Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: will find out in Jan
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: Scan next Monday. Feeling a bit nervous!
How are you feeling? Feeling okak. Not sleeping great but besides that pretty okay. I am starting to feel big though!
Raves/Rants: I really wish more of my IRL friends had kids. I feel like I’m in a different world to them with the combo of having a toddler AND being pregnant. I mean at least I have a few friends with kids this time. I was the first with DD (and I was 30!). They’re all taking their sweet time!
Questions: Third time moms- when did you start feeling the baby move with your second?
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? I’ve asked DH to book us a class for us at a bakery that runs really fun looking courses. He gets to benefit too!
@hayhay2501 bakery classes sound so fun! Ian anxious to feel baby move too. It was 17 weeks with DS but hopefully earlier this time around.
EDD/weeks+days: 12 weeks today!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green for now
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: one week before Christmas
How are you feeling? Finally over my cold thank goodness! Nausea is mainly gone, energy is slowly creeping back. I’ve been having a lot of cramping which I think Is mostly from my c section scar. Anxious.
Raves/Rants: there were two pregnancy announcements at thanksgiving this year, one due in May and one in June, the week after me. Kinda nice because it took any attention off me, but now I’m not really sure when we will let family know. DH wants to wait until after Christmas but I’m not sure I can hide it that long. Otherwise my rave is that I’m feeling better!
Questions: anyone else have crazy cramping/stretching pain? Anything that helps?
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list?
Wireless headphones, a mop for my new floors, boots, a new purse, and I probably need a few more ideas but can’t think of any.
Upcoming appointments: Friday! Another ultrasound, heartbeat doppler, and also NIPT. Both nervous and excited. A close friend told us she was pregnant with her second a few days before her week 12 appointment, only to go to the doctor and find out that there wasn't a heartbeat anymore. This was a couple of years ago, and she's since given birth to her daughter, but I still find myself thinking about it. Particularly since we've started telling people (mostly family, but one friend guessed and another I slipped and told).
How are you feeling? Pretty good? Appetite's been weird (husband is worried I'm not eating enough), but feel like I'm slightly coming out of the exhaustion fog.
Raves/Rants: Rant: Worked until 11pm last night and the week doesn't appear to be calming down at all. Rave: It's looking like I got the promotion/new job? Nothing official yet, but the way the new boss is talking it sounds like he chose me? Also, the BellaBand I bought on a whim saved me on Thanksgiving, best idea ever.
Questions: Regarding maternity pants: because of the stretchy panels does it not really matter if you have larger hips/butt? I have a really hard time buying pants normally, and always have to go for whatever "curvy" cut I can find, so I've been confused about what to do when the time comes where I can't fit into my pants anymore (even with the Bellaband).
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? Still working on it. I kind of really want some sort of massager, my shoulders have been killing me and I always have issues with my lower back anyway.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: hopefully finding out Jan 17th
Baby is the size of a(n):Plum
Upcoming appointments: OB appt Friday to hear baby heart beat and check on my BP
How are you feeling? dizzy (from meds) but exhausted all other bad symptoms are basically gone
Raves/Rants: I couldnt of chosen a more amazing person to have children with... now that we know whats going on he is being so helpful and trying to take care of me... its so sweet but I know it will drive me crazy soon.
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? CROCS I want something to slip on without having to tie any laces or bend down.
@hayhay2501 thank you!! Actually got the official tentative offer this afternoon! Working that late is thankfully uncommon, basically an announcement about some policy went out from the top without any warning to anyone else, so there was a lot of scrambling to justify the decision and prepare next steps.
@akoros Congrats on the promotion!! @hayhay2501 Baking classes sound like an awesome time!
EDD weeks/days: June 20 11w 4d
Team Finding Out appt set for Jan 30
Baby is the length of a Bobby pin
Upcoming Appointments: December 20 is my next check up. I get to hear the heart beat (we've just been watching it)
How are you feeling? Nausea is lingering and getting some rough headaches. I can get migraines so I'm not surprised to be getting headaches just hoping for no real migraines.
Rants/Raves: Right now just annoyed that the weight gain is happening so fast even though I'm not eating badly. Trying to up the excersize but there are only so many hours in the day.
