Ladies, it seems that PGAL brain has moved on for most! I’ll get this started in case anyone wants to join in.
This thread is for those who are pregnant after a previous loss (or losses)
1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom?
2. Previous loss(es)?
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically?
4. Any appointment updates?
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up?
******TW******Siggy warning
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016

Re: PGAL check-in 11/4
12+6, 5/14, 1 DS
2. Previous loss(es)?
MC 12/2016, CP 7/2018
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically?
I've been off my progesterone for almost a week and some symptoms have gone down (bloating, sore boobs) but I still can't shake the nausea. Emotionally, I'm ok. My OB said make our next appt for 4 weeks out and that seems like forever! So far we've been seen every 2 weeks and the wait just sucks. I keep feeling like something is going to go wrong, but I also realize that everything could be fine. I'm a mess lol.
4. Any appointment updates?
I'm doing my harmony test tomorrow and my next appointment is 11/25
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
I've been able to eat a bigger variety of foods now! For a little bit everything sounded gross lol.
6. Any milestones coming up? Nope, I've passed them all
2. Previous loss(es)? 1 CP ‘12/ 1MMC Feb ‘19
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Tired. My ob put me on some bp medicine that makes me super tired, like I took a handful of benedryl but have to stay awake. I know from taking it with previous pregnancies this side effect will wear off, but woof. My nipples are so sore. They wake me up in the middle of the night because they’re mashed under me, aching.
4. Any appointment updates? Next appt is Nov 27th.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Rant: I’m grouchy and tired all the time. Rave: We’ve found another house and NIPT Panorama came back yesterday and baby is a GIRL. So excited to mix things up with all these boys in my life.
6. Any milestones coming up? 2nd trimester officially on Monday. I’m starting to relax that this LO is really going to stick. I’m so looking forward to the new adventure of having a baby girl. Gimme all the bows!
@Austenista , girl’s are so cute! I love dressing DD1! I am also having a second girl so excited to have a summer baby!
2. Previous loss(es)? 2 MMC 9weeks (2015) and 1 CP (Dec 2018)
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically?
I am over the moon, got our NIPT results and everything came back low risk. Also team pink!
4. Any appointment updates? Next week NT scan at 12w1d on Tuesday. Got my NIPT yesterday morning.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions?
6. Any milestones coming up?
Passed them all!
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
@Austenista Congrats on your baby girl! We have one of each and it's so fun to see how different they are, and how much they adore each other.
@queenklau It's such a relief to hear low risk! Congratulations on your girl!
1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 12+6/May 14th/TTM and FTM
2. Previous loss(es)? 3 MMC's and 3 CP's.
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically, I am just so tired. I thought it would start to ease up, but I think it's actually getting worse. Emotionally, I should be fine. I can get both babies HB's on the doppler, which is reassuring. But i can't make myself tell my boss. I have an appt at 14 weeks and I feel like I want the doctor to confirm they're both okay before I tell people. But you guys, I can't hide this for another week. Theres no way. I'm trying to get up the nerve to tell work today.
4. Any appointment updates? Next Friday. I'm hoping for another US since it's my first appt with the OB and maybe they do US's regularly with twins?? Mine are fraternal so lower risk. So maybe just doppler. 🤷♀️
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? We told DS and DD and they ARE SO EXCITED. It really warms my heart. And I should really get over trying to keep it a secret now that they know, because they're 3 and 5, and can't keep a secret to save their lives.
6. Any milestones coming up? Nope, I passed them all!
1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 13 weeks today! Depending who reads my chart they either say I'm due May 11 or May 13, FTM
2. Previous loss(es)? CP April 2016 & BO July 2019
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Emotionally good. Feeling optimistic. Physically today is one of the worst days I've had in awhile. I've had a headache for well over 24 hours now, I have had a hard time with frequent headaches before pregnancy and finding relief before was difficult, but now that it seems nothing is allowed in pregnancy, I'm at a loss, so I stretched, and took a hot shower, and took 2 tylenol (worthless), and had a small amount of caffeine and some gatorade and I'm stuggling on. I also threw up today for the first time. My heart goes out to all the ladies who have been puking for weeks. I was sitting at the table and my husband asked if I was ok, and I shook my head no, then got up and ran for the bathroom, ugh.
