
Triggering with Lupron instead of hCG? Success stories?

Hi ladies! I'm going through my first round of IVF, and my doctor just told me we're going to trigger with Luprolide instead of hCG. I'm on the antagonist protocol, and today is my 8th day of stims with Follistim and Menopur. It appears my estrogen levels are getting high enough that they're worried about OHSS, which is why we're going with Lupron instead to reduce the risk. Has anyone ever used this method? I'm just nervous that hCG is considered the "gold standard" - if Lupon was really just as good wouldn't they always use it to trigger to prevent OHSS? Worried and hoping someone here has experience to share.  <3

Re: Triggering with Lupron instead of hCG? Success stories?

  • Hi there. I have had two IVF cycles this year, one in August with HCG trigger, and one in November with Lupron trigger. I felt much fewer symptoms (pain and bolating) after Lupron trigger compared to HCG. Huge difference. The total number of eggs and %mature eggs was very similar with both my cycles. The fertilization  rate was terrible with my first cycle, but better with the second Lupron trigger cycle with ICSI this time. My RE did not recommend fresh transfer after Lupron trigger so I did a freeze-all. So, my experience with Lupron trigger is positive. I have not had any FETs so to be continued...

    If I will have to stim again in the future I will definitely want a Lupron trigger. I felt so much worse after ER with HCG trigger. 

    The only other potential down side to Lupron trigger is that very rarely (<5% I believe) it does not work. To check if this is the case my RE checked LH levels and progesterone levels after I triggered. 

    Good luck with your ER eggcellent!
  • @lena8888 - thanks for the reply! I had my retrieval this morning and they recovered TWENTY eggs! So far my recovery is going well, so I'm sure the Lupron trigger was the right choice considering how high my estrogen was. It's reassuring to hear your percentage of mature eggs was similar between the two. Best of luck with your frozen transfer! We're also doing an ICSI & freeze-all procedure, so we can have genetic testing done on the embryos prior to transfer. Fingers crossed for both of us :) 
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  • Yay congrats!
  • I had my initial consultation with a new reproductive clinic today, and we actually discussed Lupron vs HCG. I had OHSS with my last IVF and Lupron definitely reduces the risk and duration of OHSS. However, if you plan a fresh cycle, then HCG is recommended, as it helps with the lining readiness. So, in short, success rates with HCG are higher with fresh transfer and have no impact whatsoever with frozen transfers later on, or the count/quality of the retrieved eggs.
    My story in signature spoiler. Children mentioned.
    Me: 37 DH: 45
    I don't produce FSH, so no natural menstrual cycle. DH has reduced morphology.
    Summer 2014 IUI (with first husband): cancelled after almost a month of stims due to too many follicles
    Time off to divorce, get back on my feet, find a new hubby and get married again 💑
    March 2017 IVF#1: ~70 follicles, 13R, 10M, 7F, 3B = 2 PGS Normal (both XY) - no transfer due to ohss
    Sept 2017 FET#1: BFP, Beta#1 (10dpt) - 253, Beta#2 (12dpt) - 528, DS born 05/31/2018 👨‍👩‍👦
    Dec 2019 FET#2: BFN
    Changed clinic, planning March 2020 IVF#2 - postponed due to the pandemic
    April 2020 IVF #2: ~30 follicles, 24R, 12M, 8F, 4B = 2XY & 2XX, all normal  <3
    Sept 2020 FET#3: one XX embryo, BFP, Beta#1 (9dpt) - 161, Beta#2 (11dpt) - 519, Beta#3 (19dpt) - 7174, Due date 05/30/2021
    DD born 05/23/2021 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - My family is now complete <3
  • @FuzzyDust - Good to know! That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing!
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