Questions: Any one else experience alergies/congestion and have a favorite remedy?
GTKY: Nothing I'm really wanting for. My mom is getting us the blower unit for our fireplace. Other than that nothing really maybe some finishing items to touch up our house now that the major renovations are finished.
Me 29 DH 33 Married 10/2016 TTC since 04/2019 BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks EDD 06/07/2020
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: doing NIPT testing to find out soon
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow!
How are you feeling? So so so anxious about my appointment tomorrow. This is our first pregnancy and I’m just so worried something is going to go wrong. Everything has been totally fine so far, but gosh I’m nervous.
Raves/Rants: Thankfully time has been flying by! I’m so ready for this first trimester to be over.
Questions: Tomorrow is my first trimester screen where they’ll do an ultrasound and NIPT testing. Anything else I should expect?
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? I’ve honestly been so preoccupied with baby thoughts that I haven’t even thought about Christmas. Hopefully that’ll change after tomorrow!
@horsesmeetbaby I take Flonase at night (I mostly get congested when I sleep), and have taken Zyrtec. My doctor said they were fine to use. A humidifier has also been helping. Anymore I can't deal with the dry air once it gets below 40 degrees, I get so dried out and scratchy. And thank you!
@ehlei My appointment is on Friday, I hear you on the anxiety! Now that we've told (some) people I worry I've jinxed things. No real reason to be concerned, just nerves. Best of luck tomorrow, enjoy seeing your little one!
Upcoming appointments: I just had one on Monday, so I don’t go back until December 28th.
How are you feeling? Really good. My tastes for food are definitely different, and I get full much more quickly, but fortunately no nausea.
Raves/Rants: My mom’s long-term boyfriend was killed in a car accident on Monday. He was the breadwinner of their household, but since they weren’t legally married, all of his assets go to his grown daughters and she’s left with nothing. My sister and I are really stressing on where she will live because she can’t afford much on her salary. It’s been a sad and stressful week for us all.
Questions: Still wondering when I’ll start feeling movement. I was around 17-18 weeks with my son, but I was hoping to feel this baby girl a little sooner. I would love it I could start feeling flutters around Christmas!
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? The only thing I’ve asked for is gift card for a pregnancy massage. I had one at around 30 weeks with my last pregnancy, and it was amazing!
Upcoming appointments: I think my next is on the 19th.
How are you feeling?: Mostly good! I have had a few breathless episodes at rest, which freak me out. But they don't last for more than a minute or two. I chalk it up to the extra blood volume. I'll probably ask about it at my next appointment.
Raves/Rants: We sold our house!! The buyer is looking to close 12/23 so we need to get our butts in gear and get out of here!
Questions: Nada.
GTKY: What’s on your holiday gift wish list? UGG slippers. It's been over a year since I said goodbye to my last pair. They are the best.
Saw the little guy, was jumping around like crazy and gave is a little wave. Was so happy to see him/her. Then we talked to the doctor...nuchal translucency is abnormal and heart looks small. Need more tests to be definitive, but baby likely has a chromosomal issue. According to the doctor I'm likely to miscarry, if I don't decide to terminate. I can't stop crying. Thankfully we haven't told many people, but i'm dreading telling those who knew. My parents are so excited, can't bear to break their hearts. I don't know if I can deal with the stress of waiting for a possible miscarriage. I feel terrible, but also don't know if I can give a child with these health issues the care he or she needs, if i'm even able to successfully deliver. I feel like the baby's gone, but it's not gone, it's still here. Yes, I have a follow up with a specialist and possibly a CVS next week. They also took blood for the NIPT today, so I guess I'll grey those results at some point. Still feel so lost and helpless.
A question for the larger group: When I'm dealing with something difficult I've generally found it beneficial to share my feelings, particularly in written form. Also, from women I know who have had miscarriages or other difficulties they've mentioned that one of the hardest things is feeling alone and that they shouldn't talk about it. For both reasons, would it be ok if I were to start a thread for complications? Everyone is different and many find the topic too painful, so I don't want to impose on them. Selfishly, I'd also find any input from someone who has gone through this or something similar very helpful as we work through this.
