How are you feeling? Still fine! I’m always tired because I suck at sleeping so it’s hard to tell if I’m more tired than I was before I was pregnant. A little nervous for Friday since I still have little to no symptoms. DH might say I’m crabby 😜
Raves/Rants: DH hit snooze like 5x this morning. His first 3 all went off before my alarm. It always makes me angrier than it should. We had a long weekend but it was good. Other than that- last full week of work before 2 shorter weeks! Woohoo!
Questions: is anyone opposed to changing the “baby is the size of” to something like “fun fact about baby”? With all of us being within the same week it just feels repetitive. I don’t have strong opinions on this but it could be fun?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers/drivers!
Upcoming appointments: Dec. 30th- physical and hearing the heartbeat for the first time
How are you feeling? still just overall feeling sick. Had a dull headache all day yesterday which turned into a pounding ‘left side only’ headache at night and I woke up with it this morning. I’m thinking it’s sinus/congestion related. I’ve been having difficulties with a bloody left nostril lately. 🧐
Raves/Rants: I don’t like to be touched or coddled when I feel sick and my husband has been the sweetest trying to comfort me but it only annoys me. 😒
Questions: none, but @b_1029 I’d be ok changing it to a fun fact
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers, which is ironic because I’ve been extremely out of breath lately... I have turned into my pet peeve!
@b_1029 omg... DD would drive you BONKERS. She is suuuuuch a slow walker by nature and it drives. me. crazy. We went trick or treating and she got half the candy as our bestie's kids (one is 4 and the other is 3... only 6 weeks older than her) b/c she was just taking her sweet time walking between houses. They'd hit 2-3 houses to her 1
@blaf322 hahah some people can get a pass (elderly, toddlers etc) but I work downtown and always try to go out for walks when it's nice out, and some people are just so oblivious! There will be a group of 3 or so and they're just out for a stroll, meanwhile I'm awkwardly trying to get around them and feel like a douche. Maybe because I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, I'm used to a faster pace? People are definitely slower down here
Side note - @shaqn0sis I've definitely slowed down also. It's crazy how out of breath I get now, especially now that it's getting colder.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: I got my Panorama blood work done today so now its a count down to know. They said up to 2 weeks but Im crossing my fingers it will be earlier but in the end in 2 weeks Ill know.
Baby is the size of a(n): Green Olive
Upcoming appointments Dec 23 Ill be 10 weeks and Im not sure what its for, just general routine?
How are you feeling? Im fine. Pregnancy is always easy for me and I cant complain overall. I know Im lucky
Raves/Rants: None right now
Questions: I dont have any questions either. Im so boring it seems.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Rude people? Is that a pet peeve? I just think there is plenty of room for kindness and gosh knows the world has enough jerks already. Being kind costs nothing too!
@b_1029 i'm totally okay with changing the "baby is the size of" thingy!
@shaqn0sis i'm the same about physical is definitely not one of my love languages, so i have a hard time with people being touchy when i dont feel well either!
EDD/weeks+days: 8w4d - EDD 7/23
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): peanut
Upcoming appointments: US tomorrow - praying so much that it is a good one!
How are you feeling? well apparently you can get laryngitis from throwing up, so i'm dealing with that right now haha. i havent been able to sleep very well for the past week or so, so that adds to the constant tiredness. also, my sense of smell is pretty intense so thats been interesting.
Raves/Rants: Rave - we told a couple of our closest friends this weekend that we are PG and it was so cute to see their reactions. DH videoed them all and we are going to film our parents and family and other friends when we tell them, and then DH is gonna make a little compilation video of everyone finding out. itll be really cute, we think!
Questions: i am just constantly so nervous! im sure its just because this is our first pregnancy and we've had the fertility problems, but is that normal? im terrified that something will be wrong tomorrow at the US. i keep trying to remind myself that we've heard the heartbeat twice now and baby is growing good they said, which means a lower chance of losing the baby, but its so hard! what do yall do to help with the anxiety? (i know i ask this all the time, hahaha, im just curious how others are doing)
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? all the ones that have been said so far are good! as for me, i struggle with people not being genuine. i just want everyone to feel comfortable as who they are!
married to DH on March 15, 2018 TTC since May 2018 dx: PCOS, hypothroidism tx: timed intercourse with meds (dexa, clomid, letrozole, metformin, trigger shots)
First TTGP: 5/9/19 BFN, 6/21/19 BFN, 7/29/19 BFN, 8/1/19 started a break from tx, 11/16/19 surprised with a BFP! LO born 7/7/20 Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
Baby is the size of a(n): blackberry, but to try out a fun fact, we all moved from embryo to fetus this week, heyoooooo! 🎉🎊
Upcoming appointments: call tonight for OB "intake" and medical history with a nurse. 12/23 10 week appointment for another US, buckets of blood, pokes/prods, etc.
