May 2020 Moms

PGAL Check-In - Week of 9/16

This thread is for those who are pregnant after a previous loss (or losses)

1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 

2. Previous loss(es)? 

3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? 

4. Any appointment updates? 

5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 

6. Any milestones coming up? 

Re: PGAL Check-In - Week of 9/16

  • ruby696ruby696 member
    edited September 2019
    1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 5+4/May 14th/TTM

    2. Previous loss(es)? 3 CP's, 2 MMC's, 1 BO/MMC.

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Okay. I have lots if symptoms, but none are overwhelmingly terrible. I would feel better if I felt more miserable. But my symptoms are pretty much on par with what's normal in pregnancy for me.

    4. Any appointment updates? Nothing this week. US next week. *breathes into paper bag*

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My symptoms keep coming and going and it makes me so nervous. I finally had to stop wearing my Fitbit because I was obsessing over my RHR. I just hate this part and am so nervous for next week's US.

    6. Any milestones coming up? I've passed all my CP milestones. Next weeks US will be a big one (at 6+4), then I just need yo get past my last milestone, which is 8+1.

    Eta: formatting
  • @ruby696 I think it’s safe to say that I am equally excited for your US than you are 😂 you might be T/F/FTM all at once!
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  • Lol! Omg @mokay19, I don't think so! I'm so worried there won't be any viable embryos in there. I don't even know what I would do if there was more than one. 
  • 1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom?  4+2 / STM

    2. Previous loss(es)? MC before DD in 2016, MC in May 2019, CP in June 2019

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Emotionally I’m excited but I keep telling myself to stop it and that I need to wait longer to get excited. Physically I’m just bloated from all the progesterone with a little nausea feeling. 

    4. Any appointment updates?  My hCG on Thursday afternoon at 12 DPO was 124. Hoping for a report of a good rise today!

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions?  DH and I told family early last pregnancy that resulted in a loss that we both want to wait longer this time. However, now that we live by family and see them regularly, it makes it more difficult. We’ll do our best!

    6. Any milestones coming up?  We agreed to take it one step at a time. So, our next milestone is to show an appropriately increasing hCG and good progesterone today. Then Wednesday. And then we’ll look forward to an US. 
  • @ruby696 well I’m hoping for at least one, but (since I’m not carrying them) would be totally okay with more 😂
  • Good luck with your betas this week @mokay19!!
  • 1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom?  7+1/May 3rd/1 DS

    2. Previous loss(es)? MMC this past April

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? In the supreme irony of PGAL life, I'm feeling better now that I'm feeling sick. But physically, it sucks and I hate it.

    4. Any appointment updates? Sept 23, only one more week until my first appointment

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? My husband will be spending the next few days at a work retreat at one of those indoor water parks. Yeah you have fun dear. I'll just be here dry heaving and taking care of our 3 year old, nbd. Luckily DS is in preschool so I get some breaks.

    6. Any milestones coming up? 
  • @ruby696 I've got everything crossed for you at next weeks US. I agree that this part of pregnancy is the worst. Glad you have symptoms on par with previous pregnancies, hang in there! 

    @mokay19 Yay for a good beta, fx for another good one today!

    @emlettuce Glad you are feeling bad, but also sorry  :) 

    1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom?  5+4, 5/14, 1 DS

    2. Previous loss(es)? MC at 11 weeks before DS

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Physically I'm feeling pretty crappy (not miserable yet though) which is a huge relief. Like others have said, it sucks but it's also worth a little peace of mind. Anyway, so I'm feeling a little emotionally better than last week. I have been having a lot of cramping/lower back pain though which always makes me a little uneasy.

    4. Any appointment updates? I have a nurse visit tomorrow but that's it until 10/4.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Those of you on supportive progesterone, when are you guys stopping?

    6. Any milestones coming up? Not yet

  • @rachelg777 I have been feeling crampy with low back pain off and on the past day or two, this is new for me and I have only ever associated this feeling with an impending period so it's causing me anxiety.

    I believe progesterone will continue until about 10 weeks.  The doctor explained that the placenta takes over around that time so that's why we can stop supplementing then.

    Ladies, I cannot focus, I have my scan tomorrow, I am excited and terrified.  Last time at our early scan was when we found out it might not be viable, so it's hard for me to just think tomorrow is the day we can first see our baby and hopefully hear the heartbeat.
  • @pirateduck Hopefully, it's just your little one getting cozy. But I'm sorry, I know it is anxiety inducing. I did have a lot of cramping/low back pain in my pregnancy with DS so I know it can be normal. I'm sending you all the good vibes for your scan tomorrow!

