Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Team BLUE!! 😍💙💙💙
Baby is the size of a(n): banana
Upcoming appts: 20 week OB check up tomorrow
How are you feeling?: I’ve been sick off and on for the past 3 weeks with cold and sinus crap but I feel like I’m starting to get my energy back and feel healthy again. Heartburn is getting pesky and tums are my best friend.
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza logs— so bad!
Rants/Raves/Questions: Woo hoo! We have reached the halfway point, know then gender, and have started to refer to baby by his name (Walter). I’m overwhelmed starting to think about planning the nursery. It’s all starting to get really real.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: So many... I always loved trick or treating or haunted houses/ hayrides and can’t wait to share those experiences with our child someday. 💙💙💙
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out/not telling
Baby is the size of a(n): dollar bill
Upcoming appts: one week from today
How are you feeling?: finally alright?
Cravings/Aversions: still aversioning to garlicky/spicy foods--and just keeping away from most things that cause heartburn, like tomatoes. As for cravings, fruit and chocolate and--I feel like I have very few options for beverages, so I am gravitating towards craving beverages that I shouldn't have bc of the heartburn (orange juice, soda)
Rants/Raves/Questions: I wish more people tagged other ppl who posted before them in our weekly updates, that would bring me back to this thread and it would seem like more of a conversation than an info dump. I had a good time traveling this weekend, but I feel like I am still exhausted from that and might never recover.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: My brother and I would trade Halloween candy after we were done T&Ting & definitely that.
@kagesstarshroom I think there are less convos in this week bc we have a smaller group? I think almost everyone (that actually contributes to this board) is in group 2 ha.
@faithoverfear716 Oh man, I am so paranoid about catching anything being pregnant. That really sucks you’ve been so sick but 🙌🏼 that you’re getting better! I too was going to ask you what a pizza log
@kagesstarshroom yeah group 2 is always poppin’!! I like to read everyone’s updates tho! I go on other groups just to read lol
EDD/W+D: 3/24; 19w1d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): mango I guess? but these fruit comparisons really don’t seem so accurate
Upcoming appts: Monday for 20w checkup
How are you feeling?: So so fatigued from morning to night. I wake up fifty times throughout the night but I don’t know if that’s what’s making me fatigued or just being pregnant. Not feeling the second tri energy people talk about tho that’s for sure.
Cravings/Aversions: Chocolate and cakes and cookies. But I decided starting this week I’m limiting treats to once a week bc I’m higher risk for gestational diabetes having PCOS and already feel kind of funky after eating candy, ice cream etc.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Rant: Had our anatomy scan today, very underwhelming and actually anxiety provoking experience. It was just the ultrasound tech taking pictures for 45min which only my husband could see from where he was sitting. Then for 2 minutes I got to see baby, confirmed sex, and got some pics. Now I have to wait for the results. Raves: we go to New York next week! First time, I’m excited.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: as a kid, trick or treating for sure. But as an adult, dressing up in epic costumes. I use to spend hundreds on my costumes and most likely will again once baby is here lol
@mrsc918 I am sorry that the anatomy scan was underwhelming =/ How long do you have to wait for results? Also, give me all the cookies as well please and thank you. Though I am limiting my wants in favor of my needs as much as I can...
@silverhope I think I am super spoiled by my time on TTGP where everyone was super supportive and responsive in terms of tags in the dailies.
@kagesstarshroom I think overall our board is a little dead based on what I experienced last time. It does seem to be picking up a bit though, I think! I think it’ll hopefully pick up even more when/if we transition to FB.
@kagesstarshroom I hear what you’re saying, but I also find it overwhelming trying to keep up on all the threads. Also I feel like I was sort of absent for a week and now there are a bunch of people becoming more active that I didn’t really notice before. I sort of wish there was just one thread to keep track of. Haha.
@faithoverfear716 add me to the chorus of “wtf is a pizza log?” Hahaha
@mrsc918 sorry you’re not feeling great. I definitely have more energy than first tri but I’m really not feeling the “burst” of energy people describe in second tri.
