July 2020 Moms

Group 2 (July 8-16) Check in week of 12/23


Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n):

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020?

Re: Group 2 (July 8-16) Check in week of 12/23

  • EDD/weeks+days: July 11/ 11w2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out when we get NIPT results (prob in Jan)

    Baby is the size of a(n): Brussels sprout/profiterole

    Upcoming appointments: Jan 7 for first trimester scan/ Jan 10 for follow up OB to discuss scan

    How are you feeling? Pretty good, but still tired and bloated. 

    Raves/Rants: We did a private ultrasound on Saturday and now I have a heartbeat file on my phone I can play whenever I need some reassurance. Also fun to have a little video of the Bean wiggling around. 

    Questions: not really

    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020? We’ll find a new house (hopefully) so I’m looking forward to some hardcore nesting! 
  • EDD/weeks+days: July 12, 11w1

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out, not too fussed if it's during NIPT or 20 week ultrasound

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime?!? That's what this site says which seems crazy.

    Upcoming appointments: Jan 3, first with new doctor due to insurance/general wanting to switch care providers.

    How are you feeling? Mostly good, bloated and some fatigue still.

    Raves/Rants: I'm excited for our traditional Christmas of Chinese food and Star Wars. H and I have two friends joining us and honestly my hungry self was like YES more dim sum orders can be made :-p

    Questions: Vaguely interested in STM thoughts/experiences on "baby friendly" hospitals. Basically that's the only choice in my area but from what I've read they seem to have some bad stuff ie mom shaming which I am not here for. Basically, I'm pre-girding my loins to be like no I don't want this baby in the room with me right now send them to the nursery or yes I want a nipple shield because I'm bleeding and this sucks or yes please give my child some formula as I'm too stressed to breastfeed right now and knowing they aren't hungry will make me feel less stressed/make it easier to breastfeed, etc etc. Basically, how much do medical providers listen vs steamroll (knowing this is unique everywhere)

    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020? H and I are going to Vegas in January and I'm very excited!
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  • EDD/weeks+days: July 14th, 10w6

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out, probably in February

    Baby is the size of a(n): Poker Chip

    Upcoming appointments: First Trimester Screening 12/30

    How are you feeling? This weekend was rough with nausea and fatigue, I feel like I just had too much planned and could not get through it all. Today I'm feeling much better (maybe finally turning a corner) 

    Raves/Rants: I felt so miserable this weekend and I never felt this bad with DD. I'm hoping it'll start getting better from here on out!! I'm slightly nervous about Christmas because I don't think we're telling my in-laws until after next u/s (Dec 30th). We're hoping to be able to stick to this plan but we'll see. 

    Questions: Doc recommended taking B6 even though it is in the prenatal she recommended taking more. Any else taking this? 

    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020?
    Taking a trip as a family of 3 for the last time, probably in the late winter or spring! 
  • @rachelredhead I love the idea of getting the private u/s, I feel like I'm constantly needing reassurance and that's such a great thing to have! Also, good luck with the house hunt.  It's such an exciting time and stressful too, but once you find the right house it'll all be worth it! 
  • @pocketrose I totally get what you're saying about the hospitals. I've known people who have been through all types of situations. I've only had one child at the same hospital we'll be going to this time and the experience was decent. They definitely prefer EBF and to spend as much time with the baby as possible but when we said we needed sleep they took DD. One annoying thing was that they made me sleep with the light on when she was in the room. It was like they didn't want me getting into a deep sleep or something idk. I'm sure every nurse is different though and now that I've been through it once I know what to ask for. 
  • EDD/weeks+days: 10w6d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: probably finding out at 20w scan

    Baby is the size of a(n): almost a brusselsprout!

    Upcoming appointments: January 6th with my OB

    How are you feeling? Ugh, still shitty. I keep telling myself "one more week" and I'm hoping that comes true soon...

    Raves/Rants: I'm taking off the next week and a half or so and I wish DD's daycare was open more... I know the staff there want to see their families but I want to rest on the couch and eat ramen in my pjs! Bitter party of one.


    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020? Really just looking forward feeling better and enjoying food again..