@akoros I am so, so sorry that you’re going through this. How heartbreaking. I think a thread is a good idea for anyone experiencing complications - maybe just add a general TW like we have in the spotting thread so those who might find it triggering can avoid? Take care of yourself and keep us updated when you can.
I’m on Group 2 (by one day) but was lurking here. @akoros I would love a complications thread. I’m high risk with potential for so many things and was during my first pregnancy too. Happy to help each other work through this!
In my experience, also keep in mind these tests aren’t 100% accurate at this stage and are not definitive, as hard as it is, the wait and see game for as long as possible until you can be 100% sure might be best. Not that waiting helps the worry or anxiety but someday, no matter what you do or what happens, at least you could be positive about what was happening. I’m so sorry you’re going through this @akoros!
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17 EDD: 5/16/18 DD born 5/10/18 Postpartum Complications
Re: Group 3 Check In: Week of Dec 2 (due 6/14-6/20)
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: will find out in Jan
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: Scan next Monday. Feeling a bit nervous!
How are you feeling? Feeling okak. Not sleeping great but besides that pretty okay. I am starting to feel big though!
Raves/Rants: I really wish more of my IRL friends had kids. I feel like I’m in a different world to them with the combo of having a toddler AND being pregnant. I mean at least I have a few friends with kids this time. I was the first with DD (and I was 30!). They’re all taking their sweet time!
Questions: Third time moms- when did you start feeling the baby move with your second?
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green for now
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: one week before Christmas
How are you feeling? Finally over my cold thank goodness! Nausea is mainly gone, energy is slowly creeping back. I’ve been having a lot of cramping which I think Is mostly from my c section scar. Anxious.
Raves/Rants: there were two pregnancy announcements at thanksgiving this year, one due in May and one in June, the week after me. Kinda nice because it took any attention off me, but now I’m not really sure when we will let family know. DH wants to wait until after Christmas but I’m not sure I can hide it that long. Otherwise my rave is that I’m feeling better!
Questions: anyone else have crazy cramping/stretching pain? Anything that helps?
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): lime
Upcoming appointments: Friday! Another ultrasound, heartbeat doppler, and also NIPT. Both nervous and excited. A close friend told us she was pregnant with her second a few days before her week 12 appointment, only to go to the doctor and find out that there wasn't a heartbeat anymore. This was a couple of years ago, and she's since given birth to her daughter, but I still find myself thinking about it. Particularly since we've started telling people (mostly family, but one friend guessed and another I slipped and told).
How are you feeling? Pretty good? Appetite's been weird (husband is worried I'm not eating enough), but feel like I'm slightly coming out of the exhaustion fog.
Raves/Rants: Rant: Worked until 11pm last night and the week doesn't appear to be calming down at all. Rave: It's looking like I got the promotion/new job? Nothing official yet, but the way the new boss is talking it sounds like he chose me? Also, the BellaBand I bought on a whim saved me on Thanksgiving, best idea ever.
Questions: Regarding maternity pants: because of the stretchy panels does it not really matter if you have larger hips/butt? I have a really hard time buying pants normally, and always have to go for whatever "curvy" cut I can find, so I've been confused about what to do when the time comes where I can't fit into my pants anymore (even with the Bellaband).
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: hopefully finding out Jan 17th
Baby is the size of a(n):Plum
Upcoming appointments: OB appt Friday to hear baby heart beat and check on my BP
How are you feeling? dizzy (from meds) but exhausted all other bad symptoms are basically gone
Raves/Rants: I couldnt of chosen a more amazing person to have children with... now that we know whats going on he is being so helpful and trying to take care of me... its so sweet but I know it will drive me crazy soon.
CROCS I want something to slip on without having to tie any laces or bend down.
@hayhay2501 Baking classes sound like an awesome time!
EDD weeks/days: June 20 11w 4d
Team Finding Out appt set for Jan 30
Baby is the length of a Bobby pin
Upcoming Appointments: December 20 is my next check up. I get to hear the heart beat (we've just been watching it)
How are you feeling? Nausea is lingering and getting some rough headaches. I can get migraines so I'm not surprised to be getting headaches just hoping for no real migraines.
Rants/Raves: Right now just annoyed that the weight gain is happening so fast even though I'm not eating badly. Trying to up the excersize but there are only so many hours in the day.
