Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out ASAP
Baby is the size of a(n):kumquat
Upcoming appointments: Dec 18 lab visit for NIPT
How are you feeling? Pretty good, which kinda freaks me out sometimes. But holy hell I am ALWAYS exhausted. Still some intermittent nausea but pretty manageable.
Raves/Rants: house hunting is so exhausting, I just want to find our damn house.
Questions: I had a weird pressure feeling around my belly button last night. I’ve had a number of stretching twinges over the last week so chalking it up to uterus growth (or constipation) anybody else have weird feelings around the belly button?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Well, I’m pregnant so the whole damn world right now. 😂 But when I’m not cranky or overly sensitive, I’d say my biggest pet peeve is folks who can’t be anywhere on time. I’ve learned to accept it in some people in my life because it’s clear it’s unintentional and just part of their personality but most of the time it ticks me off.
@rachelredhead that used to annoy me too! But now I feel like DD makes me late for evvverything so I've become more forgiving
ETA.... like, sorry I was late today. My daughter couldn't get her thumb in the thumb hole of her gloves.... Or, I spent the last 20 mins explaining to her why she can't wear sandals that are 2 sizes too small in the dead of winter.
@blaf322 friends with kiddos get a pass on this, I’m not heartless. 😂 And I’ve wrestled my toddler nieces into winter gear enough times to know small humans do not care about our plans. But there are other folks who don’t have that excuse but seem to take all time commitments as suggestions. I just get annoyed with the folks you have to plan around due to their chronic lateness, ie. “If you want to do dinner around 7, tell X to be here at 6:30.” Get it together, people! 😁
@rachelredhead I totally get what you're saying. My parents had friends growing up and they used to say they ran on Simpson time.... aka... they were 30 mins late to everything.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out on.....Feb 21st (in other words, an eternity away!)
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate truffle
Upcoming appointments: 12wk scan on Dec 27th
How are you feeling? tried but overall very good over past week. like my already minimal symptoms have subsided a bit. Still very tired and peeing a lot and only wanting to eat carbs, but considering myself lucky i seem to be flying through first tri relatively unscathed.
Raves/Rants: DH is back to work for the first time since surgery 2 wks ago and not answering my texts. like helloo forget the two weeks of work you need to catch up on..what about me!! lol
Questions: anyone else having trouble keeping the news in?! weve told family and close friends, but DH seems so excited and wants to tell anyone he speaks to. super cute but at the same time the world will know at this rate!
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? seconding @rachelredhead above. i am chronically on time, or early. DH is always late. so now we are always five minutes late, which to me is the end of times and nothing to him. i have no patience for anyone else being late, but when someone makes ME late? ughh i cant take it!!!!
Upcoming appointments: Jan 2 unless I switch doctors again due to insurance reasons
How are you feeling? Tired but mostly ok
Raves/Rants: Just my same coworker who's not great at his job
Questions: N/A
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Right now probably people not taking my well researched advice leading to "I told you so" moments but generally probably people who talk about me/other people behind their backs.
EDD/weeks+days: July 14th (10 weeks tomorrow - I always want to round up!)
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: still not sure if we want to be team green again
Baby is the size of a(n): pecan?
Upcoming appointments: Nurse appt this Thursday
How are you feeling? Starting to transition from the all-day nausea to feeling slightly ok in the morning and then feeling progressively worse in the afternoon/evenings. Which really sucks because it makes the time between getting home from work and when my daughter goes to bed MISERABLE. The exhaustion is still all day though.
Raves/Rants: I was on an interview panel for most of the day today, and I want to give a shout out to one of the other ladies who gave me the rest of her bag of doritos. I didn't have time to grab a snack and it was going to be so rough, and she took pity on me. Bless her!
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? So this is going to make me sound like a huge asshole, but other people coughing is my pet peeve lol. I honestly can't help it. Like if a coworker has a cold and is constantly coughing, it literally feels like someone is stabbing me in the ears. It does something to my soul. Or my poor husband lol. It's like those people who fly into a rage when someone is chewing with their mouth open. I even annoy myself if I cough too much!
@rachelredhead I'm the same way!! Why am I anxious when I "feel good," I hate that and I wish I could just get out of my own head.
