April 2020 Moms

Re: UO- 11/7

  • I've started to listen to Christmas music
  • mercury94mercury94 member
    edited November 2019
    @KFrob I keep waiting for my local station to switch to Christmas music. It’s usually the day after Thanksgiving, but Thanksgiving is so late this year, I want to start early. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
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  • Yes @smallbutmighty77. Jewish here too and it frustrating how Hanukkah barely gets represented!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Agreed with the confusion on the War on Christmas! If someone says Happy or Merry anything it's just a sign that they're wishing you well this time of year, take it as such, smile and move on! That's how I view it when people say "God Bless you" or "I'll keep you in my prayers" - this doesn't fit with my beliefs but it's their way of saying they wish you the best and are thinking of you. 
  • I love Christmas so much and already am buying new decorations and listening to the music but I totally agree that lack of representation is bullsh*t. I try to only say happy holidays because why shouldn’t I try to make sure I’m being inclusive if possible? If I know a person celebrates a specific holiday, I’ll wish them happy kwanza or such because the lack of acknowledgement really bothers me.
  • Thanks all. I appreciate when someone says happy holidays and is inclusive when possible. 
    I love that I married DH bc we do Xmas with his fam and channukah with mine so no switching off and I do love a good tree.

    But xmas is like a whole 2 months of stuff... and other holidays, that last much longer get like 4 seconds, 1 song and an aisle endcap. Do you know how much chanukah crap I would buy if people made and sold cute channukah crap?!?
    1 infant loss
    8/17: Our daughter was born
    8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
    2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 
    4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
  • My husband is an adamant, wait until after Thanksgiving to start with the Christmas decor, but this happened last night, which I think makes Christmas music appropriate... 
  • @babyrummom Snow definitely gives you the go ahead
  • Agree with @KFrob! It’s 5 degrees here today, I’m wanting some hot chocolate and Christmas decor up but I don’t have time this week. Which is weird as I’m usually the “not until after Thanksgiving!”person but I don’t think I’m waiting this year. 
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