April 2020 Moms

Gender preference.

mingellamingella member
edited November 2019 in April 2020 Moms
Do you think more women prefer a boy or a girl as their first child? What preference do (most) men have for their first? 

I know older bro younger sis is popular.

Re: Gender preference.

  • I had an older brother and he was a big jerk growing up! We are close now, but he was so
    mean to me growing up! Definitely not my protector, so to speak! He just had his first child and he was glad that he had a girl first, because he is self aware of how mean he was as a big brother! 

    I was happy with either gender first, but my husband and I both kind of wanted a girl, since he is one of 3 boys, so they need some girls in the family. We are having a boy and there are still things that I am excited for with our first being a boy! 
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  • My husband and I joke that I'm happy with anything but please don't give me two boys. I had a brief nannying gig a couple years ago where I nannied two boys who were little terrors, so the joke started then (I would come home afterwards and say PLEASE don't give me two boys!!!"). Obviously if we have two boys I will love them both like crazy, and none of this is to say that girls can't be terrors, but that's our running gag.
  • I kind like having my daughter first and my son second, bc that is how my husband is- so he understands the 'younger brother' stuff. 
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
  • I can truly say I had no preference. My husband definitely wanted a boy, but he's one of two boys and so besides his Mom, there was never much feminine energy in his house. I think if we were having a girl, he'd probably end up teaching her how to fish, shoot clay pigeons, etc etc lol
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