May 2020 Moms

Weekly Randoms | Nov 4-10

TTC#1 July 2015 
  • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
  • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019 
  • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20


Re: Weekly Randoms | Nov 4-10

  • @shamrocandroll Oh No!!! That's so frustrating! I think you definitely need the new phone! If it helps, my in-laws tried to use their insurance to get a new phone after my FIL broke his, and they realized it was a waste of their money, they could only get a used phone, and every one that they were sent was a lemon, and they finally just had to get an upgrade. 

    My random is that I've been totally MIA - SORRY!!! I really struggle in the first tri, plus I've had a ton of work travel, but I feel like the fog is starting to lift.
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  • @shamrocandroll Like @lfritos said, most of the time insurance isn't even worth it and they don't really just replace you phone at no cost. Anyways that sucks, but yay for getting a new phone out of it. If you can wait until Black Friday there is usually good deals at that time. Not sure what you have, but I've always upgraded my phone on BF at Walmart and get a $300-400 Walmart gift card. I have AT&T. Obviously depending on your phone and provider the deals will differ.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • @m6agua @lfritos Thanks.  I've found it worth it for newer phones, less so with older ones, which his was.  So you're probably right.  Ugh, I wish I could wait til Black Friday, but we don't have a backup phone to use until then and I need him to have a phone.  We have Verizon and their Black Friday deals are usually only for adding a line or new customers.  :neutral:
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • You could buy a cheapie pay as you go phone and have your existing phone number put on it.
  • @pirateduck I thought about that, but we'd likely just end up losing money in the long run vs just upgrading it now.  
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • Today is the day that I said I was going to tell my boss I'm pregnant.  I don't know why this makes me so nervous but it does.  I have butterflies just thinking about it and can't bring myself to do it yet...  we'll see if I spill the beans by the end of my shift.
  • DS was up every 45 minutes last night with ear pain and his pedi can’t see him until 4. I’m exhausted because all he wanted was
    me. I went out to one of our offices this morning for the monthly meeting and I’m just not feeling it today I want to be sleeping. 
  • @rox7777 I May have done that yesterday but with Ruffles Sour Cream n Onion. But I shared some with my kids so that makes it totally fine right?  :D 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Omg I'm currently obsessed with Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Aaaaand now I want a giant bag of Doritos 😂 guess its a chips kind of day
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
  • @Austenista yeah I’ve been hooked on them for 32ish years

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @jhysmath Let me know if you want other good food tips in that area! It's crazy to me that we could cross paths and not even know it, haha! I've never had anyone anywhere near me before in a BMB. 
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @shamrocandroll in my dds bmb the closest person I had was in CT for nh and in PA for when we live in ny. It's crazy seeing another nh person. 
  • I found that veggie chips makes a sour cream and onion chip so I justified it by telling myself these chips are made with some broccoli so I’m getting some of my veggies in too lol 
  • IIt's not Twatwaffle Tuesday, but I need to get this off my chest anyway haha.  Rant ahead!

    This week is so stressful with work.  I have an office job and typically work 40 hours/week, but I've been putting in 11-12 hour days lately with everything going on.  On top of that we think my daughter my have a UTI so the pediatrician asked us to take a urine sample to the lab.  Not a huge deal - we had to go through this a few months ago.  So yesterday I got up, bribed DD with Blippi and Halloween candy to pee into the cup and tried to take it to the lab.  Online it said the lab opened at 7 so I was going to drop before work, but I got there and they weren't open until 7:30.  I decided to drive to work (I have a 45 min+ commute and wanted to avoid traffic by going earlier) and drop off at a lab closer to work.  I get there and walk in, the lady took one look at me and then yells loudly enough that everyone else waiting can hear "WE CAN'T ACCEPT THAT!" because I used an "at home" container (brand new and clean - obviously).  She made this huge stink about how it wasn't sterile and I was a shitty person even though the lab last time accepted our container from home.  So then I walked out and sat in my car and cried.  I made it to work and was trying to keep my shit together before a meeting when my work bestie walked over and asked what was wrong. I started hysterically crying again with some laughing mixed in as I tried to explain why I was crying and assure her that nothing was truly horribly wrong even though my face made it seem like it was.  I was basically crying or on the verge of tears the entire day over this stupid witch at the lab.  Partially because I had to try and convince my 2 year old to pee in a new cup again, partially because it meant another day of waiting on answers since I couldn't get it to the lab again until this morning, but mainly because she was just so freaking rude when she could've been nice.  Pregnancy hormones are fun.
  • @bananapanda Awww, I'm really sorry.  What a terrible way to treat someone!  I'm glad you were able to get her to go again.  I hope she feels better soon!  
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @bananapanda I was just talking to my H about this the other day about why it seems like you’re always having to fight someone for everything. Nothing is ever simple. Someone is always being unnecessarily rude. It’s just exhausting. Sorry you had such a terrible day because of that awful woman. So unnecessary. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @bananapanda omg! that's terrible. I would have been like "fine... then give me the "sterile" cup and i'll pour it in!". I'm sorry she was so rude :(
  • I hope everyone voted!
  • @mamaqdubu haha I did consider that for sure!
  • Target released their black Friday deals via email today. Looks like they'll have 50% off some car seats and other baby gear!
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
  • 50% off carseats is so worth it! @heyybritt

    I am in the field from now until Thanksgiving. I'm trying to keep the nausea under control.