Also, 100% agree on people not being on time. I mean I'm not perfect but I have a toddler so clearly that makes things harder. My family is THE WORST!! If I want them somewhere for 11, I'll tell them 10:30 or even 10! 🙄
@asf0613 I'm also having a hard time keeping the news in. I'm like slowly starting to tell people, telling my work besties on Friday and told another friend today. It's such a great feeling once it's out in the open!
@meanjellybean I'm the same way with feeling horrible at night. I've been pretty lucky getting through the day but evening/night is a different story, overly awful. I've been trying to eat small amounts at home and have a little something to eat before bed, that seems to help...a little.
EDD/weeks+days: July 14th, 10 weeks (tomorrow), I also always want to round up, once it's Monday I'm like ok new week!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): strawberry
Upcoming appointments: Nurse appointment tomorrow since I had to reschedule last week's appt because I went to the wrong office 🤦
How are you feeling? Same old, pretty much. Exhausted, miserable and nauseous in the evening. I felt pretty decent over the weekend and freaked out, I feel like I'm so anxious all the time and that's just the worst.
Raves/Rants: I'm trying really hard to get ready for Christmas but somehow I always feel behind, ughhhh
Questions: Can't think of anything right now.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? This might sound silly but workplace suck ups. I don't understand why people can't do their job and do it well and be respected for it, why do people have to be in their bosses faces all the time. It just kills me. Last year we had a situation where one coworker was bad mouthing another to the principal for no reason, and the nice one ended up getting let go and the suck up now has her job. I just cannot stand it!
@rachelredhead I've definitely had those twinges before, more so in my first pregnancy but still I remember being like WTH is that? I still get minor cramping though (can't think of another word for it) which I guess could also just be the uterus doing what it's supposed to do.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out with a little hope of team pink
Baby is the size of a: Brussels sprout
Upcoming appointments: dec 23 w/obgyn and dec 31 w/ high risk specialist
How are you feeling? Pretty good. I’ve been super lucky and haven’t had any morning sickness (sorry!) but my breasts are killing me. Also I can’t stop eating breakfast. I want it for all three meals.
Raves/Rants: Only my boss knows I’m pregnant (told her early since hiding it and the MC in July caused so much extra stress plus I’m a total scatterbrain lately and didn’t want her to think I suddenly suck at my job) but no one else does and all my employees are just super needy lately and driving me nuts.
Questions: I’m trying to wrap my head around when the first trimester is over. Is it when week 13 starts or ends?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? I agree on the late thing. I like to be early and DH is ALWAYS late. I’m also meeting two BFFs for dinner Thursday who don’t know yet and one is regularly 10-20 minutes late.
Upcoming appointments: Dec 30 which is starting to feel a little closer!
How are you feeling? Mostly ok. Last night I didn't feel the level of exhaustion I've been feeling which was nice, but I'm definitely feeling it already today.
Raves/Rants: We got a bunch of snow Sunday and yesterday, and my daughter playing in it was just the cutest ever. I told her to touch it, which she did, but when she picked her hand up and snow was still on her mitten, it was, "oh no! oh no! oh noooo!"
Questions: nothing for now... I feel like I'm really slacking this time around. I had so many questions the first time.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Oh I have so many! How am I supposed to choose just one?! Right now the biggest I can think of is when you're driving and you're nice and let someone in when lanes are merging or you stop when traffic is backed up so someone can pull out of the parking lot instead of pulling forward and blocking them, etc. and the person doesn't wave to acknowledge you. I always scream, "YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!"
@rachelredhead house hunting is the worst. That's exciting you're having NIPT done tomorrow! Do you know how long it'll take for the results to come in? And do you plan on finding out the sex through the bloodwork?
@asf0613 I'm definitely having a hard time not letting it slip about this one! My parents and ILs know, and we're telling our siblings on Christmas. Then we're sending out New Years cards with an announcement on the back, so it'll be nice to have it public knowledge after that!
@pocketrose I feel you on coworkers sucking. Are you almost done for the year or am I mixing you up with someone else?
@meanjellybean I think you should be team green! Mostly so I'm not alone haha
@jmcpool88 I hate hate hate workplace suck ups too.