How are you feeling? Suspiciously I'm trying to count my blessings and not freak out. Generally worse in the mornings and evenings. Still have odd opinions/feelings about food though lol #cerealfordays
Raves/Rants: I went to my BFFs baby shower this weekend and it was SO lovely to see her - she lives in NC (we met when our husbands were in business school together and their jobs afterwards split us up). She's due 2/5. She also had a long journey to become a parent and is an IVF mama. She's been such an amazing support to me through my own journey getting here, and it was lovely to spend time with her and her family 💞 (also got me thinking about my own shower. Hers was lovely but SO feminine....)
Questions: anyone having boob issues? Mine are growing, heavier, and nips are crazy sensitive. I'm thinking about buying some marginally sized up bras but wondering if I should get regular ones or go ahead and get nursing ones because that's where we're headed anyway.... thoughts?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Joining the slow walked train here. I'm from the Northeast, we got places to be people. When I lived in Nashville my colleagues always thought I was dealing with a crisis when I walked around the office lol
@knockupthestock I feel 100% the same as you - have had 2 normal US, saw the heartbeat, but I'm still petrified for my US on Friday! I keep wondering if it's because we went through IF to get here or if I would be a spaz no matter what. Also, so sorry to hear about the laryngitis - I had no idea you could get that from throwing up, how awful! Hope you feel better soon!
@mehugg I think mine are growing (YAY because mine are so little), but I don't notice any discomfort right now in my normal bras. It just hurts when I take them off at the end of the day. I have no idea on the bras since this is my first rodeo but would be interested to hear other's opinions! Also with you on a non-feminine shower even if this LO is female...not my style. Glad you had fun!
@enchantindragon ahhh exciting, I hope you get the panorama results sooner rather than later!
@knockupthestock I hear you. The friend I mentioned in my post definitely dealt with a big version of that thinking too, and she advised me early when she heard me expressing similar thoughts to assume everything is normal until a doctor tells you it's not. I keep telling myself that, and also reminding myself that our bodies were made to do this and want to keep it going!
@knockupthestock totally normal - hang in there I'm another vote for fun facts
EDD/weeks+days: 7/24; 8+3 - I anticipate that my due date will change; that's my #1 question for my OB tomorrow
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out; bw on Jan 9
Fun Fact: babies were conceived via donor egg ivf
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow is my first OB appt; Wednesday I have a follow up scan with my RE and will hopefully be discharged then.
How are you feeling? so tired. I put DS down around 7 and I'm snoring on the couch within minutes
Raves/Rants: H didn't react well when we learned that I was carrying twins but he is really coming around. I'm starting to get excited that we will be a family of 5.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? robocalls.
History and blog link in spoiler
2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks May 2020 FET; BFN July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate Oct 2020 BFP!
@knockupthestock I struggle with general anxiety, so I can definitely understand your anxieties! It’s easier said than done but try to find activities to do that will keep your mind off of things- for example- I enjoy repetitive tasks like knitting or packing items (I sell my blogger friend’s clothes, so I’m constantly packing and shipping haha). Reading, coloring, or browsing Pinterest, playing a game with someone. Just try out different things and see what helps!
@mehugg I dont really have a strong feeling. All the old wives tales are over the place for me, I craved salty a ton before but now I do eat more sweets I feel so not helpful. I am not breaking out a lot (especially for me) which makes me lean boy more because I use to break out right before my period always on my chin (Its hormonal acne I had to take meds for) which made me think that I wasnt getting a spike of estrogen and instead there is more testosterone maybe? Shelties method would say this is a boy because its saying ovulation is the day we had sex. In my heart Im leaning more towards wanting a girl because my younger two are girls whereas my son is the oldest and will be 10 years old than this one. I figure even though my girls are older (will be 7 and almost 5 when this one comes) it might still be easier for them to bond with another girl so I kinda lean toward wanting a girl so I feel like naturally its going to be a boy and Im trying to prepare myself for that. There hasnt been a little boy in this house for so long though so it might be nice to have a change too.
@b_1029 I hope so too! The card they gave me said not to make a log in til 72 hours after the blood draw so they have time to receive and process but Im so itching to do it anyway just to have it up to check lol
@shaqn0sis@laurad75@mehugg@b_1029 thank you all for the support! it helps a ton. i had an US this morning and baby was looking good they said! we saw/heard the heartbeat and they said baby was looking good! we also saw it wiggling around and it was soooooo cute! i keep reassuring myself by looking at studies that show that if there is a fetal heartbeat at 8 weeks, then there's only like a 3% chance of MC, and i look at the miscarriage probably chart webpage and it shows it at like 5% for me, so im just praying those are right!
@enchantindragon oh how exciting! hoping you hear the news sooner rather than later!
