It is xmas break and that means school age kids are here and they are driving me nuts. I've got one older brother (12 yo) who is usually a super nice kid, but hanging out with littles all day is boring for him, so he's acting out a little.
My mom started trying to guilt us all already for xmas next year. She has booked cabins in the dells for xmas for the past 3 years and is wanting to make it the family xmas tradition. I haven't spent xmas anywhere but home since 2010. My kids go to their dad's house the day after xmas for the rest of xmas break. DH gets xmas day off but not any other days around there. The text from her last night was that my aunts and uncles from texas are coming, maybe my grandparents, cousins and their kids and she wants everyone there together. Well, too damn bad. If they don't even attempt to work with our schedules, we won't be there. I told her DH won't have vacation time because he will be saving it to use when baby comes, and her suggestion was that we come without him. Yeah, fuck off. Not happening.
@modoodles drives me nuts when others plan your PTO for you. No thanks! Hope your mom puts the guilt trip on pause.
My whine is just that I don’t want to be at work. Everybody’s out of office is on so what is the point? I’m reminding myself I’ll be gone two days this week and all next week, but still, do not want to be here today!!!!
@modoodles gotta love the family guilt trips over things they did not consult you on lol. My family started doing a big annual OBX trip at the end of June a few years ago. I would love to be able to go! But because of my work schedule, I cannot take any vacation in June. July, yes, August, YES, September, YES YES. But never June. Every year they tell me the dates they booked the house and every year I say yep still can't go and they are like but whyyyy? Did I change jobs in the last year? No? Then I can't go!
I'm feeling good today, but let me tell you about my issue from over the weekend that I meant to come and complain about but the app was giving me issues....
Woke up Sunday AM and something didn't smell right in the house. We had people over the night before and DH was definitely drunk. Well, I went to bed before he did so I woke him and asked if he cooked anything before he went to bed b/c the house smelled almost like melted plastic. He said no. Went downstairs and found out he ran the self clean on the oven b/c a little cheese from a pizza we made got on the rack. UGGGGH... I could have cleaned that by hand! Super annoying b/c we were having friends over for our annual cookie decorating that afternoon/evening and the entire house smelled AWFUL. And the worst part of it all, it made my nausea so. bad. I could hardly function all day. I love him and, typically, the fact that drunk DH always gets productive and takes care of shit is great. It was not great this time!
@blaf322 I wish DH was a drunk cleaner! Or a sober one.. 🙄 I actually have only seen DH drunk only 3 times. He gets super competitive and loud and obnoxious. Then he gets needy and I just want him to go to bed LOL. I am usually the shit show over here.
@meanjellybean that sounds like a fun trip- why is it SO hard to talk schedules before booking and just expecting everyone to make that work?
@rachelredhead solidarity on being "at" work (I'm at home haha but still had to log on) emails, no meetings, there is NOTHING going on. It's so pointless!
@blaf322 DH doesn't clean while sober, there's no way he'd clean while drunk...sorry that happened, I can just imagine the smell!
Morning all! No real bitchfest this morning (yet) but I'm astounded by how H and I can get our house professionally cleaned (my most favorite once a month splurge) on Friday and by Monday it looks decidedly less than clean. Definitely both our faults but hard because he definitely messed up more things and I definitely am a worse/lazier cleaner lol.
@pocketrose SAME. I love how our house looks when it gets cleaned, but then all the junk we put away comes back out and it just looks messy again lol.
And @blaf322 just thinking about the smell of melted/burnt cheese in an oven on self-cleaning mode makes me want to vom, so I can't imagine. But also I'm with the rest of the ladies, I wish my husband would clean when drunk. Last weekend our friends invited us out for a child-free night but since I have been decidedly un-fun these days, I told DH to go without me. He took full advantage and got drunk and slept on the couch when he came home (which I was fine with, he snores when drunk). But when I came down in the morning I found pretzel crumbs all over the couch and a random bag of trash just sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor
@pocketrose omg! We have cleaning ladies too! We went down from bi-weekly to monthly when we bought this bigger house and it's the same for us. Like, how do 3 people and a dog dirty up a house so fast?! Actually, it's the toddler. It's totally her fault. I recommend getting a Dyson cordless stick vacuum if you don't already have one. It's super easy to whip out, and, for me, makes me feel better if the cleaning ladies haven't been in a while and we're having people over.