    I don't know where else to post this but randoms, so I was wondering if internet strangers would want to weigh in on my doctor and her care. lol

    I asked for a tubal after baby. My previous OBGYN (who I absolutely adored and has delivered every single one of my other babies and been the only OBGYN I've ever had) was going to try to use my epidural from labor assuming it stuck to do the tubal so she wouldn't have to put me under. I had a terrible time coming out of anesthesia with my gallbladder surgery between DD1 and DD2. New doctor not only doesn't want to do that. She doesn't want to do the tubal the day I have Bean or the day after. She wants me to wait 2.5-6 months after delivery to "make sure I'm sure"..... LO will be Baby #4. I am sure.
    I went into the first appointment knowing she wasn't my previous doctor and trying to curb my expectations, but she just really fell flat. She tried to dissuade me from genetic testing "unless you'd terminate based on results" and just I really don't like her very much.
    Am I being crazy? My other options to deliver in the same hospital are two male doctors (i've never seen a male OBGYN before but I think after three babies I wouldn't care who was catching him/her. I just don't think I want this current doctor in charge of my care for the next six months). At the same time, I could switch and still end up with her on delivery day depending on if I go MOTN and she's on call.
  • @tattoosandlace unless there is a legit medical reason not to do the tubal at birth, I feel like she kinda has to.  What if you had some sort of counseling on the topic prior?  I'm sure she just wants to cover all her bases.

    In terms of genetic testing, I got the feeling from my doctor that it's standard if you are over 35, but I'm not sure what he'd say if I was younger.

    As far as a male or female OBGYN, I used to opt for women, and at some point in life I changed and decided that they all have the same training and are all professional and I shouldn't be biased...  so now actually my current RE and my current OBGYN are both men.  They are my favorite doctors I've ever had.  I realized it is the personality/bedside manner of the doctor that was more important in making me comfortable in my interactions with them.  I have had a doctor I didn't like/mesh with before.  I switched doctors and it was one of the best decisions I'd made.  My new doctor sets my mind at ease and I feel better about things after every visit.  My old doctor would leave me feeling stressed/anxious/with lots of questions, and sometimes near tears.  If you aren't thrilled with your OB I would definitely try one of the others at the practice.  If you end up not liking him or feeling uncomfortable after an appointment you can always switch back.
  • @TattoosandLace it sounds like you should trust your gut here. From your post it doesn't sound like you are meshing with this OB very well. I would hope that as this is your 4th your doctor would trust that you know what you want, and the second guessing is not going to make you comfortable if that's how she is going to approach your whole pregnancy. 
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
  • @TattoosandLace It sounds strange to me. I mentioned a tubal to my OB at my first appointment and she said if I have a VBAC she will schedule it for 12 weeks post partum. If I end up needing a repeat CS she’s going to do it during the surgery.  She said it’s easier on the body that way and I can just recover all at once. I’m 28 and this is baby number 3 and she didn’t even question if I was sure or needed time to think on it. I’m surprised that she would mention thinking on it with 4 kids. My doctors only requirement is that you be over the age of 25 OR have at least 3 kids. 
  • @TattoosandLace I have a good friend who had a tubal at the end of her c-section. I think she had a spinal, not an epidural, but she was awake for it. She'd just delivered her second and she wasn't given a hard time for it. Given your doctors stance on the tubal and the genetic testing, it sounds like she has a personal agenda she pushes on her patients.

    FWIW, I think it's ridiculous and offensive to say you shouldn't do genetic testing unless you were going to terminate - especially coming from a doctor. Personally, I think it's RESPONSIBLE to find out if your baby has any medical needs prior to birth so you can potentially have the necessary team ready to go. Or plan for childcare and school options. I've never had a male OB, but I'd switch to one in a heartbeat if I were you.
  • @TattoosandLace A) That is not her decision to make.  It's your family and your decision.  Eff that.  B) WTAF to "unless you'd terminate base don results"?  Umm that is NOT the only reason for NIPT.  I'm giving a big side eye to that OB right now.  I would 100% switch.
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • Has anyone ever used a website or app for this? To get friends,  family, and social media friends involved in guessing the sex and other facts about the baby? If so, which site or app did you use or like?