4. Any appointment updates? Had my NT scan last week and all was perfect. It was a great appointment and I really feel like there's a real baby in there now! I've slowly started telling people. The Centering Pregnancy program for my group starts next week, so that will be my first Centering appointment. My friend got some feedback for me on a local mom group online and everyone spoke very highly of it, so I'm gonna give it a shot.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My NIPT results still aren't back! I know it's within the normal time, but I feel like it's forever since I thought the blood was drawn a week and a half before it really was... so the wait continues.
6. Any milestones coming up? Not exactly, but I did suck it up and tell my boss yesterday as well as two other people I work with. I was terrified to do this for many reasons, but it went really well and they were overwhelmingly supportive and two of them cried happy tears (which made me cry).
@ruby696 good luck with your boss! You'll feel better once you get it out. Plus you won't have to try and pretend you feel great at work on days you want to crawl into a hole or run to the bathroom!
@splashmountain appointments have definitely been getting further apart, it's weird after loss and after infertility having to see the doctor several times a cycle to go to once a month (or longer) between appointments!
@Austenista and @queenklau congrats on the girls!
@pirateduck sorry about the headache! I remember when I was ku with DS I worked in the emergency room and caught cold after cold. There is nothing to take for a cold when you're pregnant! I hope you feel better soon.
@splashmountain I feel you on the waiting. I had some dull cramps all day yesterday that felt like period cramps, so I went in for a quick doppler check. Thankfully she found a HB right away and we even heard 2 kicks. My therapist told me not to be afraid to call and ask for a quick HB check when my anxiety gets really bad, and it helped a lot to hear that was not something they find to be annoying. Now to make it 5 more weeks until my AS.
Austenista Congratulations on the girl! I'm jealous of all the bows.
@ruby696 GL finding the nerve to tell your boss! I still haven't told mine. It feels wrong to tell him before my family. I had to do that last time because it was yearly goal setting time, and I felt so bad he knew before my own parents.
@pirateduck Glad you're feeling optimistic and that telling your coworkers went well. Sorry for the puking. It's the worst! Mine came back randomly for 2 days last weekend and let's just say I don't think I can eat pizza again for a while.
1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 14 today! May 7th, and 1 DS who is turning 3 in four days.
2. Previous loss(es)? MMC in Nov '18, early loss in Feb '19
3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically mostly pretty good. I was feeling good emotionally, but this morning I had a total emotional breakdown out of nowhere. Spoiler for length.
4. Any appointment updates? Nothing until my AS in 5 weeks.
5. Rants/Raves/Questions? See rant above, haha. I'd say that pretty much covers it.
6. Any milestones coming up? I passed them all! This is really happening!
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
AFM - I told my boss! Like @splashmountain said, the hormones were out of control and I almost started crying, which was awkward for me. But my boss was so excited and, with my permission, sent an email to the office so I wouldn't have to keep announcing. People will see the email this morning, so only one more day of too much attention to get through!
@shamrocandroll my husband got a new phone about a month ago, with the caveat that since I am more tech savvy that I had to get it set up and get his number on it and teach him how to use it. It seemed like a good compromise because it would mean I'd get to call him again and he wouldn't always have a dead battery and sound like he was far off in a cave if the call actually connected. This drove me over the edge and was far more difficult than I'd thought it would be and took far longer than I'd ever imagined and no matter what I couldn't get a live person to help me and I kept getting disconnected from customer service and having to start the whole process over. I had a melt down and can certainly see where you did with all the other BS on top of the phone ordeal!
My headache is finally gone! I don't feel like puking today! Today is a new day. Excluding the bad dreams I even slept last night more than usual. Now I want to fast forward to the weekend because work is a pain this time of year because we have a December 15 deadline for all our projects that we've been working on for months, so it's crunch time.
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020