@blaf322 We have a shark, our dyson (non cordless) caused nothing but strife and heartache for H (it broke all the time).
@meanjellybean Yea, we opened some gifts and also H cleaned out his car which means parts of the car now live in the living room, plus I have a direct mailer for a fundraiser I need to send out today which has taken over the dining room table. Womp womp...
Before y'all get too jealous. He's also obnoxious lol... One time, pre-kids, he decided to calibrate the surround sound... at 2am. I thought I'd have to murder him b/c it was like there was a rave going on downstairs while I was trying to go to bed I've also come down in the morning to holes in the wall (that he repaired, so NBD in the long run) b/c he wanted to run wires through the house for something throughout the house.
But, there are also things that end up working well b/c he's sooo freakin handy.... He finished building our kitchen table and all kinds of things like that, so I guess it's a give and take. Here's the kitchen table I'm super proud of (he built, I did the finish)
@blaf322 so pretty! My DH likes to think he's handy, but he really, REALLY isn't. It's painful. He's also a procrastinator, so "Oh, I can do that myself" turns into "shit, I dont think I'll have time to get that done" at the last minute, and I have to hire someone. Why don't we just stop pretending he's going to do it at all and then I'll have someone do it right away? For example: Our dryer smelled like something was burning back in June. He said he cleaned the vents/ducts whatever, then he took the entire thing apart, and didnt know what he was looking at so he put it back together and said he was going to talk to a friend who "is good at that stuff." In October I finally got someone to come fix it. And all they did was clean the ducts. 🙄🙄 I love him so damn much, but he is definitely not handy.
@blaf322 I love your table and your kitchen! Life in a large city where our house is connected on one side = a much smaller kitchen and not a lot of light, I'd kill for the space and light!
@blaf322 dude, what are you doing to us?? Lol. I'm crazy jealous now. DH is the least handy person alive. I have to be the handy one in the house, and I'm not handy at all! Like, he holds the chair so I can change the lightbulbs in our recessed ceiling lights. Also, I finally put DD's crib together at like 7 months pregnant because he kept insisting that he wanted to "do it together." Insert a million eye roll emojis. "Doing it together" always means me doing it while he pretends to read the instructions... I didn't intend for my DH to be my Monday bitchfest but you are bringing it out of me!
@rachelredhead same with being at work.. ugh there are literally 3 people here today and the fact that I have to work tomorrow too. Luckily I’m working from home tomorrow.
I’m also exhausted today. We hosted my husbands immediate family for Christmas on Saturday and there are 6 crazy little ones running around. I’m 100% introverted so I was completely knocked out yesterday. Today I feel like I have a hangover and I just ordered a Panera toasted bagel with cream cheese. Treat myself. Bring on Christmas vacation!!
Thanks y'all! We need to replace the top b/c it's warped some from being out in the garage too long while he was building it.... but it's such a task we just haven't done it. We also still need to build the bench... maybe one day we'll get around to it
@meanjellybean lol... omg, I'd have been so salty about the crib thing!
I will bitch that I slept literally 30 minutes last night thanks to a 3 year old with insomnia, my sciatica is killing me, and I have a really bad cold that seems to be peaking in severity today. Trying to get through this work day since I am off the rest of the week. And let's face it, being at work is probably easier than being home doing my other full time job of mom-ing two rambunctious toddlers. Come on 4, hurry up!
@zande2016 same! I like it better than our robot vac now too. It's just so much quicker in a pinch.... and now that we have our rugs out, I don't have to worry about it getting hung up on those as well.
Ugh... I'm so sorry you had a rough night! Have y'all tried melatonin? One of the girls on DD's BMB is on the spectrum and that's helped them some!