    @po@pocketrose ugh, "baby-friendly" hospitals. I'm really hoping that's a thing that fades away soon. The main birthing hospital in my area (with the best NICU and overall reputation) is baby-friendly, and is where I delivered my DD in March 2018. I brought a nipple shield with me, I would recommend doing the same if that's something you want as an option. I used it while I was there (had severe nipple damage 24 hours in), and some of the nurses did tsk tsk me which was really effed up. But there was one who was like you need to do what you need to do. As for the rooming in, yes it sucked lol. The only sleep I actually got the whole time I was there (and I delivered a little before 5am) was the second night when my husband was wheeling the bassinet around in the hallway looking like a zombie and a nurse took her for an hour and a half. Basically it's a mixed bag and depends a lot on the nurses and staff on how rigid they are with the rules. You have to bring what you want available and ask for what you need while you're there. And then you can go home!
  • @jmcpool88 I take B6+Unisom every night and on rough nausea days I’ll take another B6 in the afternoon. My pills are 25mg apiece. My prenatal has B6, too, but only a small amount, maybe 2mg. I think it definitely helps me.
  • EDD/weeks+days: July 11/ 11w3d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out when we get 20wk scam

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime!

    Upcoming appointments: 12/26 for nuchal US, 12/31 for 12wk OB

    How are you feeling? Tired but overall really good!

    Raves/Rants: Extended Family is being a pain with coordinating getting my grandmother to my house to visit tonight. I work in a restaurant and can’t pick her up personally and DH in a cast and can’t drive.  They live 10 mins away and can’t drop her off to us do my sister has to come drive from 45 min away to bring her to my house. Unreal.  

    Questions: anyone else’s symptoms subsiding a bit? I feel weirdly really good past week and trying not to look into it too much.  Two more days til US!

    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020? We are (were) planning on starting our home addition. So if we go through with it I’m excited for that!
  • @pocketrose I had my first 14 months ago at a “baby friendly” hospital. My experience was that they were very open to what I wanted. However, there was no nursery at my hospital. Baby stayed in the room all the time - there was no where else for them to go. But I used a nipple shield (and I didn’t even know about them - the nurses offered me one when they saw the raw, bleeding nipples and pain I was in), they asked me if I wanted to breastfeed or formula feed (I was breastfeeding and they encourage it, but it was nice that they asked what *I* wanted to do), and they asked if I wanted to give a pacifier before offering it. I would recommend doing a tour of the hospital and asking their policy or how they handle the situations you’re wondering about! Good luck! 

    Me: 33 DH: 31
    Location: Castle Rock, CO
    DD: 10.13.18
    baby #2 due: 7.14.20

  • @sunnyknightsarah sounds like your experience was much better than mine! And I definitely wouldn't even characterize my own experience as bad. Goes to show it really does depend on the place and the staff. Definitely agree that it's a great idea to do the tour and ask all of the questions!
  • @meanjellybean @sunnyknightsarah I'm only nervous because they have the "10 steps" posted pretty prominently on their website so I may bring things that could potentially help (nipple shield, pacifier, etc). My goal is to breastfeed but also to not go crazy.
  • @pocketrose that's the best goal to have lol. I'll also throw in a plug for doing something I wish I had done before my first. Research IBCLC's in your area and find the one with the best reputation (and one that seems like they would support your goal of bf'ing but not at the expense of your sanity) and make a prenatal appt with them. I so wish I had done this. They can help you come up with a plan for different scenarios based on your specific risk factors and goals. Then you can go in with a little more confidence and all the tools you need.
  • EDD/weeks+days: either 12w2d or 11w6d. Bony Yoda measured bigger than expected at the last u/s but our ob said we’ll go by date of last period still so.... ??

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out. We did the Harmony test so the gender is in an envelope upstairs right now. I hid it from DH because were doing a reveal party mid to late January with immediate family. He’s snooping for it. 

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Upcoming appointments: 12/31 with a high risk specialist (totally precautionary though) and 1/13 for our 14 week u/s

    How are you feeling? Really good. The exhaustion is improving but my breasts are still super sore. 

    Raves/Rants: my MIL is already overbearing. She tried to give me labor advice (read as: directions/orders) two weeks ago and basically shamed me for wanting an epidural so far. 

    Questions: none this week ☺️

    GTKY: Apart from baby's arrival, what are you looking forward to in 2020? We’re planning to do a trip in late spring just not sure where yet. I’m a little nervous to fly when expecting. 

    @po@pocketrose I love your NYE tradition! We get Chinese food too but play chess and usually try a new bourbon. This year it’ll be a new mocktail for me. 
  • @rachelredhead that's so exciting! Congrats!!
  • @rachelredhead congratulations!! So exciting!!

    Me: 33 DH: 31
    Location: Castle Rock, CO
    DD: 10.13.18
    baby #2 due: 7.14.20

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