@mehugg aw baby showers can be so fun! i'd love to see everyone's ideas when the time gets closer for us all! and the boob thing....totally real. my cat has a lovely tendency to walk across my chest as im laying in bed and i've had to like throw him off of me the past few times he's done it cause it hurts so much! those things are sensitive, kitty!!
AFM: we scheduled our last appt with our RE we will be graduating from them on Dec 31! so crazy. hopefully the OB i'm going to will be patient with me and my anxiety haha.
married to DH on March 15, 2018 TTC since May 2018 dx: PCOS, hypothroidism tx: timed intercourse with meds (dexa, clomid, letrozole, metformin, trigger shots)
First TTGP: 5/9/19 BFN, 6/21/19 BFN, 7/29/19 BFN, 8/1/19 started a break from tx, 11/16/19 surprised with a BFP! LO born 7/7/20 Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
How are you feeling? Ehh. As long as I eat the moment baby orders womb service I’m ok. If I wait even 10 minutes the nausea is unbearable.
Raves/Rants: yay for feeling bad but also it’s sucks. And we are at Disney so it’s taken me 2 days to write this so I’ll be back for tags tomorrow when we are on our way home from Orlando.
Questions: none
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? I have so many, current one is people who stop in the MIDDLE of the walkway like there aren’t 63856395 more people trying to walk through your family of 8.
@b_1029 I’m open to changing it. Also I straight put my feet on my husbands back and kick him out of bed if his alarm goes off more than once. I told him to set his alarm for whenever he will actually get out of bed. I also don’t think it’s an IVF thing. I cried yesterday morning because I felt ok and I was convinced I had hurt the baby at Disney. I proceeded to throw up lunch and am still nervously waiting our next appointment.
@mehugg I just bought a nursing bra and a few like soft bras. My boobs have been swollen/ hurting but I’m pretty sure it’s related to the progesterone. I’ve gone up 2 pants sizes and a cup size since we got pregnant. Like I look visually pregnant right now which started as soon as I started the progesterone. Can’t wait to be able to stop that. Also me and my husband always call it womb service since baby tells me what we will or will not keep down tonight lol.
I’ll try to jump back on here tomorrow and get the rest. My great grandmother died last week and the funeral is tomorrow plus the Disney trip we had already booked/ paid for it’s been very busy around here.
Re: Group 3 (July 17-24) check-in w/o 12/16
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): green olive
Upcoming appointments: Friday! 10w US
How are you feeling? Still fine! I’m always tired because I suck at sleeping so it’s hard to tell if I’m more tired than I was before I was pregnant. A little nervous for Friday since I still have little to no symptoms. DH might say I’m crabby 😜
Raves/Rants: DH hit snooze like 5x this morning. His first 3 all went off before my alarm. It always makes me angrier than it should. We had a long weekend but it was good. Other than that- last full week of work before 2 shorter weeks! Woohoo!
Questions: is anyone opposed to changing the “baby is the size of” to something like “fun fact about baby”? With all of us being within the same week it just feels repetitive. I don’t have strong opinions on this but it could be fun?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers/drivers!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): black berry
Upcoming appointments: Dec. 30th- physical and hearing the heartbeat for the first time
How are you feeling? still just overall feeling sick. Had a dull headache all day yesterday which turned into a pounding ‘left side only’ headache at night and I woke up with it this morning. I’m thinking it’s sinus/congestion related. I’ve been having difficulties with a bloody left nostril lately. 🧐
Raves/Rants: I don’t like to be touched or coddled when I feel sick and my husband has been the sweetest trying to comfort me but it only annoys me. 😒
Questions: none, but @b_1029 I’d be ok changing it to a fun fact
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers, which is ironic because I’ve been extremely out of breath lately... I have turned into my pet peeve!
Side note - @shaqn0sis I've definitely slowed down also. It's crazy how out of breath I get now, especially now that it's getting colder.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: I got my Panorama blood work done today so now its a count down to know. They said up to 2 weeks but Im crossing my fingers it will be earlier but in the end in 2 weeks Ill know.
Baby is the size of a(n): Green Olive
Upcoming appointments Dec 23 Ill be 10 weeks and Im not sure what its for, just general routine?
How are you feeling? Im fine. Pregnancy is always easy for me and I cant complain overall. I know Im lucky
Raves/Rants: None right now
Questions: I dont have any questions either. Im so boring it seems.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Rude people? Is that a pet peeve? I just think there is plenty of room for kindness and gosh knows the world has enough jerks already. Being kind costs nothing too!
@shaqn0sis i'm the same about physical is definitely not one of my love languages, so i have a hard time with people being touchy when i dont feel well either!
EDD/weeks+days: 8w4d - EDD 7/23
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): peanut
Upcoming appointments: US tomorrow - praying so much that it is a good one!
