July 2020 Moms

GTKY 11/15: How did you meet your SO?

Tell us how you and SO met!

Re: GTKY 11/15: How did you meet your SO?

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  • @rachelredhead that really is a great smell though!!
  • @rachelredhead :D:D:D  What a great reason to connect!
  • @pretzellover you win! 😂 that’s amazing!
  • We actually went to the same college and knew of each other through a mutual friend but didn’t actually meet until several years later on St. Patrick’s day in Chicago when that same friend came to visit me. Needless to say we drank a lot the night we met and my friend and I ended up crashing at his place (me in his bed- clothed at least? Lol). Our friend told us if we didn’t become friends she’d defriend both of us and the rest is history. True love 😂
  • I met DH in 2016 at work. I worked in the office and he was a machinery trainer, at my location and also traveled around the us to train at new locations as well. Anyway, our HR lady always had to schedule trainings with him, and since I could see her desk from mine, we met that way. We flirted lightly at work for a year before a first date happened. By flirting, I mean I told everyone how gorgeous the trainer was, and that obviously I needed some training. On his birthday he brought me brownies. Now THAT'S love. Brownies did it. 
  • He came home from college for the summer and we both got jobs at the same place. We did the long distance thing for the next 3 years 

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  • DH and I met during university when we both had co-op jobs in the same city. At the end of the term we both went back to our respective provinces to finish our final semesters. We would fly back and forth to visit each other during those few months. DH graduated before me, and moved FURTHER away from me (our current city), luckily I had family who lived there, so I took a chance on him. That was 13 years ago!
  • Our favorite band's fan facebook group. We became friends and started talking every day even though we were 800 miles apart. We tried not to do it, we even tried dating other ppl but nope. Lol  Couldn't stay away from each other. He moved here and we got married last year. 
  • Match.com! I had been on a first date spree, lots of dinners and drinks, plenty of ok guys but no one I was excited about. I was 29 and looking for The One. Then this snowboarding dude who grew up the town over from me started messaging with me and we decided to meet at the mountain to go snowboarding (both had passes to the same ski mountain). We met at the bottom of the lift and rode together all afternoon. It was so much more fun and relaxing than dinner or drinks. Four years later, he proposed at the top of the mountain we met on. 
  • @mommyofthefence what band??

    @pretzellover skydiving!!!  OMG

    @rachelredhead Glad to see another Match.com success story :wink:  And you're right, it is a great smell.
  • I was in a relationship when I moved to NYC. After almost 6 years it finally ended. I waited 8 months and decided I wanted to try dating which was completely foreign to me after not being single for so long. I also wanted to find a partner with similar values and felt it would be easier online rather than wade through the millions of people in NYC bars. The ratio of women to men in NYC is 2:1.
       I tried Match and didn't find anyone really. We met on the website How About We. Instead of just swiping left or right or weeding through profiles you write 3 date ideas i.e. "how about we grab coffee and walk through a new neighborhood". So you see people's basic profile and their dates first, if you like their date it sends them a message. It was a much more fun way to GTK someone and get a feel for their personality. Also, the questions asked on their profiles were quirky and interesting i.e. what's your guilty pleasure? if you weren't at your current job what would you be doing? What's your idea of home? . Don't even know if it still exists. Anyway we met and started dating June 2014, were engaged February 2016- that's a fun proposal story that involves him going to visit my parents to ask for permission and me forgetting or date, married July 2016 in Hudson Valley. 
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