@blaf322 love the table!! I’ve been MIA this weekend because I also couldn’t get the bump app to work... I should have checked the site because I was missing all the conversation!
Mine is that we are supposed to celebrate Christmas at my MIL’s house but she sounds like she might have the flu but won’t go to the doctor she just keeps waiting on this same doctor that never calls her back to call back and they just keep acting like it’s the same as exposing ourself at the grocery store... uh no because we aren’t staying the night at the grocery store or knowingly exposing ourselves 🙄 if it was just a cough or cold I could get over it and be there but stomach bugs and flu... no thanks! I’m sure we will never know and just have to make the decision to go or not go tomorrow. The kids are so excited so I just wish we knew what we were walking into so we could make a better decision. Maybe I’m being silly 🤷🏻♀️
okay... real MBF We're going to my IL's house for dinner/gifts on Christmas eve and I'm already dreading it. We have steak and crab legs every year and I already know I'm going to be able to eat exactly 0% of what she's making and I'll probably feel like garbage the whole time b/c, on top of the house smelling like meat and seafood I can't stomach, it'll likely be 8000 degrees in their small house. FML.
@hbird0723 if you tell her you aren't coming unless she gets checked out at the doctor today, will she go in?
Also, if it's flu, I feel like you know it. I've had it and it's the worst I have evvvver felt. I got viral meningitis earlier this year and even that wasn't as bad as the flu. The flu makes you feel like actual death.
@blaf322 we all had it last year and yeah it’s miserable! She sounds awful and says she is so tired and weak which made me feel like maybe flu but I guess it could also be bronchitis or just a bad virus. She was kind of making this weird rattle sound when she breathed in. I told her even for her sake she should get that looked at.
Wow, I would have thought viral meningitis would be worse but you’re right the flu makes you feel like death! It drains you for weeks after too! We basically said that so hopefully she takes it more serious and gets checked!
And the flu this year is BAD BAD BAD. We’ve had multiple mommas end up in the icu because of it. They even have seriously restricted our visitors this year to help prevent the spread because it’s such a bad strain.
@blaf322 oh yes, he gets 1 dose of melatonin 30 minutes before bed every night. It helps him settle down and go to sleep but he still sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and is totally wired and ready to start the day. Last night I actually gave him 2 doses of melatonin at 2am because the first didn't work, and he finally passed out around 4. It was rough.
also, are you me? I am also dreading Christmas dinner at the in-laws for the same reasons. The steak, the lobster bisque they make every year (GAG), the freaking woodstove making it 100 degrees....AWFUL. Right there with ya.
@zande2016 solidarity sister... your situation sounds miserable as well. I asked DH if he cared if I drove separately so I could just leave if it gets bad. I feel bad doing that, but I also don't want to make them leave just b/c I feel bad. Re: sleep, the girl on DD's BMB also still wakes a lot, even with the melatonin. She still nurses though so I suppose that helps them get her down sometimes.
@hbird0723 I think the lingering was what made it worse than the meningitis. With that, I had an uncontrollable headache for a couple of days and only one night with a high fever where I felt really horrible. Then I was fine. So the aches and pains for days with the flu was what made it worse.
Just gonna bitch in general. DH has friends over for the day/evening because he’s best friend is in town. Usually involves lots of drinking. And all my friends(I have very few😂) are all busy tonight. And I signed myself up to make a lot of food for dinners and potlucks for the next couple days so I have to go to the store on my only day off until Friday. Cursing myself.
"Oh, I can do that myself" turns into "shit, I dont think I'll have time to get that done" at the last minute
LOL, this is me. Not about everything, but I'm always like, "Oh, I can totally do that." And then I can't find time and/or forget, and then it's been way too long and MH is totally frustrated.
