Team finding out/pink/blue/green:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Upcoming Appointments:
How are you feeling?
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it?
Me 34 DH 34
DS1 born September 2017
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Re: Group 2 (April 9-16) Check-in Week of 11/18
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: blue!
Baby is the size of a(n): gameboy, this one made us laugh this week
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan in one week
How are you feeling? sore back and belly! Last night something struck me as funny and the laughing was killing my stretching abs.
Raves/Rants: We found an apt! We had to move by nov 30 and found a place we both love. Still only a one bedroom apt, but I think will be spacious enough. Such a relief to have that over with! Now to pack...
Questions: none
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? Hmm, probably a car (Jeep) which was totally worth it at the time. I think baby purchases will be my new biggest splurges
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: pink
Baby is the size of a(n): hedgehog. Made me think of a few friends who have let hedgehogs.
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan December 4.
How are you feeling? Tired. I’ve had some stomach pain caused by the ever present constipation.
Raves/Rants: 6 more work days until Disney World (including today)! We have so much packing to do, but we’re super excited.
Questions: none
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? My car. Didn’t need a new one at the time, but I got a raise and I had never bought a car before (I used hand me downs that I got from family). Seems like it was worth it now as it has more space for the kiddos than my old one did.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): mango
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan next week! Finally finding out if this one is a boy or girl.
How are you feeling? Mostly good. Just hungry a lot.
Raves/Rants: DH has DS's parent/teacher conference tonight. Part of me thinks it's silly to have a conference for a 2 yr old, but it will be good to hear how DS is doing at daycare.
Questions: none
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? Probably my car. It was needed at the time, but it was a big deal to pay for the car upfront(no car loan)!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): a pint of ice cream
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan on Dec. 6
How are you feeling? Pretty good! Went to PT for my hip pain and tried dry needling, LIFE CHANGING. Instant relief and so far, I’ve been good since my appointment even with traveling all last week. Plan to go every other week from here on out.
Raves/Rants: made major progress on the nursery this past weekend and MH made progress on the garage organization system overhaul. Feeling good about all out projects. Oh and found out I get bonuses in January, March and June of this year which is perfect timing after holidays and before baby.
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? Our house and we both just got new cars. We previously owned our cars outright so adding car payments to the mix was rough.
Natural BFP Feb 2017. DD born Oct. 2017
Natural BFP Aug. 2019, EDD April 2020
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): mango
Upcoming Appointments: December 12 regular prenatal.
How are you feeling? Exhausted and all the stretchy pain in my abdomen. 😩
Raves/Rants: our negotiating team started negotiations with our school board today. We started our day with a prayer for some resolution. It’s not looking good. A strike may be coming, which terrifies me with expecting a child and going without pay. Luckily, MH can get me on his insurance.
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? My car (which I feel is everyone’s answer lol). It was the first car I actually purchased instead of leased, and we paid it off in May. Now we are getting MH’s car paid off in December, just in time to upgrade me from my little corolla to a mom mobile!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink.
Baby is the size of a(n): Mango
Upcoming Appointments: Had a regular check up today. Anatomy scan scheduled for next Tuesday.
How are you feeling? Very good actually? I had terrible morning sickness first trimester. I'm glad I can enjoy my meals now.
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it?
Does an Alaskan cruise count? Lol. We went a few a months ago and we loved it!
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: blue
Baby is the size of a(n): artichoke 😂
Upcoming Appointments: Dec 11 I think?
How are you feeling? The best I have felt so far! My belly stretching pain from last week seems to have gone down, now it's just an occasional heart burn.
Raves/Rants: why do people need to give a negative opinion on the chosen name baby name! Ugh trying to ignore that!!!
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it?
Last year my husband and I paid way too much money haha for our trip to Tanzania. We climbed mount Kilimanjaro, did a Safari and then went a week in Zanzibar. It was the trip of a lifetime and so worth it but we never thought one trip could be so much$$$!!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Team pink
Baby is the size of a(n): hedgehog.
Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan on November 25th. I can't wait.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling pretty good. Today is definitely a recharge kind of day though.
Raves/Rants: I know I've been kind of MIA lately. Last week was really hard. My grandfather passed away and my mother got her knee replaced and was in the hospital so I was running back and forth out of town for the funeral and to the hospital to sit with my mom. This was my father's dad and it really just brought up a lot of grief of my dad's death too, especially since we're coming up on the year anniversary of his death. Just been processing a bunch of emotions. My mother was moved to a rehab facility and should be there for about a week or two before coming home.
Questions: none right now.
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it? Definitely my car and it was worth it, especially now that it's paid off. Eventually we will need to replace DH's car with an SUV or something because we plan on having multiple kids pretty close together if possible and we'll need the extra space, plus his car doesn't have anti lock brakes and is not the safest.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@nicoleyolee I never understand people commenting on name choices. Unless I ask for your opinion, I don’t want it!
@mercury94 have the best time in Disney! Look forward to hearing about it.
@gingers19 so glad you found a place! I hope the move goes smooth.
@mercury94 I hope you enjoy your trip and that it goes by without any drama!
@Kathryn0903 and @emalue and @littleredm Ooh!! So close to the anatomy scan!
@coaster102516 great job on getting started with the nursery! We need to clear the closet in our spare room before being able to start thinking about the nursery!
@ejoseph16 I hope things are going well. Job changes in any way cause me a lot of stress and hopefully everything works out well without having to go on strike.
@nicoleyolee that is why I don’t want to share our names! It’s a lot harder for people to say something negative about a baby’s name when said baby is in your arms.
@littleredm I’m so sorry about your grandfather, and it seems logical that it would bring up other emotions about your dad. I know grief is hard, but it seems harder this time of year for me. I hope your mom is healing well after her surgery.
EDD/W+D: 19 + 6. 20 weeks tomorrow!!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green:
Purple! A boy and a girl. ❤️
Baby is the size of a(n):
Upcoming Appointments: none until Dec 19 which will be an OB apt and a growth ultrasound on the same day.
How are you feeling? Overall good but big and only going to get bigger. This may sound weird but I am sore in my birth canal.... feels like “lightning crotch” only without the “lightning” pain, just a dull ache. Dr said it is because of swelling and the extra blood flow.
Trying to keep my mouth shut about the genders has been hard. We found out on Mon 11/18 and are planning a surprise gender reveal for our families on Thanksgiving. 6 days to go!!
i feel like the exhaustion has returned. I’ve taken 2 naps after work this week. Anyone else?
GTKY: What purchase have you made that was your biggest splurge? Was it worth it?
Biggest $ amount would be house and car - but even those we did more common sense choices so it felt more like a reasonable purchase rather than splurge. I tend to think of splurges as things you don’t need at all but buy just for fun! 😂