Besides being sick, my body is feeling manageable, which I am grateful for. Just regular pregnancy aches and pains. I do get Braxton Hicks quite a bit depending on the day but mine are not always related to water or activity.
What are you doing to stay active?
I'm trying to go to the gym 3x a week and walk/stretch the others. I've been going to pre-natal yoga on Sundays since 12 weeks and it always makes a huge difference in my week mentally/physically. It's far from intense, actually I would say it's relaxing but it also gives me a chance to bond with this baby which I really enjoy. Other days I just do like 30-45 minutes of jogging/weight training. A far cry from my first pregnancy but at least it's something.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals?
Mainly trying to stay active every day in at least a little way, whether that's a 5 minute walk or going to the gym. Even though staying active is something that's really important to me, I've struggled with finding the time since I've had my son. I'm really trying to continue making it a priority throughout this pregnancy.
Pregnancy has been a struggle and I have not been as active as I'd like. I'm feeling a bit more human lately and went to yoga class this week for the first time in months. I am so glad I went. It's not prenatal yoga specifically, but the instructor was waaaay more pregnant than I am so she was certainly able to offer modifications and tell me what things to abstain from. I've also been swimming for about a half hour about once a week. It's hard to motivate to go straight after work, but I feel so much better when I do. I just feel so lazy all the time which is really getting me down emotionally because that's not what my life is like; outside of pregnancy I'm generally an extremely active person, so being so exhausted physically and feeling unable to do things is really messing with my head. I'm hoping I can force myself out of it right now, but keep telling myself it's only temporary and if my body feels like it needs to rest it probably does and that's ok.
How are you feeling this week? I’m pretty tired, but I feel good otherwise.
What are you doing to stay active? Before I was pregnant I loved going to cycling classes. Now I’m just trying to go for walks. I tried signing up for a prenatal yoga class, but their site wasn’t working. I’ll try again next week. I think it might also be a nice way to meet other moms in the area.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? My goal is to balance calories in and out during this pregnancy. Weight gain has been tough since I’m not a big eater, but I’m trying to just make lots of healthy choices.
What are you doing to stay active? I have not been as active as I'd like. MH and I got married in May and were both really active leading up to it, but definitely got lethargic after that. I also sprained my ankle the week before I found out I was pregnant so there went my running routine. I've been trying to do more walking and I actually worked out with weights for the first time in forever 2 weeks ago and it was hard but worth it. I should do it again.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? I'd like to keep up with my walking and do a video at least once a week. The weather makes it very hard to get outside right now and that's my favorite way to work out. I haven't looked into any prenatal classes but good point @babyfoxden10 that it's a good way to meet other moms! That makes me want to check some out.
How are you feeling this week? Getting over a cold so I feel a little tired and weak.
What are you doing to stay active? I also haven't been as active as I was pre pregnancy. Two of the times that I went to the gym i started geting cramping after to my midwife told me to take it easy. Ive been sticking to mainly yoga at home with a little gym time. I want to start swimming, it's just so hard going after work. I like to use Grokker. It is basically Netflix but for fitness. They have a lot of prenatal workouts and yoga videos. I've mainly stuck to yoga but it's a great affordable option.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? My goal is to keep a healthy weight and keep my body strong.
@heyybritt I know what you mean about the weather. We’ve been having sub zero mornings and it’s dark when I get home from work. I’m mostly a hike in the woods with my dog person, but that has not been happening more than once a week.
@jess09lynn I never heard of grokker, I’ll have to look into it. I do like to find videos on YouTube at home, I pick a body part I wanna work on and how much time I have, so I might search 15 minute yoga for sore back or something similar.
I also started tracking my daily water intake again and it really helps and I highly recommend it if you don’t already.
@pirateduck I really like it because you can search exactly what you want at what level and how long the videos are. They also have programs you can do. They have a 30 day free trial, I highly recommend checking it out. That's a good idea about the water tracking. It's been a while since I've done that.
I’m not usually very active, but we just bought a treadmill that can collapse down and store under our bed. I’m excited to use it. Once upon a time I did Couch to 5K and felt really good about myself while doing it, but I didn’t keep up with it over time. I feel like having a treadmill in our house eliminates all of the excuses I make for why I don’t exercise regularly: I don’t have time to go the gym, nor do I want to deal with the logistics of going either before or after work; I can’t run near our house because we live on a highway; I don’t feel safe going out at night when it’s dark, especially in the mountains where we live. I hope having this motivates me to move more regularly.