How are you feeling? well apparently you can get laryngitis from throwing up, so i'm dealing with that right now haha. i havent been able to sleep very well for the past week or so, so that adds to the constant tiredness. also, my sense of smell is pretty intense so thats been interesting.
Raves/Rants: Rave - we told a couple of our closest friends this weekend that we are PG and it was so cute to see their reactions. DH videoed them all and we are going to film our parents and family and other friends when we tell them, and then DH is gonna make a little compilation video of everyone finding out. itll be really cute, we think!
Questions: i am just constantly so nervous! im sure its just because this is our first pregnancy and we've had the fertility problems, but is that normal? im terrified that something will be wrong tomorrow at the US. i keep trying to remind myself that we've heard the heartbeat twice now and baby is growing good they said, which means a lower chance of losing the baby, but its so hard! what do yall do to help with the anxiety? (i know i ask this all the time, hahaha, im just curious how others are doing)
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? all the ones that have been said so far are good! as for me, i struggle with people not being genuine. i just want everyone to feel comfortable as who they are!
dx: PCOS, hypothroidism
Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green
Baby is the size of a(n): blackberry, but to try out a fun fact, we all moved from embryo to fetus this week, heyoooooo! 🎉🎊
Upcoming appointments: call tonight for OB "intake" and medical history with a nurse. 12/23 10 week appointment for another US, buckets of blood, pokes/prods, etc.
How are you feeling? Suspiciously I'm trying to count my blessings and not freak out. Generally worse in the mornings and evenings. Still have odd opinions/feelings about food though lol #cerealfordays
Raves/Rants: I went to my BFFs baby shower this weekend and it was SO lovely to see her - she lives in NC (we met when our husbands were in business school together and their jobs afterwards split us up). She's due 2/5. She also had a long journey to become a parent and is an IVF mama. She's been such an amazing support to me through my own journey getting here, and it was lovely to spend time with her and her family 💞 (also got me thinking about my own shower. Hers was lovely but SO feminine....)
Questions: anyone having boob issues? Mine are growing, heavier, and nips are crazy sensitive. I'm thinking about buying some marginally sized up bras but wondering if I should get regular ones or go ahead and get nursing ones because that's where we're headed anyway.... thoughts?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Joining the slow walked train here. I'm from the Northeast, we got places to be people. When I lived in Nashville my colleagues always thought I was dealing with a crisis when I walked around the office lol
@b_1029 I like that idea!
@shaqn0sis I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Wishing you touch-free comfort!
@enchantindragon that's exciting! Are you hoping either way/do you have a feeling??
@mehugg I think mine are growing (YAY because mine are so little), but I don't notice any discomfort right now in my normal bras. It just hurts when I take them off at the end of the day. I have no idea on the bras since this is my first rodeo but would be interested to hear other's opinions! Also with you on a non-feminine shower even if this LO is female...not my style. Glad you had fun!
@enchantindragon ahhh exciting, I hope you get the panorama results sooner rather than later!
I'm another vote for fun facts
EDD/weeks+days: 7/24; 8+3 - I anticipate that my due date will change; that's my #1 question for my OB tomorrow
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out; bw on Jan 9
Fun Fact: babies were conceived via donor egg ivf
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow is my first OB appt; Wednesday I have a follow up scan with my RE and will hopefully be discharged then.
How are you feeling? so tired. I put DS down around 7 and I'm snoring on the couch within minutes
Raves/Rants: H didn't react well when we learned that I was carrying twins but he is really coming around. I'm starting to get excited that we will be a family of 5.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? robocalls.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
@b_1029 I hope so too! The card they gave me said not to make a log in til 72 hours after the blood draw so they have time to receive and process but Im so itching to do it anyway just to have it up to check lol
@enchantindragon oh how exciting! hoping you hear the news sooner rather than later!
@mehugg aw baby showers can be so fun! i'd love to see everyone's ideas when the time gets closer for us all! and the boob thing....totally real. my cat has a lovely tendency to walk across my chest as im laying in bed and i've had to like throw him off of me the past few times he's done it cause it hurts so much! those things are sensitive, kitty!!
AFM: we scheduled our last appt with our RE we will be graduating from them on Dec 31! so crazy. hopefully the OB i'm going to will be patient with me and my anxiety haha.
dx: PCOS, hypothroidism
Second TTGP: started meds for first cycle of tx on 10/13/21
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): kidney bean
Upcoming appointments January 15th I think
How are you feeling? Ehh. As long as I eat the moment baby orders womb service I’m ok. If I wait even 10 minutes the nausea is unbearable.
Raves/Rants: yay for feeling bad but also it’s sucks. And we are at Disney so it’s taken me 2 days to write this so I’ll be back for tags tomorrow when we are on our way home from Orlando.
Questions: none
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? I have so many, current one is people who stop in the MIDDLE of the walkway like there aren’t 63856395 more people trying to walk through your family of 8.