May 2020 Moms

Ten Things Tuesday 10/22

What 10 things are you grateful for this Tuesday?
Me: 35 | H: 40
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP!  8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

Re: Ten Things Tuesday 10/22

  • 1. To be 10+2! 
    2. Maternity jeans to make the blump more comfortable and flowy tops to hide it.
    3. Morning sickness lessening in the morning (still a hot mess at night).
    4. Daniel Tiger for holding DD's attention when I just can't. 
    5. Popsicles 
    6. Watermelon 
    7. DH for picking up my slack.
    8. DD.
    9. Fall things.
    10. The Bump to distract me from work.
  • 1. Being pregnant
    2. MH, who is awesome
    3. Maternity clothes.
    4. All the food.
    5. My kids
    6. My coworkers, who are pretending not to notice how huge I am.
    7. My friends who say they will still spend time with us, even though we'll have four kids 😂
    8. My parents
    9. Bedtime. So grateful every night.
    10. Books. Because I love them and reading gives me an excuse to sit down.
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  • 1. Today I am pregnant!
    2. Sweater weather for hiding my blump
    3. An amazing little family trip last week
    4. My DS being a champ and sleeping great away from home
    5. All the amazing food I ate on vacation
    6. Not feeling super nauseated all the time
    7. My own bed after a week away
    8. MH, who has been wonderfully helpful and patient with me during my 1st tri crazies.
    9. Stretchy pants
    10. Our chimney finally getting fixed this weekend
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • 1. Being pregnant!
    2. Cooler weather
    3. That I can stomach coffee again
    4. That my NIPT results were normal
    5. DS
    6. DH working so hard right now
    7. My bro and SIL are having baby #3 today! (Probably today)
    8. A great weekend away
    9. Feeling a little better!
    10. Large flowy clothing 😂
  • I need this today, I seem to be in a negative funk.
    1. Today I am pregnant.
    2. DH doesn't work today and he can do bedtime routine for DD!
    3. I had a nice lunch with my aunt and cousin.
    4. Plans to go to a pumpkin patch this weekend, as a family!
    5. Halloween is NEXT WEEK! I love Halloween.
    6. New fan in our master bathroom! DH put it in at the end of last week, our old one sucked.
    7. Podcasts
    8. I'm excited to start planning DD's birthday party.
    9. My workload is winding down!
    10. Sleep.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • 1. That I'm still pregnant (I think)
    2. My bathroom now has a light fixture I don't hate!
    3. My naturopath, I met with her this morning for the first time and it was lovely
    4. The sun is shining right now, it has been mostly cloudy today
    5. My husband came home for lunch today
    6. This community, where we all share our experience and journey
    7. That I don't have to go to work every day
    8. I mostly feel good aside from fatigue
    9. My father in law came to do some work at my house to help with renovations
    10. He just left and I can now take a nap
  • drkoyyadrkoyya member
    edited October 2019
    1. I’m pregnant 
    2. Got to see a super clear look at baby today 
    3. DH for putting up with me and going to my NT scan with me 
    4. My appetite is back and I can enjoy food again
    5. DH for buying me food I was craving 
    6. Tacos
    7. Social Media (I usually would never say this but I announced the pregnancy today and I’ve gotten a lot of love and support from distant friends and acquaintances)
    8. My job
    9. The NBA is back. Still grateful even though my Lakers lost
    10. YOU ALL! This board honestly has kept me (mostly) sane during my first first trimester.
    Me: 28  DH: 29
    BFP 08/25/19, EDD 05/04/20
  • 1. Being 10w2d. <3
    2. Last night's choir concert went great, and tonight's band concert should be just as successful.
    3. We made $413 in donations last night, which is enough to cover some of our expenses for marching season.
    4. On Friday H and I are going to see the Broadway tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. I didn't love this show until I conducted it at school last spring and now I can't get enough.
    5. I have a lot of awesome students who are always ready to jump up and be helpful, even when they don't know I'm pregnant.
    6. We get to start working on holiday music tomorrow!
    7. Speaking of holiday music, my chamber choir was invited to collaborate with choirs from my high school (as in, where I went) and my grad school for a big holiday concert in December, and I will be singing some solos. It's going to be a huge, amazing collision of all my worlds.
    8. I'm taking next Tuesday off work to go on DD's class field trip to the pumpkin patch.
    9. I think we are going to tell our families this weekend about this baby. I haven't come up with any cute announcements, but I don't think it will matter that much.
    10. We don't have a marching band competition this weekend, which gives us a much needed breather, especially after concert week.
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