June 2020 Moms

December Appointments

Surprised its almost the end of the month and this board isn't up yet!

When is your appointment?

How far along will you be? 

What is being addressed?


Re: December Appointments

  • When is your appointment? today

    How far along will you be? 16+3

    What is being addressed? just routine check up. I asked about insomnia, and she said to try a half tab of unisom before bed or benadryl when I wake up motn if it isn't too far into the night.

    Questions/Comments/Concerns: Heart rate was 147 (or maybe 143....) and she jokingly said 'Oh it's totally a girl.' I think this one is. Four more weeks and we'll know for sure!

  • When is your appointment? Tomorrow! 

    How far along will you be? 14 + 6

    What is being addressed? Just a check up with my new midwife. I’m on Zoloft (after developing PPA last time) so that means I have to go to a mental health specialist midwife. I’m fine with it- it means I’ll get a bit more attention than you normally do for a standard pregnancy here! I have a list of questions for her and I want her to be the millionath medicinal professional to reassure me that I’m not hurting the baby with Zoloft. 

    Questions/Comments/Concerns: I really don’t know what to expect from the appointment. Last time I saw a standard midwife so we’ll see if she differs at all. 
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  • When is your appointment? Well, two canceled in last two days. Yesterday my home birth midwife had to cancel due to labor for someone else more than an hour from me. We'll probably talk tomorrow about when to reschedule. Today I was supposed to see OB, but have a toddler with a fever for 3 days and no childcare, so especially with it being just a general check up, saw no reason to bring her germs to that office. Rescheduled for Boxing Day.

    How far along will you be? 16+5 for next OB

    What is being addressed? just listening to baby, feeling uterus, checking my urine and vitals. Will schedule Anatomy scan at that visit.

    Questions/Comments/Concerns: not really, I totally feel like an old hand at this. I'm in early training for doula and midwifery work and this is baby 3 within 4 years, so it all feels really recent to me now.
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @pourmeanothermocktail OMG I love that you are training for midwifery!!!!!  I'm a Certified Nurse Midwife and it is interesting to be pregnant as a Midwife.  I was in midwifery school and a L&D nurse when I was pregnant and delivered DS so even then I was a little more prepared than the average FTM.  
  • @pourmeanothermocktail OMG I love that you are training for midwifery!!!!!  I'm a Certified Nurse Midwife and it is interesting to be pregnant as a Midwife.  I was in midwifery school and a L&D nurse when I was pregnant and delivered DS so even then I was a little more prepared than the average FTM.  
    Thanks! I'm on a very slow track, as almost 3 small kids at home is hard! But I'm in doula training and non-professional midwifery training for now, until this baby is 2 and I can start official training for CPM. But I'm reading and sitting with licensed CPMs one on one to learn for now. It can't hurt in the long run, and I do better the more knowledge I have. It'll be a nice leg up when I can find time and money for school.
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I had my appt. yesterday. 14 weeks. I’m 35 so I got the genetic testing done and we went over those. All is good and we’re having a Girl! 

    My only kind of concern was about these little bumps that show up under my upper lip and gums occasionally. After paying a little attention to when they showed up and went away (usually w/in 20 minutes), I thought maybe it had to do w/ dehydration. It stumped my Midwife, but she said to not worry about it unless they hurt, itch, or don’t go away.
  • When is your appointment?
    My very first OB appointment for this pregnancy was December 13th. 

    How far along will you be? I was 13 weeks 5 days 

    What is being addressed? Ultrasound was done to confirm due date. Dr ordered a bunch of bloodwork. She also ordered a glucometer and scheduled an in depth ultrasound for the 31st of this month. We also discussed the heavy bleed I had the week before that landed me in the ER. 

    Questions/Comments/Concerns: I hate going to this hospital... It’s a military hospital, and I’ve had horrible experiences there. I’m still debating whether or not I should do the materna 21 blood test for birth defects. I have enough stress right now being on bed rest, and trying to handle last minute wedding details for my daughter. I’m also still dealing with nausea and throwing up. 
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