EDD/W+D: 3/20 19+5
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: pink probably (will confirm on Tuesday!)
Baby is the size of a(n): mango
Upcoming appts: anatomy scan next Tuesday!
How are you feeling?: Shitty tbh. I’ve had a cough for 5 weeks. It’s gotten better but still isn’t great, and the last two weeks I’ve also been super congested. Then this weekend I bruised my tailbone so sitting hurts bad, and getting up hurts worse. Pregnancy-wise I am fine, though.
Cravings/Aversions: None in particular.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Loving feeling baby movements regularly! But starting to really freak out about actually having a baby. Lol. Also I really need to work out my maternity leave.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: trick or treating with my friends and my sister. My neighborhood always made a big deal out of it and had a parade with cider and donuts.
@kagesstarshroom yea, I’m definitely one of those people that pretty much sucks at tagging, etc. My last birth month group moved to FB in the third tri and that interface is a little more user-friendly, tho of course not everyone uses FB, so that can be a bummer. I think the main factor limiting my social media use is the fact that I don’t like to use my phone much in front of my kid and I try to be Mostly Productive during her naps. And, while I work part time, I’m a hospital nurse and my job doesn’t allow for a whole lot of phone use either. I try to comment when I feel like I have something useful to say! But even then I don’t always make it back around to have a convo, and the bump not really have notifications on mobile doesn’t help.
Iwas waiting until today to post my update since our a/s was today.
EDD/W+D: 3/18, 20w1d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: PINK!!!!! I just found out. I was so positive it was a boy bc I thought I saw a penis at the NT scan. I am sooooo happy. Still processing bc for the last 8 wks I was just sure it was a boy.
Baby is the size of a(n): axolotl (acc Ovia app)
Upcoming appts: I think third wk of Nov. so a while.
How are you feeling?: I’m just so happy it’s a girl! I’m so shocked. I can’t really think of anything else.
Cravings/Aversions: Would really like oreos right now but none are in the house and it is raining. Womp womp.
Rants/Raves/Questions: not right now :-) Just happy.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: I made this Q and still don’t have a good answer ha. I had fun when younger and partying in NYC in my hoe costumes And today was super cute bc my local mom friends and I did a joint baby costume for Halloween and we got some cute pics (the best you can with 5 under 2 year olds running around ha).
@orbmaker I hate that the mobile doesn't have notifications! I rarely use it, and in the past have just pulled up the desktop version on my iPad, like, when we were traveling or something.
@silverhope Aw yay! I'm glad you're so happy over yr baby girl! We confirm sex at our appt. next week & I'm excited. Not telling anyone til after the holidays though...
@silverhope Yay for baby GIRL!!! I had an elective ultrasound at 14 weeks saying girl, and I was terrified I’d go to the a/s and find out she was actually a HE and I’d be out like $450 that I’ve already spent on nonrefundable clothes and wallpaper for a girl LOL!!!
also, dangit. Now I want Oreos!! and I third the hoe costumes - good times! Lol!!
@orbmaker my last BMB moved to fb in the second tri and we still connect on fb regularly/daily. I like it much better. But I get that people prefer to remain anonymous a little longer than that.
Re: Group 3 Check In (3/17-3/24) Halloween Week
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Team BLUE!! 😍💙💙💙
Baby is the size of a(n): banana
Upcoming appts: 20 week OB check up tomorrow
How are you feeling?: I’ve been sick off and on for the past 3 weeks with cold and sinus crap but I feel like I’m starting to get my energy back and feel healthy again. Heartburn is getting pesky and tums are my best friend.
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza logs— so bad!
Rants/Raves/Questions: Woo hoo! We have reached the halfway point, know then gender, and have started to refer to baby by his name (Walter). I’m overwhelmed starting to think about planning the nursery. It’s all starting to get really real.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: So many... I always loved trick or treating or haunted houses/ hayrides and can’t wait to share those experiences with our child someday. 💙💙💙
EDD/W+D: 3/21 19w4d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out/not telling
Baby is the size of a(n): dollar bill
Upcoming appts: one week from today
How are you feeling?: finally alright?