@rjk0427 I feel like the end of the first tri is one huge mystery. It seems every source has a different answer haha I'm telling myself 12 weeks since that's not very far away
@stlbuckeye132 what app/website are you using that told you your baby is the size of a lego man?! sometimes i hate the comparisons TB app gives and im looking for some variety lol
@stlbuckeye132 the results are supposed to be in after 7-10 days but I imagine the holiday will slow things down. I’m hoping we’ll have results before we leave the country the weekend after Christmas. I’d love to know the gender before the trip (and more importantly, know that chromosomal abnormalities are unlikely).
@asf0613 Ovia pregnancy! I get tired of the produce on TB too, so I also look there to spice things up a bit. It has four different "themese" for size comparisons: fruits & vegetables, Parisian bakery, fun & games, and weird but cute animals. I usually look at all four haha
@rachelredhead fingers crossed you find out before your trip and all is well with babe! Where are you going on your trip?
@stlbuckeye132 we’re going to London! I’ve been a few times (studied in England for a semester in college) but my husband never has and he’s a total history nerd so I’m super excited to watch his head explode. And I’ve never been to London for the holidays so I’m excited to see the NYE fireworks and all the holiday decor. It’s also in the high 40s there and it’s -2 today where I am so the 40s sounds magical. 😂
I second Ovia pregnancy app! Between the four categories, you can usually find something that makes sense lol.
Also, I've been lurking in Group 1 and really wanting to see them all say "my nausea has disappeared and I have my pregnancy glow!" But it seems like we are still a few weeks away
Re: Group 2 (July 8-16) check-in week of 12/16
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out ASAP
Baby is the size of a(n):kumquat
Upcoming appointments: Dec 18 lab visit for NIPT
How are you feeling? Pretty good, which kinda freaks me out sometimes. But holy hell I am ALWAYS exhausted. Still some intermittent nausea but pretty manageable.
Raves/Rants: house hunting is so exhausting, I just want to find our damn house.
Questions: I had a weird pressure feeling around my belly button last night. I’ve had a number of stretching twinges over the last week so chalking it up to uterus growth (or constipation) anybody else have weird feelings around the belly button?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Well, I’m pregnant so the whole damn world right now. 😂 But when I’m not cranky or overly sensitive, I’d say my biggest pet peeve is folks who can’t be anywhere on time. I’ve learned to accept it in some people in my life because it’s clear it’s unintentional and just part of their personality but most of the time it ticks me off.
ETA.... like, sorry I was late today. My daughter couldn't get her thumb in the thumb hole of her gloves.... Or, I spent the last 20 mins explaining to her why she can't wear sandals that are 2 sizes too small in the dead of winter.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out on.....Feb 21st (in other words, an eternity away!)
Baby is the size of a(n): chocolate truffle
Upcoming appointments: 12wk scan on Dec 27th
How are you feeling? tried but overall very good over past week. like my already minimal symptoms have subsided a bit. Still very tired and peeing a lot and only wanting to eat carbs, but considering myself lucky i seem to be flying through first tri relatively unscathed.
Raves/Rants: DH is back to work for the first time since surgery 2 wks ago and not answering my texts. like helloo forget the two weeks of work you need to catch up on..what about me!! lol
Questions: anyone else having trouble keeping the news in?! weve told family and close friends, but DH seems so excited and wants to tell anyone he speaks to. super cute but at the same time the world will know at this rate!
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? seconding @rachelredhead above. i am chronically on time, or early. DH is always late. so now we are always five minutes late, which to me is the end of times and nothing to him. i have no patience for anyone else being late, but when someone makes ME late? ughh i cant take it!!!!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry
Upcoming appointments: Jan 2 unless I switch doctors again due to insurance reasons
How are you feeling? Tired but mostly ok
Raves/Rants: Just my same coworker who's not great at his job
Questions: N/A
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Right now probably people not taking my well researched advice leading to "I told you so" moments but generally probably people who talk about me/other people behind their backs.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: still not sure if we want to be team green again
Baby is the size of a(n): pecan?
Upcoming appointments: Nurse appt this Thursday
How are you feeling? Starting to transition from the all-day nausea to feeling slightly ok in the morning and then feeling progressively worse in the afternoon/evenings. Which really sucks because it makes the time between getting home from work and when my daughter goes to bed MISERABLE. The exhaustion is still all day though.
Raves/Rants: I was on an interview panel for most of the day today, and I want to give a shout out to one of the other ladies who gave me the rest of her bag of doritos. I didn't have time to grab a snack and it was going to be so rough, and she took pity on me. Bless her!
