3rd Trimester

29 weeks and miserable

Really, this is just a vent session. I am almost 29 weeks and I'm absolutely miserable! I'm exhausted all the time, that part is getting worse every day, and my body hurts. I have braxton hicks almost all day every day, I'm going to bed nauseous almost every night, then I wake up with swollen feet every morning. I'm still working out 5 times a week but every work out is getting harder and harder. It's extremely frustrating and I'm just ready to be done....despite knowing I have months left (and not wanting an early baby by any means, my last baby was 5 weeks early and it was scary!). With baby #5 on the way I'm just over being pregnant.....I'm ready to just be done and get my body back to normal. Anyone else in the same boat?

Re: 29 weeks and miserable

  • Sounds like this isn't your first rodeo. You'll get through it. When I was pregnant with my twins I was over it at that point, too. Do you have a membership at your YMCA? Getting in a pool and floating around really helped me feel better, even if just temporarily, when I was so sore and heavy.
  • I understand it can be rough. I have the some of the same symptoms. Keep your chin up. 
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