May 2020 Moms

FFFC 11/15

Re: FFFC 11/15

  • @ruby696 We also got mesh bumpers once my boys were kicking out their binkys

    my FFFC is that I'm freaking the F out about my sneak peek results that I'm supposed to get tomorrow at the earliest. I feel out of my mind and really shouldn't. 
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  • @ruby696 I love how the braided ones look that I see on Pinterest all the time, but I’ve honestly never used a crib for either of my boys. We’re flipping between a mini crib and a PNP for this baby because I don’t want to cosleep this time.

    I know if we were having a boy I wouldn’t care at all about buying stuff, but since it’s a girl my registry has tripled. I should be ashamed knowing that I hardly used anything at all for the boys. 
  • @mamaqdubu I almost threw up due to nerves before our sneak peek ultrasound. This is for sure our last baby and we wanted a girl so bad. I’m sad to admit I would have bawled if it was a boy (I still cried, but super happy tears). I know a lot of people feel strongly about sex preference, but we just really wanted a little girl for our last baby. 
  • mokay19mokay19 member
    edited November 2019
    I got McDonalds for lunch because I wanted a McFlurry 😋

    ETA: I'm currently adding salt to McDonalds fries... I must need electrolytes haha 

    Also, while ordering I said “can I have the #9 with no ketchup on the cheeseburgers please?” The lady goes “how many cheeseburgers do you want?” I had to clarify that I wanted the #9 two cheeseburger meal, not 9 cheeseburgers! Haha
  • One of my friends is here from out of state so I lied to work and said I had to go get DS because I want to see her before she leaves and felt weird telling them why (I have plenty of PTO)
  • @shamrocandroll Ballet slippers?  :D

    Mine is 1. that I still have all my pee sticks saved underneath my bathroom sink and 2. I don't mind when people touch my bump (sure maybe some circumstances) but overall... Oh but it definitely has to be a noticeable bump not like currently when it's like is this a cheeseburger or a baby...
  • @rachelg777 I tossed my FRER's finally, but I still have a digital. IDK why. I mean, the battery will die eventually and, FFFC: it's not like I didn't take pictures of them. 😆
  • @mamaj1220 I do stuff like this all the time - even though I know my reason will get approved I make up some other reason b/c I feel bad for taking off just for personal stuff. I always feel dumb when I do, but can't stop! 
  • @rachelg777 I still have mine too haha and from DD they didn't get thrown away for like 2 years.  Not because I was keeping them on purpose necessarily, but they were just in this weird little drawer/cabinet we never use.  DH did find them a few months before we were TTC while looking for trash bags (clearly I change the bathroom trash way more often than he does lol) and briefly questioned if I had been lying to him about birth control and was pregnant which was the sign they needed thrown out.  Who knows how long I'll keep these ones lol
  • @rachelg777 Ohhh good point, I wouldn't want to confuse them with all my ballet slippers. 😂 
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @mokay19 The two cheeseburger meal is where it's at.
  • @jrouge12 I'm usually all mcnuggets all day but I've been all about the 2 cheeseburger meal this pregnancy
  • @shamrocandroll my folks have always called them “house shoes” which makes more sense. Regular shoes and house shoes works for me. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have so many things I should be doing, but just got Disney Plus, soooo I'm watching kids movies instead lol. Currently watching Aladdin, LoL.
  • @smashley09 this is what my husband and I have been doing all weekend 🤣 we're watching all the classics 
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
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