March 2020 Moms

Product Spotlight Series: Teething Accessories

The Product Spotlight Series continues! Each week we spotlight a new category of product. If you discover something new or are new to the board, you're welcome to comment on threads like these throughout your time here, not just when it's their week in the spotlight.

Answer the questions below or just riff on your thoughts/experiences of the product. Pictures/screen grabs, if put in spoilers, are welcome! Links are always helpful! This week it's... Teething Accessories! Here's a link to NY Mag's 14 Best Baby Teething Products to get us started.

For S+TMs:
What items did you love?
What items did you hate?
Additional thoughts?

For FTMs:
Please post links to any products you are considering and ask any questions you may have.

To view the upcoming PSS schedule, based off of S19's, see here: March 2020 PSS Spreadsheet!
Up next week: Intangibles! 

Re: Product Spotlight Series: Teething Accessories

  • So I put that Sophie giraffe on our registry a while ago, I forget where I saw it, but... a small-ish one because DANG that thing is expensive! I also just added this cute banana toothbrush from that NYC article bc why not--I like having super cheap items on the registry? And that's definitely not something I'm gonna want as a hand-me-down haha. I DID register for one of those amber necklaces and a cute teething one for me to wear as well. 

    I do have a question: Are there any... good baby toothpastes? I feel like they're all... sugar gel nonsense and don't actually work bc babies w/ small teeth probably shouldn't have a lot of the real ingredients in toothpaste that make it work?
  • @kagesstarshroom I like the toms learning toothpaste! I still use it with DS. 

    Sophie the Giraffe was a huge hit with both DD and DS, so even though it’s a ridiculously expensive glorified dog toy, IMO it is worthwhile. I actually got two with DS and I’m thanking myself for saving the second one in a box so I can use it for this babe! I’ve also found some similar ones at homegoods for half the price. 

    The little banana toothbrush is also great. I’m getting one for baby also. 

    It’s so hard because every baby is sooooo different when it comes to teething. With DD she suddenly had teeth one day. No drooling, no sleeping poorly, no fussing. Crazy. DS was another story. He had basically all the usual symptoms. I’m not a huge proponent of meds for myself or my kids so I never used oragel or anything like that, but I’ve heard other people swear by them. 
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  • Sophie the giraffe and the banana brush were both the biggest hits here. Some people swear by the ones you fridge or freeze (like the keys) but DS wasn’t a fan. He’s kind of got sensory issues with his mouth though where he’s not a fan of stuff that is too cold (or too warm). Even still he’s often hesitant on ice cream and will straight up refuse it sometimes if he’s not in the mood for dealing with the cold. If it was particularly bad and he had a low grade fever from teething we’d give him Tylenol at bedtime but for some reason DS’s teething symptoms lasted like a month per tooth and longer for this last set of molars so we definitely only used meds sparingly and for all I know the fevers were actually just coincidences with teething. 

    For FTMs who may not know this (I didn’t) add your baby to your dental insurance. They are supposed to go within 6 months of first tooth (which can be as early as 4 months, DS was around 4.5-5 months). I had asked my dentist and they said they don’t see them until 3 and I assumed we were good then later (after enrollment closed) they clarified that it should be sooner by a pediatric dentist. DS went when he was 2 for the first time which I was told wasn’t horrible but I guess it was on the late side. 

    @kagesstarshroom I used Toms learning toothpaste but the dentist said to get something with fluoride and recommended/gave me a tube of crest kids. You only use the size of a grain of rice so it lasts forever (until they decide to squeeze it all over your bathroom and while you’re in the shower... 🤣)
    Me: 33 | DH: 34
    Married: October, 19, 2015
    EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
    EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
    EDD 11/24/23
    (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)

  • puppylove8910puppylove8910 member
    edited December 2019
    STM here. Infant Motrin was what helped us through teething. We started calling it vitamin M 😂 My DS liked cold teething toys, but not for very long. Sophie was never a hit with him. For him, it was Vitamin M or bust. 
    Me: 37 | H: 44
    TTC #1: May 2015
    IF DX January 2016- Me: Right sided hydrosalpinx 
    Right tube removed: February 2016
    Acupuncture + TCM: March 2016
    BFP: July 4, 2016 | DS: March 2017 (39w 2d)
    TTC #2: April 2019
    BFP #2: April 2019 | CP: April 30, 2019 (4w 2d)
    BFP #3: July 15, 2019
    EDD: March 23, 2020

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