Did a quick scan of the boards and didn’t see anything like this yet so I wanted to start a new thread!
Hubs and I found out today that we’re having a baby boy. I’m feeling totally devastated because I really wanted a girl, and also feeling SO guilty for being so sad. As long as baby is healthy, I should be happy, right? I know it will be fine when he comes and I’ll love him so much but I’ve only ever pictured myself with a girl and feel like I’m grieving the loss of that life I imagined. Dramatic, huh? Pregnancy hormones are nuts!
Anyway, I wanted to start a place for those of us experiencing gender disappointment to support and love on one another!
Re: Gender Disappointment Support
Sending you love for your adjustment time. You're going to be an awesome mom to your LO. ❤️ I can't wait to hear about your adventures together!
But we had decided to be Team Green mostly for the purpose of feeling pretty comfortable that I wouldn't be sad about a boy once I was holding him. So we didn't know until birth, and I wasn't sad at all about it.
Also, he loves all things pink sparkly, having long hair, and insists on sometimes wearing a dress like mommy.
Hugs to all that find themselves here. I know that you know it'll be just fine, but by all means, have and feel all of your feelings first.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
But ultimately, I don’t think I’d know how to be a good girl mom! I also know that my two boys will be the best of friends and I love that I’ll always be their first girl. We don’t plan to have anymore so I think that’s where my disappointment comes in.
DS1 11/2010 (angel)
DS2 5/2012
DS3 4/2015
New baby 6/2020
@pnkfaerie I’m in a similar boat... I love having boys and would love another. I have a fear of raising a girl in this crazy world. My mom & I didn’t have a good relationship for a long time growing up, but we’re better now. Everyone hopes we have a girl and expects me to want that too. Of course I want a healthy baby and I trust that if this baby is a girl she will fit perfectly into our family. Having 2 older brothers gives me some comfort too.
I'm so glad that this thread was created. Today I received my NIPT result which is negative. The nurse also told me that we are having a boy. I'll be honest, I was so emotional because I was praying for a girl. I felt really bad for having these feelings and that made me cry even more because I didn't want to be selfish or ungrateful. I'm still processing that I will be having my third son, but I count it all joy and I'm just thankful that my son is doing well and is healthy. I'm feeling a little down because I really wanted to experience the mother-daughter bond. But I know first hand how it feels to be loved and adored by your sons. Having a girl would have been so new to me and I would have been a fish out of water. I have raised boys and I'm familiar with what is required and expected when raising sons. I'll come around, I know I will. My DH received the news very well. He has one son, age 18 and this will be his second. He was praying for a girl also but he's super excited to have another son.
"wishing all the mommies a healthy & happy nine months of pregnancy"
Started TTC Nov. 2011
1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d
Still having this hard of a time, a few weeks later, doesn't sounds entirely typical.
Hormones don't make anything easy, but I think you should consider talking to a professional about this. Even just having a non-judgemental unbiased party to listen can be super helpful.
But what you're describing sounds like prenatal depression, which can be dangerous for you and baby. It contributed to premature delivery of my oldest. Take care of your mental health too.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
I was afraid after my first was born that I might not end up with a daughter. I was frustrated MOTN when he peed all over everything (silly penis is like a fire hose, and even though I kept it covered during changes, we needed to wipe him down, use another diaper, or change out changing pad cover at least 3 times per day)! I will however relish telling him as a tween or teen how he consistently peed on his own face as an infant. Hugs. Also, tiny 3 year old's using urinals is adorable. And he's still into unicorns and rainbows and being just like mom. He's more my Velcro than his sister.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
DS1 11/2010 (angel)
DS2 5/2012
DS3 4/2015
New baby 6/2020
Married: 12/19/15
BFP: 9/4/17
EDD: 5/16/18
DD born 5/10/18
Postpartum Complications
BFP: 10/1/19
EDD: 6/12/20
i just found out I’m having a boy and of course I’m so excited for a healthy baby boy and I’ll love him so much. But I am so so so disappointed. And I feel like a bad person/mom for even saying that.