overall it has been an uneventful pregnancy even with being 3 years older. But, this will definitely be my last baby.
    Me: 37 | H: 44
    TTC #1: May 2015
    IF DX January 2016- Me: Right sided hydrosalpinx 
    Right tube removed: February 2016
    Acupuncture + TCM: March 2016
    BFP: July 4, 2016 | DS: March 2017 (39w 2d)
    TTC #2: April 2019
    BFP #2: April 2019 | CP: April 30, 2019 (4w 2d)
    BFP #3: July 15, 2019
    EDD: March 23, 2020

  • @kailanae Now I want cream cheese on a bagel too. Haha! I'm glad you're finally over your cold. Being sick while pregnant just sucks.😭 I had anterior placenta with my 1st and this time posterior. It's noticeably different! I think it's cool we get to experience both. 

    I'm sorry this pregnancy has been harder on you than you imagined @kagesstarshroom. This pregnancy is definitely different for me as well. My first was a breeze, but this one not so much. Haha! Hang in there. She will be here before you know it 😊

    Me: 37 | H: 44
    TTC #1: May 2015
    IF DX January 2016- Me: Right sided hydrosalpinx 
    Right tube removed: February 2016
    Acupuncture + TCM: March 2016
    BFP: July 4, 2016 | DS: March 2017 (39w 2d)
    TTC #2: April 2019
    BFP #2: April 2019 | CP: April 30, 2019 (4w 2d)
    BFP #3: July 15, 2019
    EDD: March 23, 2020

  • @kagesstarshroom Not sure on the fullness differences!  I am usually not one to miss a meal so it is different for me to feel this way.  Also, I'm already on the every 2 week track - my office started that for me after my 26w appointment so I came in at 28w and will now again at 30w.  I was surprised when she told me it was already that time!  Sorry about your Eagles loss - my old boss was a huge Eagles fan.  We are (casual) Ravens fans here so we've got lots of happy family and friends right now at how well they've been doing this season.

    @puppylove8910 I've had tonsil stones before and they are so gross.  FX that you don't catch the cold!  I've been saying the same thing about people who ask if I'm disappointed that #3 is another boy - we have so little to do to get ready!  Basically just buy some tiny diapers and bring out the itty bitty clothes from storage.  Going from DS1 to DS2 was more work because we prepped a second kid's room, but we only have 3 bedrooms so now that both of the extra rooms are kid's rooms, we just need to shift DS2 into DS1's room with him.
    DS1 07/2015
    DS2 10/2017
    DS3 due 03/2020
  • @kailanae just now realizing we are EDD buddies! 

    @kagesstarshroom I have to say, I do feel like you have had an unusually tough pregnancy! You’re handling it awesomely though.

    EDD/W+D: 3/20 29+3

    Team pink/blue/green: pink (girl #2)

    Baby is the size of a(n): acorn squash

    Cravings/Aversions: carbs. Sweets. Beer, weirdly (I have been drinking non-alcoholic beer once in a while). 

    Upcoming appts: Next Tuesday

    Rants/Raves/Questions: Just a little sad to be back at work, but 9 weeks until spring break! If I go into labor a few days early, like I did with DD, I may not have to go back after March 6! Woohoo! Also I’m getting the nesting bug pretty hard. I’m going to wait until after MLK weekend to paint the nursery and sort through baby clothes, because I have friends visiting that weekend (yay!).

    GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies?

    This one is a little harder and more uncomfortable. First tri was actually easier. I felt sick but never threw up this time. But second tri hit me hard. I have gained more weight, got sore hips/back much earlier, and I’m sleeping worse. 

    One thing I do notice is I don’t have much fear/anxiety about labor. I’m actually kind of excited for it! It wasn’t easy but it was doable. And now I know what to expect.
  • @kantobean, I'm also excited for labor! But nervous as hell for those first few weeks :'(
    Me: 37 | H: 44
    TTC #1: May 2015
    IF DX January 2016- Me: Right sided hydrosalpinx 
    Right tube removed: February 2016
    Acupuncture + TCM: March 2016
    BFP: July 4, 2016 | DS: March 2017 (39w 2d)
    TTC #2: April 2019
    BFP #2: April 2019 | CP: April 30, 2019 (4w 2d)
    BFP #3: July 15, 2019
    EDD: March 23, 2020

  • @kailanae Oh man! Month long cold! That really sucks! I’m glad you’re feeling better! Numbness in one arm and blurry vision is scary! Probably wouldn’t hurt to see a neurologist even if it happens again during late pregnancy only. They would probably do an MRI to check everything out.

