Trouble TTC

Introduction post

Hi All, this is my first time on a forum. I am 36yo and so is my DH and we are TTC for 2 years. I have been seeing a RE for the last 6 months. I underwent a hysteroscopy end of July 2019 and the Dx was they opened up the right tube and gave me medication for insulin resistance. Oct 2019 RE put me on clomid 50 mg from day 5-9. Today is day 16 and I had my first IUI. And now for the TWW. I would like to give and get support here. I am sending lot of luck to everyone TTC.

Re: Introduction post

  • Welcome again!! We are kinda quiet right now with several of our regular members taking a break, so while I hate you are here, it’s nice to have the company!!  You and I are in fairly similar boats — we are 35 & ttc#1 for quite a while.  I started with 50mg clomid in days 3-7 and now I do 100mg, and I am on IUI 3.5 (3 successful in that they could do the IUI, one failed because of hubby having unusually low sperm count that day). 

    Glad you joined our weekly thread and jump in (that’s probably the best place) with any questions or concerns or rants about how long that dang TWW is! 
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