Well it's only Tuesday, but so far it's the guy who made my breakfast burrito this morning. I took my first bite and the cheese wasn't even melted. And cold eggs make me gaggy. Super disappointing.
My children. The 18 month sleep regression has been going on for over a month now with no end in sight. The littlest wakes up between 2 and 3 am and then thinks it’s party time. Well MH had to be at work at 4 and instead he left for work at 4 am between the littlest only wanting him and refusing to sleep and the big kid waking up at 3:30 with a nightmare. So they both were in my bed until 5:30 when the littlest agreed to go to his bed and I spent the next two hours getting kicked in the kidneys and pushed out of the king sized by by the kid who only wants to sleep touching you. 😣
Oh and coffee makes me super nauseous right now so that can kick rocks too.
My school district because we're 4 weeks in and I still don't feel like I have a routine going. We consolidated to a pk-12 school from being in a high school last year. I don't have my own room anymore and now travel between two rooms. They gave us desks half the size that we had last year I just can't get comfortable. I spent my lunch rearranging my "space" because it just doesn't feel right. I think by the time I feel it's my space I'll be leaving on mat leave. Which will add to a whole new mess of everything.
90% of people in the school pick up line! I pick up 4 kids from school and can manage to get them in the van and they all get buckled and we are gone and out of the way before some of these yahoos even figure out what they are supposed to be doing!
To the receptionist that answered the phone at my doctors office, HG is not solved with ginger ale and crackers......I actually laughed at her over the phone and asked if she’s ever met a patient with HG. Just get me my doctor so I can get my scripts and stop helping me with my “morning sickness tips” 🙄
@shamrocandroll I just cracked up reading the burrito open letter.
@shanana_3 what is wrong with that nurse? What did she say when you asked her if she had met a HG patient?
My TW is everyone at work, our company is growing like crazy but everyone wants to be in every meeting to make every decision. That is not sustainable and makes my job impossible.
******TW******Siggy warning BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d; BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
@queenklau she said yes that she had seen HG patients but what’s funny is she put me on hold first when I asked about a prescription then came back on the line and said “have you tried ginger ale” 🤨😒 when you barf 20 times a day, ginger ale isn’t going to work lady.
My school district because we're 4 weeks in and I still don't feel like I have a routine going. We consolidated to a pk-12 school from being in a high school last year. I don't have my own room anymore and now travel between two rooms. They gave us desks half the size that we had last year I just can't get comfortable. I spent my lunch rearranging my "space" because it just doesn't feel right. I think by the time I feel it's my space I'll be leaving on mat leave. Which will add to a whole new mess of everything.
I feel you! I work at a school that was built for 350 kids and we now have almost 700 kids (we have doubled in only 3 years!) I didn't have my own room last year and It's so hard not having your own space to really make procedures and routines work well for everyone. This year I'm lucky enough to have my own room, but the teacher that shares my room has to travel to 5 different classrooms and she's pretty frustrated with all of it.
@chewie5990 I can't imagine having to be in 5 different rooms! I'm luckily between 2 rooms, 1 was the old staff room and the other is a math room. Safety Committee came through yesterday and asked why there was a crock pot in "my room" and I said well a few weeks ago this was a staff room you figure it out.
Re: TW Tuesday 9/24
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
My children. The 18 month sleep regression has been going on for over a month now with no end in sight. The littlest wakes up between 2 and 3 am and then thinks it’s party time. Well MH had to be at work at 4 and instead he left for work at 4 am between the littlest only wanting him and refusing to sleep and the big kid waking up at 3:30 with a nightmare. So they both were in my bed until 5:30 when the littlest agreed to go to his bed and I spent the next two hours getting kicked in the kidneys and pushed out of the king sized by by the kid who only wants to sleep touching you. 😣
Oh and coffee makes me super nauseous right now so that can kick rocks too.
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
To the receptionist that answered the phone at my doctors office, HG is not solved with ginger ale and crackers......I actually laughed at her over the phone and asked if she’s ever met a patient with HG. Just get me my doctor so I can get my scripts and stop helping me with my “morning sickness tips” 🙄
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
I can't imagine having to be in 5 different rooms! I'm luckily between 2 rooms, 1 was the old staff room and the other is a math room. Safety Committee came through yesterday and asked why there was a crock pot in "my room" and I said well a few weeks ago this was a staff room you figure it out.