My TW for the day is the office staff at my OB's office. Last week when I was in my OB said to call back one day this week and she will fill out the request for me to do the blood draw for NIPT since she wanted me to wait until 12 weeks but needed to know exactly what day I was going to fill out the paperwork. I'll be 12w tomorrow and so I tried calling to see if I could pick it up today and then go to the lab tomorrow. They now have a 5 minute long recording saying they don't answer their phone just leave a message and they'll get back to you in 24-48 hours. And also don't call and leave more than one message or they won't call you back. Super frustrated but also I love my OB and don't want to switch, but why can't the office staff be better? And answer the dang phones??
My body. I'm getting a UTI already. I did with my other two pregnancies, but both times it wasn't until 3rd tri. I was really hoping I could hold one off that long again.
My stupid work computer, it updated for over 3 hours yesterday and today needed to update other apps. Luckily our IT guy got me a new one and it should be here tomorrow though yet again I’ll be without a computer for part of the day.
Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday 10/29
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019