    Re progesterone - Thanks! I know some stop as early as 8 weeks but that seemed a little early to me. Some continue to 12 weeks so was just curious what others will be doing.
  • @rachelg777 all 3 of my RE’s have done progesterone til week 10 because like pirateduck said, that’s when the placenta takes over. Some RE’s will graduate you to your OB before that time but they’ll keep you on it until then. There is no harm in continuing it, but it could be an issue if you need it and you stop so it’s a reassurance thing to me to stay on it as long as I can!
  • @mokay19 that’s wonderful!!
  • @pirateduck Good luck at your scan today! 
  • edited September 2019
    1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 5+5 - 5/14 - Second child

    2. Previous loss(es)?
    NMC 12/25/16
    CP 07/13/18

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? I'm doing ok. I don't have a ton of symptoms, but just enough that I'm not freaking out. H told me he had a dream that we had another MC and he was all shook up about it. It was one of those super realistic dreams, poor guy.

    4. Any appointment updates? Not till next Monday

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Yesterday was overcast with a few light was amazing! I know it's supposed to heat back up, but it was nice to have a fall-ish day.

    6. Any milestones coming up? Nope

    @ruby696 and @emlettuce monday can't come soon enough!

    @mokay19 we have told family already this time around. Our 2nd loss was a CP and nobody knew I was ku and I felt like it was harder to tell people about a loss when they didn't even know I was pregnant than it was to tell them about the first one that everyone knew about. And congrats on the great betas!

    @rachelg777 I've been having lower back and pelvis pain too and it messes with your mind big time! I'm on progesterone this time around and my RE said 10-12 weeks.

    @pirateduck good luck at your scan today!

    Eta forgot tag
  • @mokay19 great betas!!! Congrats!!

    1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 5w6d/May 13 for now/1 DD

    2. Previous loss(es)? MC at 5w2d in August

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? A little more confident every day. This weekend I felt the urge to pee on another stick, and the test line was so strong that it sucked the dye away from the control line, so that made me feel better. Symptoms are still not terrible or super strong, just more stretching in my abdomen, some breast soreness, and the occasional nausea, especially when I haven't eaten recently enough.

    4. Any appointment updates? I had a phone appointment last night, mostly to go over genetic testing info and stuff, and our first US/OB appointment is scheduled for October 1! It feels so far away.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing pregnancy related.

    6. Any milestones coming up? Nope
  • @pirateduck good luck with your scan today!

    @ruby696 the coming and going of the symptoms this early always make me nervous. Big hugs. You can make it to next week! I’m waiting to see how many babies you have!

    @mokay19 that’s an amazing rise! Yay!

    @emlettuce I feel the same way—the sick is reassuring but it still sucks. 

    @rachelg777 I hope you have a great appointment today!

    @splashmountain I’m so glad you have some reassuring symptoms and some nice fall weather to enjoy. 

    @soprano19 I had a test last week that did that too. It was reassuring enough that I stopped testing. 

    Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom?
    5+3/16 May/TTM

    Previous Losses?
    MC at 5 weeks between DS1&2/CPs

    How are you feeling? Emotionally and Physically?
    Physically right now I am not the worst but I’ve been getting sick. Yesterday was three times, and today so far ((knock on wood)) I haven’t been sick yet. But it’s reassuring. Emotionally I’m trying to not even start with the anxiety but with my appointment coming up next Wednesday I’m sure it’s going to creep in. I meet with my doula Thursday and she offered to do some labs for me too. Today, I am pregnant. <3

    Any appointment updates?
    First appointment with my OB next Wednesday and I’ll meet either doula, who is also a midwife on Thursday of this week. 

    Just that DS1 is so sweet to me after I throw up. Lol. And my patience is at an all time low right now so I feel bad when I’m snappy with my kids.

    This is the week I lost my baby between the boys so I’ve been trying to not think too much about it. The getting sick is reassuring at least.
  • @mdfarmchick it’s a weird place in life when you appreciate nausea and occasional puking! Good luck with the doula appt!
  • @mdfarmchick I'm sorry this is a rough week for you. And I'm completely jealous of your nausea. Which is such a weird thing to say.
  • @ruby696 I completely get it. So know I mean this in the nicest possible way, I hope you have some morning sickness soon too. 
  • @pirateduck yay! So happy for you!
  • @pirateduck that’s wonderful news. <3
  • @pirateduck so glad to hear it! <3
  • @pirateduck Yay! That is so awesome! 
    @mdfarmchick yes, while being sick is no fun, it is reassuring. --and I like that, "today I am pregnant" I am still testing (on cheapies) every other night or so, and every time I see those two little pink lines, I tell DH, "I'm still pregnant" 

    1. Weeks/EDD/How many times a mom? 

    5w5d / May 14th/ 1DS

    2. Previous loss(es)? 
    Early mc August 2016 about 8 weeks I think. Vanishing twin with my DS at about 10 weeks

    3. How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? 
    I'm pretty nervous. but also hesitantly excited... It's actually hard for me to even admit that I am excited because I am so afraid. We chose to tell a handful of people because I wanted the support if the worst happens, but I also dread that too. I have a horrid cold/allergy think going on. My nose is stuffy and runny and dry all at the same time. I feel a little bloated, but not too bad. Nausea comes and go. I get really nervous when I don't feel nauseous, which is an odd thing to admit! :blush: My boobs hurt. I am absolutely exhausted constantly. 

