1. DH for being super sweet and understanding of my all over the place emotions 2. Getting to hear my Lo's heartbeat this morning 3. My wonderful sister who understands all the up's and down's of pregnancy and is my support through it all 4. My body pillow. I don't know how I ever slept without one 5. Netflix 6. Bagels and Cream Cheese 7. Apples (my snack of choice for the week) 8. Meal prepping 9. The cool weather (finally) 10. Halloween movies on Freeform
1. Beautiful fall weather 2. Leggings 3. Baby movement (however inconsistent) 4. My doppler 5. Nutella 6. My mom, who took both kids on a walk so I could rest and take a hot shower. 7. Hot showers on cool days 8. Fuzzy blankets 9. Cinnamon dulce coffee creamer 10. My BFF who talks me through life
@miss.sally Nutella is, like, the only chocolate I can handle right now? So nowww I might have to go slice up an apple and dip slices in some nutella and peanut butter...
@stacey6689 Which Halloween movies are your faves?
1) It was only in the 60s/70s on my drive to work/walk to my building earlier this morning. HALLLELUJAH. 2) My students who care about the work they are doing/what we are learning and make it apparent by coming to me with questions/turning in good work/laughing at my dumb jokes when I'm lecturing 3) That The Voice is back on! (I only watch until America starts voting, then I get mad and stop watching, but I love the first 2/3 of each season) 4) DH for being so understanding lately that I feel like trash 75% of the time I am awake. 5) my Philadelphia Eagles 6) Talenti Roman Raspberry Sorbet 7) That I'm feeling better today than yesterday, though I know that likely won't last. 8) The free music festival coming up this weekend, right next to campus 9) The book I am reading and enjoying: an advance reader's copy of The Dolphin Letters, which contains letters between Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Hardwick, & others in their literary circle 10) That I have an appointment and get to have a u/s this Friday morning!
1. Book club tonight...which means tacos as well 2. DH finally trying nose strips which has led to me having the best nights sleep lately 3. Seeing our little girl last friday for the first time since 7w 4. Tomorrow is my big 3-0...which I'm not entirely sure I'm excited for but I do love birthdays 5. A weekend getaway with our favorite couple at their cabin this weekend 6. Football season 7. Fall weather 8. My new pregnancy pillow 9. DH has a huge promotion interview tomorrow that I know he will just crush 10. Dry shampoo
2. Getting some kid free time to go see Downton Abbey movie 3. Pumpkin picking 4. DS has started saying “I love you most in the world” to me 5. DS singing songs 6. DH being supportive of all my aches and pains and cravings 7. Portrait mode on my phone camera 8. Leggings 9. Making too much spaghetti on accident so I had leftovers for lunch 10. Taco salad for dinner tonight!
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@mommyxthree2020 did you get the Polar Express tickets for the narrow gauge railroad in Portland? We just did too but are actually going weekend before thanksgiving bc everything else was sold out for first class. Hope it’s good, we haven’t been before!
@stacey6689 oh I forgot about Halloween movies on free form! I’ll have to check some out!
1) my bump popping overnight 2) my awesome DH who has been amazing this entire pregnancy 3) super supportive and caring colleagues and coworkers 4) being part of a committee to talk about MH stigma in our hospital and beyond 5) my awesome extended family and my parents for being so great 6) upcoming Canadian elections remind me how lucky I am to live somewhere we can vote to choose our Prime Minister 7) shopping yesterday and finding a sweet faux leather biker jacket for fall I feel great in 8) making my new house feel more like home every day 9) my cozy sweaters 10) FALL IS HERE! Loving leggings and sweater weather
@varimama “I love you most in the world” 😭 @babyfox320 dry shampoo!! Always thankful for that! @miss.sally fuzzy blankets! Yes! @kagesstarshroom I love that your students are into their learning
@stacey6689 yes to bagels and cream cheese! It’s my breakfast at least 3 times a week.
i really need this today! I’ve been super stressed.
