Feeling pretty good. Mostly just dealing with constipation(which sucks for someone who has been hospitalized for bowel issues in the past). Also hungrier. I eat 2 breakfasts most mornings.
Feeling pretty good except a new symptom the last week has been numbness in my left leg. I noticed it a few times when I was sitting but the second i moved it wore off. Today its been constantly kinda numb and tingly. Anyone else experience this? Also the headache today is real...calling it a halloween hangover.
Morning sickness has stuck around until almost week 15 now. Unfortunately my doctor said this means it could very well last the whole pregnancy...not so fun! Also, say bye to flats because wearing them to work means I come home aching from the hips to the ankles! Starting to get the smallest bump which means time to say my final farewell to regular clothes. Maternity clothing here I come.
Food aversions are starting to wear off! I had chicken tonight and actually enjoyed it! I'm getting a bit more energy, but still definitely need a nap every day. Lightly headachy off and on, which is being aggravated by the neck tension I deal with as an ongoing thing. Excited that being out of first tri means I can go get a massage though! I have the snackies all the time, and still dealing with a bit of nausea, but haven't gotten sick sick for awhile. Feeling really stiff in my hips and lower back so I think it's time to look up some good stretching routines. Still have to pee all the time. I also have been prone to getting chilly all of a sudden, which is not nice now that it's getting so cold out!
@jd614 I've had that a couple times, also occasionally in my arms. I know for legs sometimes the uterus can push a bit on the sciatic nerve so you can get tingly in the leg
Almost 18 weeks and feeling pretty good! Nausea gone and I like food again but I’m not yet crazy hungry. I do get more headaches but Tylenol seems to do the trick. I still like my naps but have much more energy back in general. The only negatives are constipation and some lower back pain if I stand or sit for too long.
A bit of back pain but I started prenantal yoga and have a massage Monday so hopefully that helps. Cramping off and on as well.
Still have acne but the last few days it’s significantly cleared so here’s to hoping it stays away!
I’m currently feeling yucky (and guilty!) from all the Halloween candy I’ve ate! I bought so much and we had hardly any kids. I’m planning on giving it away to my friends so I don’t eat it!!
Hip pain and lower back pain are getting pretty bad. Mostly, I’m tired. I’ve had some more energy than I did early on, but I basically want to just lay down as soon as I get home from work.
@lmac92 Is the morning sickness getting any better, or still as bad as it was at the worst? I saw my OB yesterday (I'm 16+ weeks) and told her mine isn't totally gone yet. She said she'd be very surprised if it lasted my whole pregnancy and we'll touch base about it when I see her again in two weeks. I've read that it's usually worst in first trimester, and then gone completely by 18 weeks or so.
@aresee I’d say it’s better! I’ve never actually thrown up past the morning. Early in the morning when I’m getting ready I usually vomit because I can’t get food into me quick enough or because the food I ate didn’t settle. It’s always been the worst then. First trimester I mostly battled food aversions through the day and being hungry would make me gag or unable to eat. That’s now gone. But first thing in the morning hasn’t really changed for me. This gives me hope that maybe it won’t last the whole pregnancy! Thank you!!
@aresee My first pregnancy the all day MS went away sometime during the early 2nd tri and I ended up throwing up most mornings and then it was gone the rest of the day. That seems to be the case this time for me so far.
@Kathryn0903 the constipation sucks! I’m thankful my dr gave the ok for Benefiber which is what I used pre-pregnancy when I had issues.
@jd614 Last pregnancy I would have a numb feeling in my left outer thigh. As @korthouse mentioned it could be sciatica. I’ve gone to a chiropractor for neck issues in the past and now typically go every 3-4 months for an adjustment. He helped with my sciatica during/after my last pregnancy. I’ll continue to go during this pregnancy as well. I understand it’s a personal decision as DH thinks chiropractors are a waste of time but I get real relief.
I am getting more headaches this pregnancy and usually just some Tylenol and water will knock it out. Today was a bad headache that Tylenol didn’t help and overall I just didn’t feel well. I took a two hour nap on the couch and felt better!
@mandarenee898 I've had a headache like that today too! Tylenol didn't seem to help at all, but I also had a really busy work day on my feet so I think baby was trying to tell me to slow down
@lmac92 Fingers crossed for us both! I know there are definitely women who are sick the whole time, but it was helpful for me to know it's not uncommon for it to last well into the second trimester. Feel better!
So tired. Exhaustion is real here. I am also on the eating train, so I feel like I am gaining way faster than my last 2. Ugh. Doesn't help heading into winter/holidays and all the good food! Like, its 20 out- I don't want a salad!
TW: 1 infant loss 8/17: Our daughter was born 8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass 2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
I'm having lower back pains too. I also woke up two nights with bad leg cramps, it was so painful. I started massaging my calves before bed and wearing socks and that seems to help so far. My appetite has gone up significantly and I'm waking up to some very good hair days i must say lol
I wake up in the middle of the night so hot and sweaty! It’s gross! My belly is no longer able to be hidden and I think I’ve been feeling the baby flutter about in there.
@babyrummom yes! The night sweats are gross. I feel like my cleavage just got out of the shower.
