My student who walked out of class after 20 minutes of a 75 minute class. He then emails me while class is going on asking if we have class next week. I'm so going to throw in something about how attendance is part of their grade.
Also our daycare. Love our daycare for the most part, but they have 2 checks of ours they haven't cashed yet. One they've had for 3 weeks!
We’ve looked at 5 potential rental houses to move into and all of them were uninhabitable!!! I can’t believe these landlords are actually letting people view these homes in their current condition. One of them was flooded!!!! Another was so small that we both hit our heads multiple times during the walkthrough, and one of them had so much garbage and damage that the floor was buckling under our feet. There was one that was halfway decent but we didn’t know until we got there that a little old French woman lived downstairs and would be sharing the house. Like seriously, these are rentals being posted with expensive monthly payments as if they aren’t disgusting. I’d rather move back to Utah and live with my parents before letting my kids step foot in any of these places.
Had a moment this morning about breakfast. I wake up hungry every day now and my hanger beast can get really bad if unchecked so I normally cereal (quick, easy). I realized when I went to have breakfast after DH had left that he had finished the milk. No worries, I figured I would make toast. Make the toast then realize he's finished the butter in the dish without replacing it and he's finished all but a teaspoon of the peanut butter but still put the jar back so I had nothing to put on said toast. These are not big issue things, but I was by this point a raging hanger monster, dealing with hunger nausea and we had nothing else I wanted to eat. Ultimately ordered a BLT from place nearby and had a chat with DH about how leaving me with no brekkie can't ever be a thing.
@korthouse My H has a rule about not eating the last of anything when there is a pregnant woman in the house. Whenever he’s done it, he’s had to go out and buy whatever it is I wanted because I’m apparently too difficult to deal with when I’m hungry.
@emsned That’s awful. We live in an area where most people rent. I remember when I moved here, there were 5 rental houses that met my requirements in the whole city. Fortunately, I found one I was willing to live in, but it really wasn’t that nice. I was very happy when I got to move out of it.
It’s not Wednesday, but my WTF is at DH, who might also be a twat-waffle today. Basically it’s somehow my fault that DS woke up at 1 am and wouldn’t go back to sleep. DH got grouchy and rude with me when we gave up on getting the kid back to sleep at 4. I cried a bunch. No apology, just, “I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at no sleep.” I’m so mad. At least he can have a whole pot of coffee to keep him going today. I’m basically completely screwed.
Not Wednesday but my WTF is that my insurance requires any “long term” medicine to be done via mail order. I hate our mail order pharmacy as they are consistently dropping the ball, telling me one thing and doing the other so I don’t use them. For my 1 long term med I pay $6 a month at my local pharmacy instead of $2 every 3 months to go through them because they are so horrible. Well.... I’m on Lovenox this pregnancy and have run out of my “allowed” times of getting it at the local pharmacy with insurance and it is a difference of hundreds of dollars so I ordered it TUESDAY from the mail order, talked with them yesterday and order was all good to go, check online today and 1) order has disappeared and 2) they charged my d@mn card. It’s just such a pain! I was on the phone with them for an hour and then had to call my dr’s office because they lost the stupid prescription. UGh!!!
Re: WTF Wednesday 11/20
Also our daycare. Love our daycare for the most part, but they have 2 checks of ours they haven't cashed yet. One they've had for 3 weeks!
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Rant over.