1. My husband. He’s just the best. 2. Lovely students. I actually had a kid raise her hand in class today to say “thank you for teaching me this.” 😭 3. DD’s creativity. She has started telling stories and drawing intentional pictures and it’s so interesting to watch and listen to her. 4. My parents for making me dinner tonight. 5. Um...whistleblowers? Haha 6. Finally having a real bump to show off in my maternity clothes. 7. Supportive colleagues 8. Sunny fall days 9. Sleep 10. Hot apple cider
1. Hearing LO’s heartbeat yesterday! 2. Receiving flowers and a gift card at work from a client ahead of their wedding next weekend! 3. Long lunch out with my coworkers today 4. Also left early for a mani pedi 5. Weather cooled down so I can wear my stretchy comfortable pants. 6. Anticipating my new maternity clothes coming in the mail. 7. @kagesstarshroom watching The Voice with hubby! I love that me forcing him to watch with me over the years has actually got him into it. 8. My cats being extra snuggly right now. 9. Pumpkin spice everything. #basic 10. Pajamas & slippers
@varimama yes we booked Narrow Gauge! It's super cute - all the kiddos (and some grownups, myself included) go in their pajamas and get to sip hot coco. I want to try out the one in NH through the White Mountains, but this year the Polar Express and Disney on Ice lined up perfectly (we have PE on Sat night and Disney on Ice on Sunday morning) so we stayed local this year. You'll have to keep us posted on how you all like it!!
@uno_mas ughhh homemade chicken soup sounds so good right now. Also, I LIVE in my bathrobes. My kids think I am the laziest person in the world.
@pdx2020 OFFICE NAP ROOM? Where do you work and how can I work there? LOL I've been taking a 15 minute "break" and passing out on a yoga mat on the floor in my office. What I would give for a nap room.
@mommyxthree2020 awesome! It looks super cute and we’re going with his cousins too so hopefully that makes it lots of fun! I was looking at the white mountain ones too but we chose this one because it’s a shorter ride, I don’t think my 2.5 yo is ready to sit for 2 hours.
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@mommyxthree2020@silverhope I know, it's kind of ridiculous! Not that I'm complaining. We also have a lactation suite and homework room for kiddos on break from school. Perks of working with 90% women and being founded by two working moms, I think!
@mommyxthree2020 definitely not the laziest person in the world but perhaps the coziest. Have you ever seen The Big Lebowski? You can be the mom version of “the dude” 👍. (Halloween costume?!)
Re: Ten Things Tuesday 10/8/19
2. Getting to hear my Lo's heartbeat this morning
3. My wonderful sister who understands all the up's and down's of pregnancy and is my support through it all
4. My body pillow. I don't know how I ever slept without one
5. Netflix
6. Bagels and Cream Cheese
7. Apples (my snack of choice for the week)
8. Meal prepping
9. The cool weather (finally)
10. Halloween movies on Freeform
2. Leggings
3. Baby movement (however inconsistent)
4. My doppler
5. Nutella
6. My mom, who took both kids on a walk so I could rest and take a hot shower.
7. Hot showers on cool days
8. Fuzzy blankets
9. Cinnamon dulce coffee creamer
10. My BFF who talks me through life
@stacey6689 Which Halloween movies are your faves?
1) It was only in the 60s/70s on my drive to work/walk to my building earlier this morning. HALLLELUJAH.
2) My students who care about the work they are doing/what we are learning and make it apparent by coming to me with questions/turning in good work/laughing at my dumb jokes when I'm lecturing
3) That The Voice is back on! (I only watch until America starts voting, then I get mad and stop watching, but I love the first 2/3 of each season)
4) DH for being so understanding lately that I feel like trash 75% of the time I am awake.
5) my Philadelphia Eagles
6) Talenti Roman Raspberry Sorbet
7) That I'm feeling better today than yesterday, though I know that likely won't last.
8) The free music festival coming up this weekend, right next to campus
9) The book I am reading and enjoying: an advance reader's copy of The Dolphin Letters, which contains letters between Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Hardwick, & others in their literary circle
10) That I have an appointment and get to have a u/s this Friday morning!
ETA to add tags!