@jess09lynn yeah, I woke up last night and this morning feeling terrible and realized yesterday I was down over 20 ounces of water and I’m sure it factored into it.
How are you feeling this week? I slept funny and got a crick in my neck a few days ago, and I haven't been able to shake it. I feel like it would go away if I got one good night's sleep without bothering it, but that hasn't been possible yet. It's made me even less likely to do any sort of structured exercise this week.
What are you doing to stay active? My job involves a lot of walking, but I had to give up my two main physical activities (roller derby and kickboxing) at the start of the pregnancy, so I feel like I haven't been doing much at all. I get my 10k steps every day, so I guess that suffices, but I'd like to figure out prenatal yoga or swimming or something low intensity. I like the grokker idea @jess09lynn.
@heyybritt - I used to love weight lighting before pregnancy. It's been a bit hard for me during pregnancy, but I used to do a class at my gym called Body Pump, where you lift weights to music. It was so fun, but definitely challenging!
@babyfoxden10 - Great idea! I've been trying to meet more local mommies so I can get out of the house and socialize a bit more. I work from home, so it's always nice to get to the gym and out and about, but even better when I can connect with other mamas. When I had my daughter, there was a local group called Barbells and Bottles, and we mall walked and did short workouts in the mall together. I'm still friends with some of the mamas from that group!
How are you feeling this week? I'm finally feeling some energy again! I don't know if it is there holidays being behind us, or finally a shift in my pregnancy, but I'm trying to embrace it!
What are you doing to stay active? I actually got 15,000 steps yesterday, and am going to try to do Fitbit challenges next week and moving forward to stay motivated. I used to do Fitbit challenges every week before pregnancy...
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? Getting active in Fitbit again, getting back into a gym routine, drinking more water, and meditating/practicing mindfulnless daily. I'd also love to start doing yoga regularly again.
@zentopia my mom actually got me a new Fitbit recently for my birthday. I’m kinda excited. I had one of the very early models and had quit wearing it ages ago because it wouldn’t consistently charge/sync properly any more. It definitely helps with the mindset and establishing some good routine, even if it’s mostly walking more and drinking more water, it’s a step in the right direction. I haven’t really looked at the challenges lately so I’ll have to do that.
How are you feeling this week? I am OK. I generally feel tired even during this 2-week break. It’s exhausting being exhausted...
What are you doing to stay active? I play squash 1X per week, walk lots at work (not much during the break), run after a 3yo and will start yoga back up again 1X week. Last pregnancy I continued regular yoga with modifications through the end of the pregnancy. I have not been as good this time, being pregnant with a little one is so much more tiring...
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? Get back to doing yoga this week, work offers a free class and I can do a pre-natal on Sundays.
******TW******Siggy warning BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d; BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
How are you feeling this week? Pretty good. My energy has been up and down but I always turn to running when I'm stressed out which has been helping.
What are you doing to stay active? I go to the gym 1-3 x/week depending on how I'm feeling. I also bought a 10-week prenatal yoga class pass, I missed Yoga and am loving the gentle stretching and de-stressing effects on my body. I do wish I could make friends with some of the other mamas which is a big reason why I started the program too.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? To continue to lift weights, run and yoga on a regular basis. Maybe get out more into nature on shorter hikes. I went on one this weekend and breathing in the fresh air was very nice. I'm worried I'm going to lose all my energy in the third trimester but hoping I can keep working out even if it's at a much slower pace.
Me: 30 | H: 34 Married July 2018 First-Time Mom EDD: 5/1/20 *please stick, baby*
Sneaking out of work for yoga shortly, I'm so excited to have this back in my life. It's a mental game changer to be able to do something physical, even if it's not quite how it was before. I can't believe how tight everything seems to be all the time. Do you ladies feel like you have tight muscles and/or sore joints in pregnancy?
@pirateduck definitely much tighter the first time I went to yoga but do feel myself loosing up now that I have been a couple of weeks. I'm excited for you!
Me: 30 | H: 34 Married July 2018 First-Time Mom EDD: 5/1/20 *please stick, baby*
Re: Fit Friday 1/3
How are you feeling this week?
Besides being sick, my body is feeling manageable, which I am grateful for. Just regular pregnancy aches and pains. I do get Braxton Hicks quite a bit depending on the day but mine are not always related to water or activity.
What are you doing to stay active?