I have a late BF, this actually happened last week but I'm still kind of mad. We live on a lane that circles around a center island thing, so it's one-way and narrow enough that cars can only park on one side of the street. Well, a big delivery truck was parked on the wrong side of the street, and I basically got stuck trying to get around it because they were too close to another car. I was in no way confident enough in my driving skills to fit through there, and I couldn't really back out or turn around by the time I realized it. Luckily MH was home that morning, so I texted him to ask if he could come pull the car through for me.
But while I was waiting, another delivery guy came out of the house, looked at the space, and tried to tell me I can fit through. "The guy down the street with a trailer went through earlier." I'm said, "OK, so he's a better driver than me." The guy kept trying to tell me it's fine, I was getting all teary and upset, and finally MH came over. He pulled the car through no problem, but the whole thing really pissed me off. It was definitely a tight squeeze. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't been home.
2/13 Blighted ovum, D&C -- 6/13 MC -- 8/14 DD born -- 3/17 MC -- 9/18 DD2 born Expecting again -- EDD 7/27/20
I just wanna bitch about how much I would like a glass of wine right now. We’re in final Christmas-prep mode and doing some baking/wrapping/assemblimg and it would pair really nicely with a glass of red 🙄
Late to this party accessing bump on phone (not through app) miss a lot.
@blaf322 Love the table. My wife is handy thankfully as I am not.
My bitch would have been wife went for MRI and due to her craptastic insurance they charged her $1286. This was Monday. She just paid it w/o checking. I do all finances. Umm, please text before spending a over a $1000 two days before Christmas. I had a pregnancy hormone meltdown when she let me find out while paying bills yesterday. Calmer today.
I hate to say it but my mom is grinding my gears. She demands to be included in EVERYTHING pregnancy-related and whines like a little kid if she feels left out or slighted. When my brother and his wife had their little baby, my sister in law's mom was in the delivery room because my SIL wanted her there, and my mom was SO upset (and still is, 15 months later) that she wasn't invited. So, of course, since I'm her daughter she thinks she has the right to dictate where she gets to be and when regardless of my feelings on the matter. I have no problem telling her no and sticking to it, it's just the endless whining afterwards and crying to my siblings about what a big meanie I am when she doesn't get her way that bothers me.
Also, sicknesses during pregnancy. Pregnancy comes with its own bag of fun, but a cold or flu on top of that is a special kind of torture.
@lizzybean Leave your mom to the L&D nurses, they are awesome bouncers! You can tell your mom you'll think about it but you'll let her know if she can be there when the time comes. Just be vague. Then tell your nurses that she's not welcome. They'll follow your wishes. Afterward when you get the guilt trip from your mom you can just say that you were so focused on labor and you didn't want to lose that focus.
Re: Monday B!tchfest 12/22
My mom started trying to guilt us all already for xmas next year. She has booked cabins in the dells for xmas for the past 3 years and is wanting to make it the family xmas tradition. I haven't spent xmas anywhere but home since 2010. My kids go to their dad's house the day after xmas for the rest of xmas break. DH gets xmas day off but not any other days around there. The text from her last night was that my aunts and uncles from texas are coming, maybe my grandparents, cousins and their kids and she wants everyone there together. Well, too damn bad. If they don't even attempt to work with our schedules, we won't be there. I told her DH won't have vacation time because he will be saving it to use when baby comes, and her suggestion was that we come without him. Yeah, fuck off. Not happening.
My whine is just that I don’t want to be at work. Everybody’s out of office is on so what is the point? I’m reminding myself I’ll be gone two days this week and all next week, but still, do not want to be here today!!!!
Woke up Sunday AM and something didn't smell right in the house. We had people over the night before and DH was definitely drunk. Well, I went to bed before he did so I woke him and asked if he cooked anything before he went to bed b/c the house smelled almost like melted plastic. He said no. Went downstairs and found out he ran the self clean on the oven b/c a little cheese from a pizza we made got on the rack. UGGGGH... I could have cleaned that by hand! Super annoying b/c we were having friends over for our annual cookie decorating that afternoon/evening and the entire house smelled AWFUL. And the worst part of it all, it made my nausea so. bad. I could hardly function all day.
