feeling really depressed tonight... I wasn’t able to breast feed And had a huge delay in my milk supply coming in. but I’ve tried everything and my son just won’t latch. So I resulted in pumping and giving him what I can pump and topping him off with formula. At this point he’s a formula fed baby with a few feedings of Breast milk mainly for taste. my milk supply won’t come in still with just the pump. I’ve tried everything from supplements and vitamins, lactation cookies, peppermint, hot compress. I still can’t seem to pump more than 30ml from both sides total.. every few hours if that. It’s really exhausting and my sons only getting enough to taste and not to make a meal out of. Is this still worth trying? Is my 30ml making a difference or should I just save myself the heartache and try and accept that I am just one of those moms who couldn’t do it?
Re: should I give up ?
Due: 6 Nov 2021
In a separate note, if baby does seem to have a latch issue, you may want to check with your doctor on a tongue or lip tie. Could easily be nothing, but could also simply be worth asking doc or ENT opinion.