    @kagesstarshroom Good luck with your dissertation defense! I know that will feel sooooo good once it’s over with!! I think people don’t talk about the negatives with non-preggos because they are afraid they will look ungrateful or like they aren’t being a good future mom. Oooorrrr maybe it’s just evolutions way of making sure women continue to make babies lol!!

    @puppylove8910 Thanks for the heads up to not google tonsil stones bc I definitely would have ha! I guess you got lucky that this pregnancy is harder than your first, bc if it was the other way maybe you would have gotten over having a second lol

    @kantobean I was just telling my friend yesterday how annoying being pregnant for the first time is because you don’t know what’s normal and what to expect! It’s all very anxiety provoking and I would imagine there’s still some anxiety the second time around but not as much since you’ve gone through it before! Very interesting that you and @puppylove8910 are excited for labor though, I’m pretty much just trying not to think about it so I don’t scare myself even more than I already am lol 

    EDD/W+D: 3/24, 29 weeks

    Team pink/blue/green: queen 👸🏽 

    Baby is the size of a(n): giving up on this one

    Cravings/Aversions: sweets all the time.

    Upcoming appts: Monday. I’m surprised so many of you have every 2 week appts, mine doesn’t do that at all. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I’ve been wheezing when I lay down since the beginning of the pregnancy. Not an intense wheeze, just a little whistle. OB had me start Pepcid daily to rule out if it was caused by acid reflux which didn’t stop it, so now I’m suppose to start using a steroid inhaler thing for asthma. I’m testing it out with Albuterol inhaler first and then I might do the steroid inhaler after I talk to an allergist this week. I do have a really hard time breathing in the middle of the night and have a quick gasp for air or
    sometimes just breath really deep, but I never had asthma in my life so I’m like r u sure this isn’t all normal?!? Do I really have to put all these dang meds in my baby?! But she says wheezing isn’t normal and I haven’t heard anyone on here mention wheezing either. So then if it isn’t asthma then it could be a heart problem which is even scarier. It all sucks lol

    GTKY: How has this pregnancy gone as you expected? How not? FTMs: what do you feel women don't talk about/enough? STM+s: how has this been different from your previous pregnancy/ies?

    FTM here. The things I thought would happen for me, like bad acid reflux since I already struggle with GERD pre pregnancy and hemmoroids since I already have one pre pregnancy, haven’t really bothered me much (yet). I’ve actually had unexpected stuff happen like having to take an antibiotic for a possible toe nail infection and the wheezing fiasco. Overall tho, I know this pregnancy could have been harder and I’m thankful I’ve had an easy second trimester. Let’s see what happens this third trimester And definitely scared for delivery. 

    OH! One thing people don’t talk about. Lack of sleep during pregnancy! People talk about the few final weeks being difficult to sleep - but I’ve had issues with sleep since first tri!! And also FOOD AVERSIONS...everyone talks about cravings (which I really haven’t experienced what you see in the movies lol) but nobody talks about the FOOD AVERSIONS. I think food aversions was even more annoying than the morning sickness for me! 

  • Same as @puppylove8910 I want to meet him, but I'm also not ready for the anxiety, recovery, and stress of those first few weeks. 
    Me: 33 DH: 33
    Married: 10.15.16
    BFP: 12.24.16
    DS BD: 8.20.17
    TTC #2 1.1.19
    BFP #2 7.3.19
    EDD #2 3.13.20
  • @puppylove8910 yeahhh recovery is a b*tch
  • @kantobean Haha, thank you for saying that. Sometimes I can't tell if I am just... more prone to complaining about sh!t than other ppl or if it really has been tough for me. I have done alright with the "small frequent meals" the past couple days and hope that I can keep that up.

    @mrsc918 Um, yes re: aversions are talked about more over cravings! I was excited for cravings! But all I got was aversions with an OCCASIONAL craving, and not many of them memorable? Like, when DH made me the soft pretzels from scratch in first tri, that was memorable bc 1) I got them and 2) he MADE them. I craved water ice forever, but there's none in Louisiana, soooo I never even got to fulfill one of the strongest cravings I had. Sigh.
  • @mrsc918 I definitely had a lot of fear the first time! I explored going drug-free, but once I was in labor, I opted for an epi. And there was still a lot of pain, but it was also so exciting and magical. 

    I wish I could tell you “don’t be afraid” but I definitely know how you feel! I felt super anxious with my first not knowing what was going on. Just focus on that beautiful baby you will hold when it’s done!
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