Cravings/Aversions: still aversioning to garlicky/spicy foods--and just keeping away from most things that cause heartburn, like tomatoes. As for cravings, fruit and chocolate and--I feel like I have very few options for beverages, so I am gravitating towards craving beverages that I shouldn't have bc of the heartburn (orange juice, soda)
Rants/Raves/Questions: I wish more people tagged other ppl who posted before them in our weekly updates, that would bring me back to this thread and it would seem like more of a conversation than an info dump. I had a good time traveling this weekend, but I feel like I am still exhausted from that and might never recover.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: My brother and I would trade Halloween candy after we were done T&Ting & definitely that.
@kagesstarshroom I think there are less convos in this week bc we have a smaller group? I think almost everyone (that actually contributes to this board) is in group 2 ha.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@kagesstarshroom yeah group 2 is always poppin’!! I like to read everyone’s updates tho! I go on other groups just to read lol
EDD/W+D: 3/24; 19w1d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): mango I guess? but these fruit comparisons really don’t seem so accurate
Upcoming appts: Monday for 20w checkup
How are you feeling?: So so fatigued from morning to night. I wake up fifty times throughout the night but I don’t know if that’s what’s making me fatigued or just being pregnant. Not feeling the second tri energy people talk about tho that’s for sure.
Cravings/Aversions: Chocolate and cakes and cookies. But I decided starting this week I’m limiting treats to once a week bc I’m higher risk for gestational diabetes having PCOS and already feel kind of funky after eating candy, ice cream etc.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Rant: Had our anatomy scan today, very underwhelming and actually anxiety provoking experience. It was just the ultrasound tech taking pictures for 45min which only my husband could see from where he was sitting. Then for 2 minutes I got to see baby, confirmed sex, and got some pics. Now I have to wait for the results. Raves: we go to New York next week! First time, I’m excited.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: as a kid, trick or treating for sure. But as an adult, dressing up in epic costumes. I use to spend hundreds on my costumes and most likely will again once baby is here lol
@silverhope I think I am super spoiled by my time on TTGP where everyone was super supportive and responsive in terms of tags in the dailies.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@mrsc918 sorry you’re not feeling great. I definitely have more energy than first tri but I’m really not feeling the “burst” of energy people describe in second tri.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: pink probably (will confirm on Tuesday!)
Baby is the size of a(n): mango
Upcoming appts: anatomy scan next Tuesday!
How are you feeling?: Shitty tbh. I’ve had a cough for 5 weeks. It’s gotten better but still isn’t great, and the last two weeks I’ve also been super congested. Then this weekend I bruised my tailbone so sitting hurts bad, and getting up hurts worse. Pregnancy-wise I am fine, though.
Cravings/Aversions: None in particular.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Loving feeling baby movements regularly! But starting to really freak out about actually having a baby. Lol. Also I really need to work out my maternity leave.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: trick or treating with my friends and my sister. My neighborhood always made a big deal out of it and had a parade with cider and donuts.
EDD/W+D: 3/18, 20w1d
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: PINK!!!!! I just found out. I was so positive it was a boy bc I thought I saw a penis at the NT scan. I am sooooo happy. Still processing bc for the last 8 wks I was just sure it was a boy.
Baby is the size of a(n): axolotl (acc Ovia app)
Upcoming appts: I think third wk of Nov. so a while.
How are you feeling?: I’m just so happy it’s a girl! I’m so shocked. I can’t really think of anything else.
Cravings/Aversions: Would really like oreos right now but none are in the house and it is raining. Womp womp.
Rants/Raves/Questions: not right now :-) Just happy.
GTKY: What’s your favorite Halloween memory?: I made this Q and still don’t have a good answer ha. I had fun when younger and partying in NYC in my hoe costumes
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@silverhope Aw yay! I'm glad you're so happy over yr baby girl! We confirm sex at our appt. next week & I'm excited. Not telling anyone til after the holidays though...
also, dangit. Now I want Oreos!! and I third the hoe costumes - good times! Lol!!
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20