I'm having too many sexy dreams. Which I normally wouldn't complain about, but they wake me up frustrated and it takes forever to get back to sleep and then the cycle starts all over again! And I'm not going to wake up DH at 4 in the morning when he has to go to work. 😑
I’ve been waking up hot and sweaty in the middle of the night the last few nights too! I didn’t throw up this morning so I’m hoping that goes away permanently. However, the heartburn is starting and last pregnancy I had it so bad I slept upright for the last month+!
@mandarenee898 My mother swears by apple cider vinegar for heartburn. I think she had a tablespoon or so in water before a meal (or at least before dinner) during pregnancy. I’m not experiencing it yet, but it’s only a matter of time!
@mandarenee898 Add me to the heartburn list. Kept me up quite a bit last night. I had it really bad with DS (and he was born with a bunch of hair in case anyone is wondering). I’ve also experienced sleeping upright to help relieve it.
@jenabary thank you! I will try that. I try not to take Tums very often because they can add to the constipation. Last pregnancy I was on Zantac 150 2X a day but with the recent news stuff about Zantac my dr this time has me doing Pepcid AC 1x a day for now. I much prefer trying the Apple Cider Vinegar!!!
@mercury94 My Dr last pregnancy mentioned how true the old wives tale was as DD had a head full of dark hair.
I had super night sweats later in first trimester/earlier in second trimester but thank GOD it seems to have calmed down. If I have a really intense dream, I still wake up sweaty. And my sweat is more pungent, disgustingly...anyone else?
I've been waking up feeling hot as well, but I don't have the sweats. I'm usually hot and parched, and ending up needing a glass of water before I can go back to sleep! The dreams are getting vivid!
I had a couple of days of what felt like the start of heartburn, just gassy overall and uncomfortable if I don't eat regularly.
The increased smell has started. Was in the bathroom taking a bath with the door shut and fan on and I start smelling popcorn. Come out and DH is eating popcorn.
Seriously not supposed to need MOTN threads yet, but here I am. Dog woke me up at 12:30 and now it's 2! Least I'm WFH tmrw. It would be nice to get a full nights sleep soon.
TW: 1 infant loss 8/17: Our daughter was born 8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass 2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old 4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
I traded in exhaustion for feeling physically weak. I'll have a day where I feel great and then a day where I'm weak and get light headed easily. I don't think I getting enough proteins...
My hands have been super cold lately and my skin really dry now that it's colder weather. The backs of my hands especially!
@KFrob Same here. All of a sudden this week I've been craving protein-rich foods and I've noticed I can go longer without eating in terms of nausea, but if I do I get very weak and tired and faint.
@jenabary finally bought some Apple Cider Vinegar and tried it before having a hot sub with onions, peppers, mushrooms and jalapeños. I didn’t end up having to take Tums after so I think it did the trick! Woohoo!!
I can't conplain, as this baby/pregnancy has been really good to me so far! 18 weeks 2 days and started feeling fluttering movements during the 17th week. My partner was lucky to feel a nice strong one too!
Symptoms: a few random intense headaches (like skull is in a vice grip!), uterus has been mildly crampy the entire pregnancy, hip pains at night that wake me up sometimes and need to take tylenol, gotta watch my back as it's been easy to pull and have had a few days where it felt like something was wrong with my sciatic nerve. A couple of dizzy spells. But overall my symptoms are not happening all day/everyday and very mangeable.
@paigemea Hip pain!! Yes! It wakes me up multiple times a night. I also have issues with my lower back, so I think that's part of it. I'm also still not used to sleeping on my side, I think because I was hippy to begin with. Now that I'm out of first tri I'm thinking of seeing a massage therapist for that along with a chronic know in my neck. Long overdue!
My nose has been so stuffy lately. I don’t know if it is just allergies or pregnancy related, but it’s annoying! I take Claritin, but it doesn’t do a ton. A couple of time this weekend, I woke up in the middle of the night so stuffed up. Also, some bleeding in my nose, not full nosebleeds, but when I blow my nose.
If you haven't started already, sleep with a pillow between your legs, or even better, bend your top knee and put the pillow under it while your bottom leg stays straight, if that makes sense.
Re: November Symptoms
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@jd614 I've had that a couple times, also occasionally in my arms. I know for legs sometimes the uterus can push a bit on the sciatic nerve so you can get tingly in the leg
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
My appetite has gone up significantly and I'm waking up to some very good hair days i must say lol
My belly is no longer able to be hidden and I think I’ve been feeling the baby flutter about in there.
I'm having too many sexy dreams. Which I normally wouldn't complain about, but they wake me up frustrated and it takes forever to get back to sleep and then the cycle starts all over again! And I'm not going to wake up DH at 4 in the morning when he has to go to work. 😑
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@mercury94 My Dr last pregnancy mentioned how true the old wives tale was as DD had a head full of dark hair.
I had a couple of days of what felt like the start of heartburn, just gassy overall and uncomfortable if I don't eat regularly.
Trying to sleep on my side to alleviate some of the pain
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
@KFrob Same here. All of a sudden this week I've been craving protein-rich foods and I've noticed I can go longer without eating in terms of nausea, but if I do I get very weak and tired and faint.
Symptoms: a few random intense headaches (like skull is in a vice grip!), uterus has been mildly crampy the entire pregnancy, hip pains at night that wake me up sometimes and need to take tylenol, gotta watch my back as it's been easy to pull and have had a few days where it felt like something was wrong with my sciatic nerve. A couple of dizzy spells. But overall my symptoms are not happening all day/everyday and very mangeable.