What's going on this week?
How far along are you?
Upcoming appointments?
GTKY: What's on your travel bucket list? (Inspired by the other location threads this week)
Me: 33 DH: 33
Married: 10.15.16
BFP: 12.24.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
Re: TTGP Check-in 9.26
How far along are you? 14w5d
Upcoming appointments? Not until 16w6d
Cravings/Symptoms? Still feeling on and off like c-r-a-p--yesterday I was good during the morning/early afternoon and just AWFUL come nighttime. I couldn't eat anything even though I was hungry. I felt full and hungry at the same time, and also nauseated and tired but not sleepy. It was the worst.
Rants/Raves/Randoms? IDK if I typed this in any other thread, but I turned in a complete (not final, but at LEAST complete) version of my dissertation to my diss. director this past weekend, which is a BIG rave. Rant: graduating is stupidly expensive somehow, just like everything else in my life, but not going to start ranting about $ here bc oh I could.
Questions? Did anyone catch that Peggy over in TTGP this week? I heard it was the nastiest one ever--I missed it before it got deleted, but the girls in the dailies were still talking about how even though it was seemingly clearly a troll, they are all still shook.
GTKY: What's on your travel bucket list? (Inspired by the other location threads this week) JAPAN is really big and number one, for sure. I want to do Tokyo and then the quiet rural countryside as well. I will be highly disappointed at myself in life if I never make it there.
Also, I didn’t mean to post and ghost. I had an offsite meeting all day yesterday and didn’t bump.
What's going on this week? Not much! Just getting back into the swing of things since my ILs are out of the house.
How far along are you? 16+5
Upcoming appointments? Oct 8
Cravings/Symptoms? Still eating all the things. My back is somewhat better after pulling it Monday night, but not 100%.
Rants/Raves/Randoms? Rant: I need to clean the house this weekend, and really don’t feel like it. But we might put up Halloween decorations, so that’s a rave!
Random: we officially put baby on the list for daycare. Not looking forward to paying for 2 kids at daycare though!
GTKY: What's on your travel bucket list? France, Italy, and Greece. In the U.S., I need to get to the West Coast more and I really want to go to NYC around Christmas time.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20