    Not saying I'm considering...just curious. 
  • Thank you, everyone. I weaned off a good sized dose of an anxiety/depression medication when I found out I was pregnant which is why I wanted to do the genetic testing (along with being adopted myself and only having bits and pieces of my biological family's medical history). If there were to be something flag, I would deliver in a larger city (2.5 hours away) versus the current hospital choice 1h15m away. I guess I just needed reassurance that I wasn't making a drastic, crazy decision. I think I will keep my NOv 11th appointment with her and see if I can get it with the one of the other doctors afterwards. I've heard good things about both. I also may or may not have had a conversation with my husband about going to TX where my old OBGYN was so that we could stick to our delivery/tubal plan. He made mention that the drive from our house to her city is the entire time I was in labor with our last.... sooo.... I guess that's out of the question. LOL
  • @TattoosandLace It is definitely worth doing if it would impact what hospital you deliver at.  That is a big deal.  I also would have to deliver in the city 2 hours away if there is anything out of the ordinary discovered between now and then.  My regular OB/hospital is only equipped to handle so much.  Also in the city here they have you deliver across the street from the children's hospital so that if the baby needs to go to surgery or the NICU it's right there.  
  • I just came back from viewing a local daycare center. The center itself was nice, clean, and safe from an objective point of view. Price wasn’t crazy either. I brought my mom with me to ask any questions I didn’t think of...
    Anyway, the second we got to the car I cried my eyes out. This is my first and I just don’t think I can drop off an infant at daycare and then go try and teach all day long. 
    So tonight I have the challenging job of trying to convince my husband a nanny is a better option for us for now. 
    I know I’m hormonal but I think I’ll feel the same in a few months idk. 
  • ruby696ruby696 member
    edited November 2019
    @babyfoxden10 I don't think it will be much easier with a nanny. Leaving them is HARD. Regardless of which option you choose, I highlu recommend starting before your leave is over. Two hours. Then four hours. Then a couple half days. It really helps.

    Eta: words
  • @babyfoxden10 I don’t think it’s just hormones, leaving your kiddo is so so hard. Even just the thought of it. I’m also already dreading the first few weeks back at work after this baby. 🙈 But I second @ruby696 I’m don’t think it’s easier with a nanny (I’ve had both daycare and a nanny). 
  • @babyfoxden10 It really does suck leaving them. I cried for a week leading up to leaving DD. She was 14 weeks old. Thankfully I worked my schedule out with my principal and traded study hall duty with lunch duty so that my lunch and prep were back to back and went to see my daughter and bf her every day. We have our friend who has a son 2 months older than our daughter watch her. It worked out well until this year because now she's taking classes at the college that is an hour away and she's pregnant due in February, so two days a week we have some other person watching our daughter and because she is exhausted from being pregnant and watching 3 1.5 year olds during the day I don't think my daughter gets as much attention anymore. In January we will be switching her to an in home daycare. We've told our friend it's because we want her to be able to enjoy her new bundle of joy, but really my daughter needs more stimulation and less screen time. 
  • I might be the odd one out but I feel so much more comfortable with daycare than a nanny...I like the regulations daycares have and the fact that there are multiple people with eyes on what's going on. However, I do think it's important to love your daycare center. The first one DS was in when he 3 months so was amazing - it was ran by a Nepalese family and all the women working there were like wise Nepalese grandmothers who just exuded motherly love. I knew DS was getting the absolute best care there. I also was able to work out my schedule to go and BF in the middle of the day, but I stopped doing that after a month or so because I felt like it was harder on DS for me to leave him twice during than day rather than once. 

    I would say check out a few centers, interview nannies, and whenever you feel that connection with someone you will know it's the right fit for your family. 
  • @babyfoxden10 I felt the same way when I was pregnant and up until I went back to work at 10 weeks.  After spending every second with my baby for her whole 10 weeks of life I had to drop her off with a stranger who didn't know her at all or know what she wanted or needed.  I went back to work on a Friday so I only had to go one day without her and then have the weekend.  I made DH do drop off because I knew I couldn't handle it.  I did cry that morning, but honestly I was really glad to get back to work and talk to co-workers and enjoy some adult time that within the first day or two I realized it was actually a good thing.  Our daycare also has an app where they post updates through the day which I didn't even know was a thing when I started looking (maybe they all do this?) and the teachers understand how hard the first day is and posted lots of pictures and videos of her happy which helped tremendously!

    @chewie5990 I'm with you on thinking a daycare center seems better due to all the people and regulations.  You might find one bad apple here or there, but overall the majority of teachers there love the kids and will watch out for them and speak up if something is going on.  I also agree that once you find the right daycare it will just feel right and make you a lot more comfortable.  If something doesn't feel right trust your gut!
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