2. DH finally trying nose strips which has led to me having the best nights sleep lately
3. Seeing our little girl last friday for the first time since 7w
4. Tomorrow is my big 3-0...which I'm not entirely sure I'm excited for but I do love birthdays
5. A weekend getaway with our favorite couple at their cabin this weekend
6. Football season
7. Fall weather
8. My new pregnancy pillow
9. DH has a huge promotion interview tomorrow that I know he will just crush
10. Dry shampoo
3. Pumpkin picking
4. DS has started saying “I love you most in the world” to me
5. DS singing songs
6. DH being supportive of all my aches and pains and cravings
7. Portrait mode on my phone camera
8. Leggings
9. Making too much spaghetti on accident so I had leftovers for lunch
10. Taco salad for dinner tonight!
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@stacey6689 oh I forgot about Halloween movies on free form! I’ll have to check some out!
@“miss.sally” I love my doppler too!
@kagesstarshroom I need to be more thankful for good days rather than fretting about how it won’t last!
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
2) my awesome DH who has been amazing this entire pregnancy
3) super supportive and caring colleagues and coworkers
4) being part of a committee to talk about MH stigma in our hospital and beyond
5) my awesome extended family and my parents for being so great
6) upcoming Canadian elections remind me how lucky I am to live somewhere we can vote to choose our Prime Minister
7) shopping yesterday and finding a sweet faux leather biker jacket for fall I feel great in
8) making my new house feel more like home every day
9) my cozy sweaters
10) FALL IS HERE! Loving leggings and sweater weather
@babyfox320 dry shampoo!! Always thankful for that!
@miss.sally fuzzy blankets! Yes!
@kagesstarshroom I love that your students are into their learning
@varimama Saw the downton movie on Sunday!!! It was amazing. I laughed and cried a lot lol
@babyfox320 Happy Early Birthday!!! And yes to tacos and book club lol
@mommyxthree2020 lol grocery shopping alone ♥️
i really need this today! I’ve been super stressed.
1. My husband. He’s just the best.
2. Lovely students. I actually had a kid raise her hand in class today to say “thank you for teaching me this.” 😭
3. DD’s creativity. She has started telling stories and drawing intentional pictures and it’s so interesting to watch and listen to her.
4. My parents for making me dinner tonight.
5. Um...whistleblowers? Haha
6. Finally having a real bump to show off in my maternity clothes.
7. Supportive colleagues
8. Sunny fall days
9. Sleep
10. Hot apple cider
2. Receiving flowers and a gift card at work from a client ahead of their wedding next weekend!
3. Long lunch out with my coworkers today
4. Also left early for a mani pedi
5. Weather cooled down so I can wear my stretchy comfortable pants.
6. Anticipating my new maternity clothes coming in the mail.
7. @kagesstarshroom watching The Voice with hubby! I love that me forcing him to watch with me over the years has actually got him into it.
8. My cats being extra snuggly right now.
9. Pumpkin spice everything. #basic
10. Pajamas & slippers
@kantobean Whistleblowers yesss.
2. My BFF sending me adorable baby pictures all afternoon as inspiration 🥺
3. Pumpkin chocolate loaf in the lunchroom
4. My husband, who is the best
5. New red lipstick 💄
6. David Bowie
7. @babyfox320, I’ve got book club tomorrow! Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. It was good!
10. Baby flutters!
2. My daughter losing her first two teeth. It’s been so long since our son lost teeth that I forgot how fun it is.
3. Homemade chicken soup
4. .... with sriracha. Everything with sriracha.
5. The Kale Reuben recipe that @orbmaker mentioned last week. Made it 3 times already!
6. The library
7. My fleece robe
8. Finding baby gear on OfferUp
9. Our church’s small groups.. love our mama group and intentional family group
10. Fall break and an excuse to take a few days off work and hang out with my kids.
@uno_mas ughhh homemade chicken soup sounds so good right now. Also, I LIVE in my bathrobes. My kids think I am the laziest person in the world.
@pdx2020 OFFICE NAP ROOM? Where do you work and how can I work there? LOL I've been taking a 15 minute "break" and passing out on a yoga mat on the floor in my office. What I would give for a nap room.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@uno_mas love sriracha. Last pregnancy it was an aversion for me and I was so sad. This time I want it on all the things (as usual ha).
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@mommyxthree2020 definitely not the laziest person in the world but perhaps the coziest. Have you ever seen The Big Lebowski? You can be the mom version of “the dude” 👍. (Halloween costume?!)