Just me? Apparently after sleeping well for a few weeks, the middle of the night waking is back. Last night, I rolled over around 2am and started thinking about my to-do list around the house and at work. I didn’t fall back asleep for a few hours. Tonight, I had to pee, and while I don’t really have as much on my mind, I’ve been tossing and turning for a half an hour already. Wishing you all good rest!
Was sleeping great but 2 nights in a row of 4am for me! This am, DH got up to catch an early flight so that’s partly a reason but I was up even before his alarm! Fingers crossed we all get a few more Zzz before morning!
DS is 16 months and going through some kind of phase. He usually sleeps through the night but for the past couple nights keeps waking up at 2-3 am and won’t go back to sleep. I’m really so tired.
@emsned Hi. Also awake. DS tried to climb our dog just before bedtime. She moved and they bonked heads. He fell. He’s okay, but he has a little bump on his head and some small scratches on his face. I felt so awful that I didn’t get to him to stop it, so I let him sleep in our bed. He loves it, but he moves around a lot, so I usually don’t sleep through the night when he’s with us.
I haven't had insomnia in a few weeks but now I wake up I would say close to 10 times a night due to discomfort. I swear I've tried every pillow combination at this point. Sleeping on my side causes me to wake up with searing hip pain. Its too early to start sleeping on the couch right.....????
@liligirl87 I say do what works! It’s better to move now if you’re losing sleep or feeling lots of pain. I’m gonna have to start using a body pillow soon because I’m getting really uncomfortable in all positions.
Re: November Night Owls
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20