Questions: Any one else experience alergies/congestion and have a favorite remedy?
GTKY: Nothing I'm really wanting for. My mom is getting us the blower unit for our fireplace. Other than that nothing really maybe some finishing items to touch up our house now that the major renovations are finished.
Married 10/2016
TTC since 04/2019
BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks
EDD 06/07/2020
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: doing NIPT testing to find out soon
Baby is the size of a(n): plum
Upcoming appointments: tomorrow!
How are you feeling? So so so anxious about my appointment tomorrow. This is our first pregnancy and I’m just so worried something is going to go wrong. Everything has been totally fine so far, but gosh I’m nervous.
Raves/Rants: Thankfully time has been flying by! I’m so ready for this first trimester to be over.
Questions: Tomorrow is my first trimester screen where they’ll do an ultrasound and NIPT testing. Anything else I should expect?
I’ve honestly been so preoccupied with baby thoughts that I haven’t even thought about Christmas. Hopefully that’ll change after tomorrow!
@ehlei My appointment is on Friday, I hear you on the anxiety! Now that we've told (some) people I worry I've jinxed things. No real reason to be concerned, just nerves. Best of luck tomorrow, enjoy seeing your little one!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): Macaron
Upcoming appointments: I just had one on Monday, so I don’t go back until December 28th.
How are you feeling? Really good. My tastes for food are definitely different, and I get full much more quickly, but fortunately no nausea.
Raves/Rants: My mom’s long-term boyfriend was killed in a car accident on Monday. He was the breadwinner of their household, but since they weren’t legally married, all of his assets go to his grown daughters and she’s left with nothing. My sister and I are really stressing on where she will live because she can’t afford much on her salary. It’s been a sad and stressful week for us all.
Questions: Still wondering when I’ll start feeling movement. I was around 17-18 weeks with my son, but I was hoping to feel this baby girl a little sooner. I would love it I could start feeling flutters around Christmas!
So sorry for your loss @kjack86
Married 10/2016
TTC since 04/2019
BFP 10/12/2019, estimated 6 weeks
EDD 06/07/2020
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green!
Baby is the size of a(n): Key lime
Upcoming appointments: I think my next is on the 19th.
How are you feeling?: Mostly good! I have had a few breathless episodes at rest, which freak me out. But they don't last for more than a minute or two. I chalk it up to the extra blood volume. I'll probably ask about it at my next appointment.
Raves/Rants: We sold our house!! The buyer is looking to close 12/23 so we need to get our butts in gear and get out of here!
Questions: Nada.
Saw the little guy, was jumping around like crazy and gave is a little wave. Was so happy to see him/her. Then we talked to the doctor...nuchal translucency is abnormal and heart looks small. Need more tests to be definitive, but baby likely has a chromosomal issue. According to the doctor I'm likely to miscarry, if I don't decide to terminate. I can't stop crying. Thankfully we haven't told many people, but i'm dreading telling those who knew. My parents are so excited, can't bear to break their hearts. I don't know if I can deal with the stress of waiting for a possible miscarriage. I feel terrible, but also don't know if I can give a child with these health issues the care he or she needs, if i'm even able to successfully deliver. I feel like the baby's gone, but it's not gone, it's still here. Yes, I have a follow up with a specialist and possibly a CVS next week. They also took blood for the NIPT today, so I guess I'll grey those results at some point. Still feel so lost and helpless.
A question for the larger group: When I'm dealing with something difficult I've generally found it beneficial to share my feelings, particularly in written form. Also, from women I know who have had miscarriages or other difficulties they've mentioned that one of the hardest things is feeling alone and that they shouldn't talk about it. For both reasons, would it be ok if I were to start a thread for complications? Everyone is different and many find the topic too painful, so I don't want to impose on them. Selfishly, I'd also find any input from someone who has gone through this or something similar very helpful as we work through this.
In my experience, also keep in mind these tests aren’t 100% accurate at this stage and are not definitive, as hard as it is, the wait and see game for as long as possible until you can be 100% sure might be best. Not that waiting helps the worry or anxiety but someday, no matter what you do or what happens, at least you could be positive about what was happening. I’m so sorry you’re going through this @akoros!
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20