    4. Any appointment updates? 
    After the BFPs, I immediately saw my OB-- I hadn't even missed a period yet (she is absolutely wonderful and understands my anxiety!) My first Beta was 604, progesterone was only 6.3 so she started me on twice a day progesterone. Two days later HCG was 1160. I had blood drawn again today to check hcg and progesterone, so I am anxiously waiting for those results, but they probably wont come back until tomorrow some time. I have an appointment with the hematologist tomorrow to see why I am always so anemic (scheduled before we found out I am pregnant) and my red blood cells are not good. (not exactly sure what's not good about them... but levels are bad or something.) I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 25th. I feel like I am holding my breath. 

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 
    Nothing really right now... 

    6. Any milestones coming up? 
    I will feel better around 11 weeks I think... who am I kidding, last pregnancy I was a ball of nerves the entire time... My dad died while I was in labor, so I imagine I will be an emotional mess all the way through. 

    Trigger warning

    me: 28 dh: 34
    married since October 2015-started trying immediately
    dx: PCOS, anovulatory
    rx: provera metformin progesterone
    BFP August 2016- early mc- Enoch Matthis
    1 clomid cycle (March 2017)
    BFP March 2017  ~  EDD December 13, 2017
    di/di TWINS!!!!! vanishing twin- Hannah Jordan
    DS-Nov 23, 2017- emergency induction-- Pre-eclampsia
    *End TW*
    BFP Sept.2019

  • @mrswifeytoad “today I am pregnant” was my mantra my whole last pregnancy since I had my MC right before that. I always tell myself I’ll feel better at x or y, but the truth is I still checked the tp when I was pregnant at 36 weeks just like I did at 5 weeks. Hugs. I’m so sorry you lost your dad during labor. That’s got to be hard. 
  • @shamrocandroll Your scan sounds exactly like mine.  I have a small fibroid of no concern (less than a cm and doesn't intrude into the uterine space).  A cyst on the left ovary, doctor said should resolve on its own around 14 weeks...  I'm not sure if this is where the egg popped out of or something different, I didn't ask since the doctor wasn't concerned.  I also have another blob, of what they don't know, fluid, blood, another gestational sac...  it's a few mm, about the same size of my gestational sac.  We just have to watch it and see if it shrinks or grows or what, but since fetal pole measured the right size and sac is in a good position in the uterus the doctor doesn't think this fluid is of concern in terms of development at this stage so I'm trying not to worry about that and just thrilled to have seen a heartbeat, which is a milestone for me because my loss was a BO/empty sac.  Also, prior to pregnancy, whenever I'd have scans to measure follicles and such I almost always had some free fluid noted in the cul de sac.
  • *lurking from April* @pirateduck and @shamrocandroll I have the same cyst/"large corpus luteal".  The doctor confirmed that's the side egg popped from and said the same thing, should resolve on it's own but something to watch.  
  • @shamrocandroll I'm sorry about your 7+1 milestone. Hugs and fx for continued good US's next week.
  • How often or at what weeks are your doctors doing ultrasounds?  
  • @pirateduck My RE does them at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. In previous pregnancies, my OB does one during the pregnancy confirmation appointment sometime after 6 weeks and will do more if things don't look right. I'm not sure if my OB will do one for me this time since I will already have had two. Then there's the NT at 12 weeks and AS at 18-20 weeks. That should be it unless you're being monitored more closely for some reason.
  • 😂😂😂 @m6agua
  • @pirateduck mine does a dating scan around 8 weeks, the NT scan at 12-13, and the AS at 20.
  • @shamrocandroll I was starting to worry a little you were ghosting us so I’m glad to know you were just enjoying some vacation time. I’m sorry it’s a milestone week for you. I am glad that you had a good scan though and hope the good balances the uncertainty. <3

    @pirateduck mine will most likely do a dating scan either at my first appointment or closer to 8 weeks. Then that should be it until the anatomy scan. I plan to do the NIPT test. 
  • @pirateduck @KFrob @rachelg777 @mdfarmchick Thank you for the reassurance and positive thoughts, ladies! ❤️
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @shamrocandroll How did I miss your update?! I hope you're doing okay and your appt next week goes well. I, too, was a little nervous since we didn't hear from you for a couple days. Glad you were on vacation! ❤
  • @pirateduck my RE will do 6, 7, and 8 weeks. Then I’ll switch to my OB at 10 weeks and they said that they don’t do one then unless there is concern so hopefully they won’t have to! And then the anatomy scan around 20 weeks!
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