I love him and, typically, the fact that drunk DH always gets productive and takes care of shit is great. It was not great this time!
@meanjellybean that sounds like a fun trip- why is it SO hard to talk schedules before booking and just expecting everyone to make that work?
@blaf322 DH doesn't clean while sober, there's no way he'd clean while drunk...sorry that happened, I can just imagine the smell!
And @blaf322 just thinking about the smell of melted/burnt cheese in an oven on self-cleaning mode makes me want to vom, so I can't imagine. But also I'm with the rest of the ladies, I wish my husband would clean when drunk. Last weekend our friends invited us out for a child-free night but since I have been decidedly un-fun these days, I told DH to go without me. He took full advantage and got drunk and slept on the couch when he came home (which I was fine with, he snores when drunk). But when I came down in the morning I found pretzel crumbs all over the couch and a random bag of trash just sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor
I recommend getting a Dyson cordless stick vacuum if you don't already have one. It's super easy to whip out, and, for me, makes me feel better if the cleaning ladies haven't been in a while and we're having people over.
@meanjellybean Yea, we opened some gifts and also H cleaned out his car which means parts of the car now live in the living room, plus I have a direct mailer for a fundraiser I need to send out today which has taken over the dining room table. Womp womp...
But, there are also things that end up working well b/c he's sooo freakin handy.... He finished building our kitchen table and all kinds of things like that, so I guess it's a give and take. Here's the kitchen table I'm super proud of (he built, I did the finish)
@meanjellybean lol... omg, I'd have been so salty about the crib thing!
Ugh... I'm so sorry you had a rough night! Have y'all tried melatonin? One of the girls on DD's BMB is on the spectrum and that's helped them some!
We're going to my IL's house for dinner/gifts on Christmas eve and I'm already dreading it. We have steak and crab legs every year and I already know I'm going to be able to eat exactly 0% of what she's making and I'll probably feel like garbage the whole time b/c, on top of the house smelling like meat and seafood I can't stomach, it'll likely be 8000 degrees in their small house. FML.
Also, if it's flu, I feel like you know it. I've had it and it's the worst I have evvvver felt. I got viral meningitis earlier this year and even that wasn't as bad as the flu. The flu makes you feel like actual death.
also, are you me? I am also dreading Christmas dinner at the in-laws for the same reasons. The steak, the lobster bisque they make every year (GAG), the freaking woodstove making it 100 degrees....AWFUL. Right there with ya.
@hbird0723 I think the lingering was what made it worse than the meningitis. With that, I had an uncontrollable headache for a couple of days and only one night with a high fever where I felt really horrible. Then I was fine. So the aches and pains for days with the flu was what made it worse.
I have a late BF, this actually happened last week but I'm still kind of mad. We live on a lane that circles around a center island thing, so it's one-way and narrow enough that cars can only park on one side of the street. Well, a big delivery truck was parked on the wrong side of the street, and I basically got stuck trying to get around it because they were too close to another car. I was in no way confident enough in my driving skills to fit through there, and I couldn't really back out or turn around by the time I realized it. Luckily MH was home that morning, so I texted him to ask if he could come pull the car through for me.
But while I was waiting, another delivery guy came out of the house, looked at the space, and tried to tell me I can fit through. "The guy down the street with a trailer went through earlier." I'm said, "OK, so he's a better driver than me." The guy kept trying to tell me it's fine, I was getting all teary and upset, and finally MH came over. He pulled the car through no problem, but the whole thing really pissed me off. It was definitely a tight squeeze. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't been home.
Expecting again -- EDD 7/27/20
My bitch would have been wife went for MRI and due to her craptastic insurance they charged her $1286. This was Monday. She just paid it w/o checking. I do all finances. Umm, please text before spending a over a $1000 two days before Christmas. I had a pregnancy hormone meltdown when she let me find out while paying bills yesterday. Calmer today.
Also, sicknesses during pregnancy. Pregnancy comes with its own bag of fun, but a cold or flu on top of that is a special kind of torture.