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? So this is going to make me sound like a huge asshole, but other people coughing is my pet peeve lol. I honestly can't help it. Like if a coworker has a cold and is constantly coughing, it literally feels like someone is stabbing me in the ears. It does something to my soul. Or my poor husband lol. It's like those people who fly into a rage when someone is chewing with their mouth open. I even annoy myself if I cough too much!
Also, 100% agree on people not being on time. I mean I'm not perfect but I have a toddler so clearly that makes things harder. My family is THE WORST!! If I want them somewhere for 11, I'll tell them 10:30 or even 10! 🙄
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): strawberry
Upcoming appointments: Nurse appointment tomorrow since I had to reschedule last week's appt because I went to the wrong office 🤦
How are you feeling? Same old, pretty much. Exhausted, miserable and nauseous in the evening. I felt pretty decent over the weekend and freaked out, I feel like I'm so anxious all the time and that's just the worst.
Raves/Rants: I'm trying really hard to get ready for Christmas but somehow I always feel behind, ughhhh
Questions: Can't think of anything right now.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? This might sound silly but workplace suck ups. I don't understand why people can't do their job and do it well and be respected for it, why do people have to be in their bosses faces all the time. It just kills me. Last year we had a situation where one coworker was bad mouthing another to the principal for no reason, and the nice one ended up getting let go and the suck up now has her job. I just cannot stand it!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out with a little hope of team pink
Baby is the size of a: Brussels sprout
Upcoming appointments: dec 23 w/obgyn and dec 31 w/ high risk specialist
How are you feeling? Pretty good. I’ve been super lucky and haven’t had any morning sickness (sorry!) but my breasts are killing me. Also I can’t stop eating breakfast. I want it for all three meals.
Raves/Rants: Only my boss knows I’m pregnant (told her early since hiding it and the MC in July caused so much extra stress plus I’m a total scatterbrain lately and didn’t want her to think I suddenly suck at my job) but no one else does and all my employees are just super needy lately and driving me nuts.
Questions: I’m trying to wrap my head around when the first trimester is over. Is it when week 13 starts or ends?
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? I agree on the late thing. I like to be early and DH is ALWAYS late. I’m also meeting two BFFs for dinner Thursday who don’t know yet and one is regularly 10-20 minutes late.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green
Baby is the size of a(n): lego person
Upcoming appointments: Dec 30 which is starting to feel a little closer!
How are you feeling? Mostly ok. Last night I didn't feel the level of exhaustion I've been feeling which was nice, but I'm definitely feeling it already today.
Raves/Rants: We got a bunch of snow Sunday and yesterday, and my daughter playing in it was just the cutest ever. I told her to touch it, which she did, but when she picked her hand up and snow was still on her mitten, it was, "oh no! oh no! oh noooo!"
Questions: nothing for now... I feel like I'm really slacking this time around. I had so many questions the first time.
GTKY: What's your biggest pet peeve? Oh I have so many! How am I supposed to choose just one?! Right now the biggest I can think of is when you're driving and you're nice and let someone in when lanes are merging or you stop when traffic is backed up so someone can pull out of the parking lot instead of pulling forward and blocking them, etc. and the person doesn't wave to acknowledge you. I always scream, "YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!"
@rachelredhead house hunting is the worst. That's exciting you're having NIPT done tomorrow! Do you know how long it'll take for the results to come in? And do you plan on finding out the sex through the bloodwork?
@asf0613 I'm definitely having a hard time not letting it slip about this one! My parents and ILs know, and we're telling our siblings on Christmas. Then we're sending out New Years cards with an announcement on the back, so it'll be nice to have it public knowledge after that!
@pocketrose I feel you on coworkers sucking. Are you almost done for the year or am I mixing you up with someone else?
@meanjellybean I think you should be team green! Mostly so I'm not alone haha
@jmcpool88 I hate hate hate workplace suck ups too.
@rjk0427 I feel like the end of the first tri is one huge mystery. It seems every source has a different answer haha I'm telling myself 12 weeks since that's not very far away
sometimes i hate the comparisons TB app gives and im looking for some variety lol
@rachelredhead fingers crossed you find out before your trip and all is well with babe! Where are you going on your trip?
Also, I've been lurking in Group 1 and really wanting to see them all say "my nausea has disappeared and I have my pregnancy glow!" But it seems like we are still a few weeks away