We are thinking about trying for #2, DS is 7 months old. Wondering if we are setting ourselves up for heartache, but I'm 37 and not getting any younger.
I got pregnant with Cam when Joey was 12 months old.
They are 20 months apart, oldest is a boy and youngest is a girl.
The first 1.5 years was HARD HARD HARD. But that could be said for any age gap and I think it was hard due to Cam, not necessarily due to having two kids.
My girls are 21 months apart... Both girls... I got pregnant the month after dd turned 12.... My girlfriend got pregnant when her ds was only a few month old... one boy turned 2 in Nov. the other turn 1 in Jan... She makes it look easy...
We have a boy (2 yr. 7 mo.) and a girl (5 mo.). I love the age gap. However, I think if they were closer together or faterh apart, I would love that too. I too think that it's just a lot going from 1 kid to 2, no mater what the age difference.
Re: Subsequent Children Poll
I got pregnant with Cam when Joey was 12 months old.
They are 20 months apart, oldest is a boy and youngest is a girl.
The first 1.5 years was HARD HARD HARD. But that could be said for any age gap and I think it was hard due to Cam, not necessarily due to having two kids.
1 & 2 are 27.5mo apart...both girls
2 & 3 will be almost 29mo apart, don't know sex of #3.