I'm trying to go to the gym 3x a week and walk/stretch the others. I've been going to pre-natal yoga on Sundays since 12 weeks and it always makes a huge difference in my week mentally/physically. It's far from intense, actually I would say it's relaxing but it also gives me a chance to bond with this baby which I really enjoy. Other days I just do like 30-45 minutes of jogging/weight training. A far cry from my first pregnancy but at least it's something.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals?
Mainly trying to stay active every day in at least a little way, whether that's a 5 minute walk or going to the gym. Even though staying active is something that's really important to me, I've struggled with finding the time since I've had my son. I'm really trying to continue making it a priority throughout this pregnancy.
What are you doing to stay active? Before I was pregnant I loved going to cycling classes. Now I’m just trying to go for walks. I tried signing up for a prenatal yoga class, but their site wasn’t working. I’ll try again next week. I think it might also be a nice way to meet other moms in the area.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals?
My goal is to balance calories in and out during this pregnancy. Weight gain has been tough since I’m not a big eater, but I’m trying to just make lots of healthy choices.
How are you feeling this week? Pretty good.
What are you doing to stay active? I have not been as active as I'd like. MH and I got married in May and were both really active leading up to it, but definitely got lethargic after that. I also sprained my ankle the week before I found out I was pregnant so there went my running routine. I've been trying to do more walking and I actually worked out with weights for the first time in forever 2 weeks ago and it was hard but worth it. I should do it again.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? I'd like to keep up with my walking and do a video at least once a week. The weather makes it very hard to get outside right now and that's my favorite way to work out. I haven't looked into any prenatal classes but good point @babyfoxden10 that it's a good way to meet other moms! That makes me want to check some out.
BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
@jess09lynn I never heard of grokker, I’ll have to look into it. I do like to find videos on YouTube at home, I pick a body part I wanna work on and how much time I have, so I might search 15 minute yoga for sore back or something similar.
I also started tracking my daily water intake again and it really helps and I highly recommend it if you don’t already.
That's a good idea about the water tracking. It's been a while since I've done that.
What are you doing to stay active? My job involves a lot of walking, but I had to give up my two main physical activities (roller derby and kickboxing) at the start of the pregnancy, so I feel like I haven't been doing much at all. I get my 10k steps every day, so I guess that suffices, but I'd like to figure out prenatal yoga or swimming or something low intensity. I like the grokker idea @jess09lynn.
@babyfoxden10 - Great idea! I've been trying to meet more local mommies so I can get out of the house and socialize a bit more. I work from home, so it's always nice to get to the gym and out and about, but even better when I can connect with other mamas. When I had my daughter, there was a local group called Barbells and Bottles, and we mall walked and did short workouts in the mall together. I'm still friends with some of the mamas from that group!
What are you doing to stay active? I actually got 15,000 steps yesterday, and am going to try to do Fitbit challenges next week and moving forward to stay motivated. I used to do Fitbit challenges every week before pregnancy...
Do you have any new or continuing health goals? Getting active in Fitbit again, getting back into a gym routine, drinking more water, and meditating/practicing mindfulnless daily. I'd also love to start doing yoga regularly again.
I am OK. I generally feel tired even during this 2-week break. It’s exhausting being exhausted...
What are you doing to stay active?
I play squash 1X per week, walk lots at work (not much during the break), run after a 3yo and will start yoga back up again 1X week. Last pregnancy I continued regular yoga with modifications through the end of the pregnancy. I have not been as good this time, being pregnant with a little one is so much more tiring...
Do you have any new or continuing health goals?
Get back to doing yoga this week, work offers a free class and I can do a pre-natal on Sundays.
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
Pretty good. My energy has been up and down but I always turn to running when I'm stressed out which has been helping.
What are you doing to stay active?
I go to the gym 1-3 x/week depending on how I'm feeling. I also bought a 10-week prenatal yoga class pass, I missed Yoga and am loving the gentle stretching and de-stressing effects on my body. I do wish I could make friends with some of the other mamas which is a big reason why I started the program too.
Do you have any new or continuing health goals?
To continue to lift weights, run and yoga on a regular basis. Maybe get out more into nature on shorter hikes. I went on one this weekend and breathing in the fresh air was very nice. I'm worried I'm going to lose all my energy in the third trimester but hoping I can keep working out even if it's at a much slower pace.
Married July 2018
First-Time Mom
EDD: 5/1/20 *please stick, baby*
Married July 2018
First-Time Mom
EDD: 5/1/20 *please stick, baby*