April 2020 Moms

Group 1 Check-In (April 1-8) - Week of 11/4


Team Finding out/pink/blue/green:

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Re: Group 1 Check-In (April 1-8) - Week of 11/4

  • EDD/W+D: 4/6 - 18 weeks today!

    Team Finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink!

    Baby is the size of a(n): Artichoke

    Upcoming Appointments: A/S next Wednesday

    How are you feeling? Pretty good minus increasing congestion and headaches.

    Raves/Rants: DH is absolutely killing it. He has been working every day on the nursery and it is coming along so well. I can't wait to see the end result!

    Questions? Has anyone else noticed clear fluid gathering on your nipples? MY OB says it's totally normal and it's a healthy sign that my body is doing what it should but I wasn't expecting to see any nipple changes this soon!

    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure? Watching reruns of Great British Bake Off in bed with snacks. I don't really feel guilty, though.
  • *lurking from group 4* @literatureandink You're GTKY is yet another reason why we are each others spirit animal.  This is what DH and I have been doing every Friday night since the new season started!  I usually only watch the reruns when they're on PBS.
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  • I heart you @kfrob - I record all the reruns from PBS and then watch them!
  • EDD/W+D: April 3rd/ 18w3D

    Team Finding out/pink/blue/green: blue! 💙

    Baby is the size of a(n): sweet potato 

    Upcoming Appointments: 20 week ultrasound is November 18th and midwife appointment is November 26th

    How are you feeling? I’m feeling large. This belly is growing! I wake up more when trying to sleep and get sweaty at night. 

    Raves/Rants: My husband is gone all week for work! Boo! 👎🏻 But my birthday is this weekend and I’m meeting him in DC to spend my birthday weekend there! 


    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure?
    Watching the Bachelor series. It’s so stupid and I don’t know why I love it so much. 
  • @literatureandink no fluid from my nipples, but my nipples are still really sensitive!
  • EDD/W+D: April 7 / 18 weeks

    Team Finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out soon!

    Baby is the size of a(n): Sweet potato

    Upcoming Appointments: November 19 anatomy scan, December 19 for 24 weeks

    How are you feeling? Mostly feeling well, but I felt awful on Friday and Saturday. Major tension headache and neck pain and nausea. I went to the chiropractor and then had hubby work my shoulders to relax them. Feeling better now and trying to be conscious of how I hold my neck/shoulders at work to be sure it stays that way. 

    Raves/Rants: TMI? Daylight savings led to extra sexy time!

    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure? Hmmmm...probably Sour Patch Kids. If I buy them, I will eat the whole bag. There is no stopping me!

    @literatureandink I don’t have fluid, but I do have some flaking and apparently it is dried colostrum! Pretty wild that our bodies are getting ready this early. 
  • EDD/W+D: 18 wks 6 days

    Team Pink

    Baby is the size of a(n): sweet potato 

    Upcoming Appointments: November 14

    How are you feeling? Bad. I spend most of every day paranoid the baby isn’t ok because it never moves, but I feel crazy because it’s still early and obviously there’s no way to know so it’s stupid to worry. My acne is so bad that I’ve basically given up wearing makeup or brushing my hair. I told my husband yesterday that we’re not having more kids after this. 

    Raves/Rants: my coworkers kindly said nothing while I ate an entire tolberone bar at my desk over the course of today 😂


    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure? Strawberry pop tarts! And I love the soap opera General Hospital. 
  • @independentgeorge I used to be OBSESSED with GH! I might be aging myself here, but I was so obsessed with Sonny & Brenda when I was in middle school! lol
  • EDD/W+D: 18 + 1 

    Team Finding out/pink/blue/green: Blue! (just found out today)

    Baby is the size of a(n): Artichoke 

    Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan next week

    How are you feeling? Good overall! I’ve had lots of bloating in the evenings and some back pain. Acne is still there but I think better? Maybe I’m just used to it. 

    Raves/Rants: Just finished a nice 5 day stretch off work and I’m not looking forward to 6am tomorrow! I really have nothing else to complain about 😂

    Questions? When did everyone start feeling their baby move? I still can’t feel him even though he was moving like crazy in the ultrasound today. 

    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure? Long, hot baths. Especially lately.. sometimes twice a day!! It’s just so cold out. I’m going to enjoy them while I can I guess!! 
  • @independentgeorge the acne has been the worst thing about pregnancy for me so far. Worse than the first trimester nausea and fatigue. I did not expect this at all. It just makes me feel so self conscious. 
  • @kath1414 How exciting that you just found out about baby boy today! Did you have a gut feeling one way or another about whether you were carrying a boy or girl?

    To answer your question, I’ve felt some flutters, but no major moves yet, and I also know from ultrasound that baby is very active!
  • @literatureandink I missed the early Sonny Brenda days but they had a good reunion storyline in 2010/11. 

    @kath1414 glad yours is getting a little better, hopefully there is hope in store for me! My ob said I could see a dermatologist and even though there isn’t much they can do during pregnancy, they could get a plan in place for right after birth. 
  • @kath1414 I think I may have felt it once or twice when laying on my belly a couple weeks ago, but wasn’t sure. I just started feeling more frequent flutters the past couple days I’m 18w5d. I felt them More yesterday than ever, but not as much today. 
  • DD/W+D: April 3, 2020

    Team Finding out/pink/blue/green: At my last appt, doc thought it was a Girl.  So we will see.  

    Baby is the size of a(n): Mango

    Upcoming Appointments: Nov 22 A/S

    How are you feeling? Better, exhausted from teaching all day.

    Raves/Rants: This pregnancy has been hard.  I'm 37 so maybe that's it.  Others say it's because it's a girl, which according to the Dr. could be!  

    Questions?  I'm not somewhere to just shout to everyone that I'm pregnant.  I'm a pretty reserved person.  Friends/Family are getting frustrated with me not announcing on FB.  I did just figure out how to announce though and I figured, I waited this long that I'm just going to wait for the anatomy scan to announce.

    I'm a teacher and I don't announce right away and am still trying to cover up.  Some people know and some don't but I don't want to make a big deal.  I'm showing a lot sooner now that it's #3.

    GTKY: What is your guiltiest pleasure?   Oh so many.  TV - Teen shows, dramas and RomCom.  I recently started watching Dawson's Creek again.  Lol.  Also, Cheese fries and I'm supposed to be dairy free :) 

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @literatureandink she came back for a pretty long story arc! She and Sonny actually got married and there was some mystery where everyone thought she had previously had a baby with Sonny’s adult son (Sonny has like 6 kids now). So basically she would’ve been married to her baby’s grandfather 😂 turns out someone else was the dad after all. She ended up leaving Sonny because his mob career was “too dangerous” - he gets dumped for this reason constantly even though he’s been a mobster for decades. 
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